The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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This 2013 article looks at a small group of overweight women who were on ADF for six weeks. For three of the non-fasting days they ate restricted calories (1700 aprox)and anything they liked on the other day. Considering there were only 15 participants which effects the statistical power when looking for difference between their baseline and follow up results, the results were excellent with reductions in weight, bodyfat, waist measurements. Differences were not found in BP,glucose or cholesterol.
Thanks for this...according to the abstract bp did go down significantly, both systolic and diastolic.

Cholesterol decreased but not significantly but they were on the diet for such a short time and during fasting cholesterol increases due to fat mobilisation anyway (decreasing again on refeeding).
You are absolutely right - that will teach me to read non-work related articles late on a Friday afternoon at work! :oops:
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