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Fat burning
21 Mar 2013, 08:44
I understand that as well as the hopeful health benefits, one of the reasons that fasting works well for weight loss is the way your body goes into fat burning mode after several hours without food.

I also understand that how long it takes for this to happen depends on how efficient your body is.

My question is......if you fast for, say, 16 hours befors eating anything but have a cup of tea with a little milk at the 12 hour mark is the whole fast/fat burning spoilt by that milk?

On a fast day I usually fast from 9pm in the evening then eat my first meal at about 4pm on the following day (usually an egg on toast) then have soup for supper at about 9pm. I normally dont start drinking tea with milk until that first meal but it is hell :frown: . I hate tea without milk and herb tea, and there is only so much water and black coffee you can drink. That morning cup of tea would be a lifesaver and really help me through the day but it is not worth it if it spoils all my efforts.

I have been doing this for 6 months now so I am committed (I have inherited very poor genes so need all the help I can get - both parents died young).

Your thoughts would be appreciated. You are all so clever and helpful :geek: Thank-you x
Re: Fat burning
21 Mar 2013, 09:06
Yes, the subject of much discussion!

See these threads for starters:
Re: Fat burning
21 Mar 2013, 09:18
Soonaddsup - I have been drinking tea and coffee with skimmed milk throughout my fast days - about 2 or 3 cups each day, have included them in my 500 calories and still have been losing weight: I've lost half a stone so far! So I wouldn't worry about having small amount of calories occasionally throughout the day from tea, as long as it is working for you, which is the idea!
Re: Fat burning
21 Mar 2013, 09:51
Thanks Caroline. Lots of food for thought there.

Strange. I have followed this site avidly but must have missed those posts.
Re: Fat burning
21 Mar 2013, 09:57
You burn fat all the time, fasting or not, unless you're vigorously exercising close to your maximum heart rate.

There's less carbohydrate, protein and calories and a good fat profile in the milk substitutes like coconut milk ... =276993737 compared to skimmed milk which I'm told work well in tea.
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