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So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:20
by Azureblue
Now it's ok to eat butter again (watching the amount for calories of course) as it's no longer the boogeyman killer fat, what do we think is a good one to go for?
Paleo peeps demand raw grass-fed unsalted, which seems darned hard to find in the uk.
As far as my tiny web searching goes, Yeo Valley and Rachel's may be ok, possibly the French President block too but I'm not sure.
I prefer unsalted generally, so I can choose how much salt I'm having in a day.
Confusing innit?

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:30
by Hellengerin
I like butter. All those margarines seem to have the same ingredients as a pot of paint! I used to use Anchor when I lived in the UK even tho ecologically rather unsound, but the cows say they are grass fed! Here I use local state produced butter...I see the cows eating the grass from my window.
I think it is better for you than processed foods and better than sugary foods.

Butte is better!

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:30
by TML13
I like salted. When I'm in England I bring back a few Channel Islands and Cornish blocks from Marks and Spencer. And Irish Country Butter for me dad.
In Greece I either eat Irish or French. Danish is my last resort.

I never believed that it wasn't OK to eat butter. I don't eat any of the margarine stuff though, or the butter-like blocks that are supposedly healthy but are full of chemicals.
Perhaps I should mention that I use it only for flavour in cooking and for baking.

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:31
by simcoeluv
I have never abandoned butter. Thank god. I can't imagine the number of decades I would have unnecessarily deprived myself of one of the great foods on the planet.

As to which brand, I look for the one on sale. :smile:

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:37
by dhana
In Scotland Graham's dairies make beautiful organic grass fed butter not far from where I live. they sell it in the supermarkets here. price is same as other butter, teeny bit more, a few pence for the organic, but all their butter is from grass. I am pretty sure that kerrygold butter is all grass fed too.

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:43
by Silverdarling
Love it! :grin:

Salted and unsalted, but try and have the latter these days :lol: :shock:

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 20:52
by Ballerina
I love butter and have never stopped eating it, or full cream milk, or single and double cream. I have never been convinced that it s harmful, it's natural and tasty and I'd do without rather than eat the processed rubbish that they try to palm off as a healthier alternative,

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 20:57
by Julieathome
Love butter here and have never stopped using it. Its just not the same if you try and substitute something else when spreading on your crumpet or toast, or dolloped on your jacket potato.
I did go through a few years of drinking skimmed milk, but am now back in the fold of healthy full fat stuff. I may even change over to lard for frying, once I get used to the taste again.

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 21:00
by mummybunny2005
I like butter the way they used to tell you to vote in Chicago - early and often. ;-)

Waitrose unsalted is what I use in baking, spreadable salted for toast (which makes a fabulous, if perhaps a little expensive, greaser for cake tins...).

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 21:59
by Wineoclock
Another butter lover. A friend of my sons asked was visiting and asked for the margarine. Son just looked at him blankly, I had to explain it was fake butter.

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 22:07
by gillymary
Dare I say it.
Oh butter I will
a memorable line I read somewhere once
dye is used to get that yellow colour
So what colour are these products originally

That is enough to turn a girl back to butter
I use it sparingly, substitute avocado
But always in my fridge is butter
Butter is better

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 22:09
by gillymary
Dare I say it.
Oh butter I will
a memorable line I read somewhere once
dye is used to get that yellow colour
So what colour are these products originally

That is enough to turn a girl back to butter
I use it sparingly, substitute avocado
But always in my fridge is butter
Butter is better in my view

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 23:00
by 5:24evr?
I remember the very first time I ever had butter. My mom always used margarine in the 80's.

we took a family road trip to relatives who lived in a log cabin. No running water, electricity in only one room, heated the house with a wood stove.

Homemade biscuits (the US definition) were on the menu for dinner. I spread some of the pale gold onto my biscuit and exclaimed "WHAT AM I EATING???? THIS IS AMAZING!!! My mom actually was irritated with me but it was her doing.

As an adult I don't think I've ever bought margarine from a grocery store. I buy the unsalted since I bake bread (well, I used to).

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 23:18
by Chipmunkcheeks
There is no compromise for me, I would prefer to have one piece of bread with real butter then a whole loaf with plastic margarine, I have a friend that eats it like cheese but I think that is only because his wife won't let him have it so he OD's when he can, which in turn makes her not let him have it hahahaha I love thickly spread butter on bread then topped with hot chicken, salad, mayo and more bread yum yum buttery juices dripping in my fingers :starving:

Re: So what do we think about butter?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 23:41
by GMH
I love it!