The FastDay Forum

Benefits & Side Effects

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Did my second fast yesterday, near the end I was feeling sick so I went to bed, this morning im feeling super tired and low energy, i ate some toast this morning but realt dont have an apatite. Has anyone else felt this way at the begining?? How many fasts before it goes away?
Unlike most posters on this forum, I have no energy whatsoever on my fast days and still feel a bit weary (and starving!) the day after too. I've been doing this for 10 weeks now and on this I've seen no change.
I'm amazed at the amount of people who go running or to the gym on their fast days. Doing exercise makes me incredibly hungry so doing it on a fast day is impossible for me.
We're all different and handle this WOE in different ways. As long as the weight continues to drop, albeit very slowly for me, I can deal with the negative points.
It should clear up quickly. The fact that you're still feeling washed out mizztraveller suggests to me that something is stopping you from using fat for energy which is why you're feeling bad. Things that can do this are high insulin levels, thyroid problems or just your body being very reluctant to swap to fat burning. Have you ever done a low carb diet? How was it for you? Going low carb for a week might tip your body into fat burning mode which is what you need to feel good on fast days and after.
ive never tried it ... but ill give it a go, i just dont want to feel like this every time i fast
Krista, I felt truly dreadful on the first fast but it did get better, hopefully you will find the same. I did not try low carbing to cure it and it all got easier anyway.

I am surprised though that mizztraveller is still struggling. For her a low carb test might be worthwhile.

Our bodies get used to having carbs for energy when we eat a high carb diet with frequent meals. As we can only store enough carbs as sugar (the rest gets turned to fat) for about a day's worth of activity, unless our bodies switch to using fat for energy we feel terrible by the end of the fast day/next morning. It takes some practice for the body to be able to switch smoothly between burning sugar to burning fat. That's why the first fasts are so hard. Going low carb before the fast helps to prime the body for fat burning.
That's really useful to know Carorees! I am a high carb eater unfortunately so probably will feel rough for a while :P However it wasn't fast day I felt bad it was the day after.
Anyway, Krista I hope things look up for you. Can't give you much advice as I'm feeling pretty similar after my first fast. Still looking forward to my fast tomorrow though :)
Yes, it can take until the next day for your body's carb supplies to run low. The first carbs you eat go to restocking the carb store and are not so available for your body to use for energy, that's why you still feel bad after breakfast. Once you become a fat burner all will be good!
Thanks for the advice, i actualy came down with the flu so now i think thats why im feeling so low... i have another fast day tommorrow dont know if i should though because im sick
It's best just to go with what your body wants if you're poorly. If you feel like eating, eat, if not, don't! But if you do eat try to make healthy choices!

Hope you feel better soon!
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