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I was thinking the same thing @Domane, it was left 'up in the air'. I'm just going to watch the repeat on BBC3, perhaps I missed something?
Absolutely love it, but thank you to Rawkaren for sparing me the pain of trying to summarise 50 years into a few succinct paragraphs!
I got up at 6.45am yesterday morning to watch the special and thoroughly enjoyed it, especially all the little references to past episodes, particularly Billie Piper and Bad Wolf. Love the subtle humour and intricate threads, although I know from bitter experience it is difficult to pick if you miss a few episodes, e.g. I missed the River Song/Melody Pond saga while overseas and have struggled to pick it up again.
My favourite was John Pertwee, followed by Tom Baker, but for sheer 'crumpet' value, I love watching David Tennant!!!
I'm 58 and grew up watching the Doctor. Some of it frightened the life out of me and some docs I didn't like as much but I have to watch it. Debs, I agree, David Tennant is yummy.
Ah yes, the Zygons. I believe they were the catalyst for the Doctors realising they could freeze Gallifrey and keep it safe, as that is what the Zygons were doing in the paintings, freezing themselves and coming back when Earth is more 'civilised' (they'll be waiting a while).
The negotiations, I think were just a way of demonstrating how the Doctor never uses violence to solve a problem, but try and negotiate your way out of it. A result of hi having destroyed Gallifrey way back when.

Hope that helps Domane!!!
We had to watch the 50 thing 3 times yesterday. 9yo ds watched it; then his older brother and the OH. An hour or two later it was on again for the 9yo. Not sure I get the whole thing. But, I prefer it 1000 times over to the history channel or military channel. ;)
We're Whovians. But I often find it baffling!
I don't know a thing about Dr. Who, but Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. *swoon*
I managed to miss the show growing up, so was initially rather confused when I drove past this sign on my way home one day.

It had read "warning delays ahead" the day before.

Some months earlier on another road, a construction sign briefly read "Zombies Ahead".
Manderley wrote: The tittle says all..

Dr Who is not a big thing here so I saw my first episode ever this morning. It was the 50th birthday one, with 3 Dr and let's say I didn't understand a thing... I plan on watching some more as I found it really fun but need to understand it a bit more before

Any clues ?

I''m glad the two other posters agree with me.

You don't need to understand it because it is nonsense.
Its fun nonsense!
Exterminate :bugeyes: :shock:
I didnt get the bad wolf reference, can someone explain?
juliewil10 wrote: Its fun nonsense!
Exterminate :bugeyes: :shock:
I didnt get the bad wolf reference, can someone explain?

Who knew? I didn't get it either and I'm still not sure if I'm any the wiser....
Yep, thanks rawkaren for the reminder. I saw that episode, but once was not enough!
Like others have said, I watched it as a child, then came back to it a hundred years later for a while when stepson was into it. Then I got put off by the constant, loud background music - sorry to sound a grump, but when did we get so reliant on music to tell us what to feel when watching a drama? It's like someone holding up a big sign saying "this bit is really scary!" or "ooh! this is where you need your hankie!"

That aside, all I can say is: Christopher Eccleston. Christopher. Eccleston. THAT IS ALL :heart: :wink: :shock: :heart:
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