The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Don't do it to yourself Wino!! I have forced myself into bed with clean teeth in a bid to avoid eating!
@SueQ, glad to see you are on the mend.
Good luck to the people starting out, it does feel hard, but get a couple under your belt and it gets a lot easier, promise!!
Lots of newbies on today. Go well if you're starting out. Remember to drink tea and distract yourself. The hunger passes in waves. I hardly get it now, but I remember it. Nearly bedtime and then there's breakfast.
Goodnight all.
Yes I am here also tho bit disheartened as prev poster mentioned = I seem to be meandering around the same few lbs this month.

That mushroom and walnut burger sounds good! must have a look about for recipe.

So far so good, just two milkless teas and a bovril drink and one diabetic sugar free sweet to get me thru heavy traffic. Just put some sparking water in fridge to chill. Evening meal will be couple of eggs with some stir fry veggies with garlic/tom puree. Oh and have a homemade soup as a 'starter' which seems to help with appetite Annie kicking in post meal.
I'm here @Sue.Q , (on page 02) :) I'm not doing that well. I've had 2 coffees with milk, nothing to eat yet but my head won't shut up, it's screaming at me to make today a half fast. I knew today would be difficult but this is on another level, just got to push on through. I've just come on here for a distraction, keeps me out of the kitchen. :) Not seen @nursebean though . Glad you're feeling well enough to fast :) hows it going? :)

If your blood sugar is dropping (assuming the problem isn't due to your taking insulin or a diabetes pill that causes the secretion of insulin) you can raise it with a very small dose of glucose, rather than food. For a person who weighs 140 lbs, 2 grams of glucose will raise blood sugar 10 mg/dl. A person who weighs 280 lbs that same 2 grams of glucose will raise blood sugar 5 mg/dl.

You can find glucose tablets at pharmacies or you can buy candies that are mostly glucose. Start out with a serving that is enough to raise your blood sugar 10 mg/dl. For most people that will be enough to fight low blood sugar.

If you are taking a diabetes drug or insulin, take the amount of glucose that will raises your blood sugar to the safe level.

Using glucose instead of food is superior for fighting low blood sugar because it works much faster and because it doesn't contain all the extra calories of food. Not only that, but if you take too much carbohydrate in attempting to fight low blood sugar, you create a blood sugar spike that can lead to yet another attack of low blood sugar. The less carbohydrate you use to raise your blood sugar, the better off you will feel.
That's great info thanks very much, i usually eat some chocolate even when I don't fancy it just to raise it back up. I will get some of them g
lucose tabs and keep them in my bag for these times.
Very helpful thanks x
I'm in today! My fasts have been pretty good this summer, I'm able to skip lunch and just do one meal a day. I struggle with that during the year when I'm at work. I've finally lost 2lbs to break through my year long plateau! Really looking forward to losing again, and buying new, smaller clothes for fall. I love fall clothes, dresses and sweaters! OK so that's my motivation for today.
I noticed a lot of newbies today - that's great! Welcome! It gets so much easier after the first few.
Good luck to everyone still fasting.
I'm in by accident today. I don't normally fast in the school hols but was busy today so missed lunch. We have spag bol for dinner so cals will be a little over 500 but not going to worry about that.

Chocolate, small piece 6g carb : 60 calories. (Only carb raises blood sugar)
Glucose, 6 g: 24 calories.
Glucose 2 g: 8 calories

Fasting (and weight gain) is all about calories. Eliminating 52 calories by using the small glucose dose can add up over time, especially if you do it each day.
Im in today too. Wierd fast day for me, as I had a slice of hubbys birthday cake at lunchtime and I am not at all hungry. Its about 2 hours before dinner and usually I am starving about now! Not sure what cals were in the cake, but I have given it about 300, as per Victoria sponge on MFP. Dinner will have to be a very small lump of fish, which will hopefully see me through the night,
Most of you are probably finished for today - congrats! One more down. I am in this week, probably a 4:3 week for me because I just reallyenjoyed myself over the weekend & don't want to lose my momentum. I'm still catching up from June's little backslide. At any rate, congrats to all the movers & holiday people & all you other wonderful fasters. Have a great week.
Oooppss sorry I missed you @justdee well I actually looked at both pages!!! fog on the brain :lol:
I'm doing OK not great but OK
Have just finished all my antibiotics so hopefully that should help, as one minute I want nothing then an hour later I'm looking for something to eat, just got rid of visitors which stopped me eating, but this and everything I do takes the stuffing right out of me, here's hoping tomorrow is different.
Tuna salad planned for later as we've another lovely day and thankfully I'm not up to the oven being on all afternoon,
Fresh tuna cooked on George with full salad then some stewed rhubarb for afters. :clover: :clover:
Hope you've done OK with your first since your week off.
I am in today as well, after more than a week without a fast day. My best friend was in town for the past ten days, so I had a mini "staycation" while she was here. I'm glad I got in one fast day, but am a bit nervous for my weigh-in this week. Hopefully I haven't gained! Well done to those who are done for the day, and good luck to the others just getting started like me!
Well done everyone completing their fast day & I'm glad you are feeling a bit better SueQ. :like:
I have just had my chicken casserole supper with extra steamed baby carrots & courgettes. I did succumb to one chocolate biscuit from the selection on the cake plate I provided for my beading group this afternoon but feel quite pleased with how my day went. Roll on bedtime so I can weigh myself in the morning to see if I am quickly getting rid of my holiday weight gain.
You take it easy @Sue.Q, you'll be as good as new in no time. :heart: Take care hun.
I've had an ok day. I had a chicken drum stick just before dinner was ready, I didn't mean to but before I knew what was happening it had gone :oops: . I then had cottage pie for dinner, not a normal fastday meal or summer meal for that matter but didn't have any lettuce and couldn't be bothered going to supermarket 12 miles away. Think I came in at around 500ish. I might fast wednesday or Thursday (I'll see how I feel) , if not I will be fasting Friday. :)
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