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Group Challenges

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Hi again @loz17, agree you want to avoid knee reconstruction if you possibly can. What are the other options and what was the surgery that didn't work? I had a torn medial meniscus that I had tidied via arthroscopy - against the advice of my physio; why do I listen to doctors more?? - and then later ruptured my ACL. More surgery (again listening to doctor not physio) with an artificial ACL implanted. Guess what, that failed after a year or so (from running, which I didn't realise would be a problem). No more surgery thanks. Just did the exercises from the physio - who told me that if I hadn't had the op, my knee would have been just as fine after 2 years of exercise anyway. But I assume your knee injury is more serious, if knee reconstruction is a possibility??

Glad you enjoy fasting! I actually had a 5:2 fast day yesterday - the first in ages - but probably only bearable because I had eaten so much the day before at a pre-Christmas get together with our neighbours. Unfortunately I now generally find fast days very difficult, I just can't cope with feeling hungry anymore. I was fine with fasting for about 2 years, maybe a bit more. Then I found that I was needing to fast to just maintain and gradually ended up stopping fasting - and then put back on several kgs. Attempts to lose that regain have not succeeded. (Fasting was the only form of dieting where I have ever been able to lose weight.) But I am not overweight as such, so perhaps don't have the same motivation anymore (despite the well padded hips and thighs! :grin: ).


Very best wishes for the festive season too! :clover: :smile:
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! :present: :musical: :star:

The Christmas Challenge is officially over. Thanks to those who participated, and to everyone who took the time to read our posts. :like:

Very best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year. :smile: :clover:
Thank you @sassy1 for holding this challenge.

Happy new year!
Thanks @Matillian, I hope the year is a good one for you. Best wishes! :clover: :smile:
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