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I am new

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2017, 17:11
by cbwondra
Hello everyone,

As the subject says, I am new here. I am 57 years old, and never ever had a weight problem in my life, until I hit 50 and it started creeping up. About a year and a half ago, I started packing it on, yet always felt like I was starving; then a little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I didn't get a lot of info from my dr (like most diabetics, it seems). Anyway, after much research I found Jenny Ruhl's website and bought her book Bloodsugar 101. Recently I bought her other books, and found the link to this group through one of them. I have already mostly cut out the junk carbs, and I am interested to learn about this method. I think it will help me. Thanks!

Re: I am new

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2017, 02:25
by Tracieknits
Welcome CBWondra!

I'm sorry to hear about your diabetes diagnosis. Yes, carbs are the key. My endocrinologist is a big fan of "Low Carb High Fat" diet plans - and he's also a very big fan of intermittent fasting. He thinks they're perfect together. I had gestational diabetes and so I'm at risk and need to be careful myself. I've had a few borderline blood test results, but thankfully managed to avoid the big diagnosis. I've been getting a lot of recipes for non-fast days from Some of them are really great. Another moderator, Carorees, mentioned fathead pizza, and that's astonishingly good.

Anyway, welcome! we're happy to have you join us.

Re: I am new

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2017, 03:16
by Sassy1
Hi @cbwondra

Welcome! You must have felt rather upset on hearing the news of your diabetes, especially not having had a weight issue for most of your life. It is disappointing to hear that your doctor hasn't been much help. Have you considered consulting a dietician? What about whatever the diabetes support/ information organization is in your country? Or a women's health specialist?

From the little reading I have done, it seems important that you do consult a health professional over the best diet for you. It is apparently not one size fits all! Although we all could do with reducing the high added sugar carbs (which often have high fat as well) there are a lot of whole/unprocessed carbs that are still very nutritious and okay if consumed in the appropriate amounts - such as certain types of wholegrains and of course fruit and vegetables. I wouldn't automatically go on a low carb diet (if you are including all carbs in that) without consulting someone with relevant qualifications.

Similarly with fasting. I know many type 2 diabetics have successfully fasted, but again I feel you should consult a dietician or similar. Information you get on the Internet is not always appropriate for your own situation when you have a health condition.

Sorry to sound so negative, :frown: :frown: :frown: I think there is a section on fasting with diabetes in the LEARN pages, so do have a read of that. And there are probably some discussion threads on the topic, you can use the search function to find them.

Best wishes and good luck whatever you decide to do., :clover: :smile:

Re: I am new

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2017, 13:46
by Tracieknits
Actually, HCLF is perfect for diabetes. Both endocrinologists I have been to (endocrinologists are the specialty doctors who treat diabetes) have been very firm that carbs (ALL carbs) must be reduced dramatically in order to control diabetes. One told me 125g/day as someone who had a history of gestational diabetes and a borderline A1C result, saying full fledged type 2 requires a reduction to 50g carbs per day. The second said 125g is maintenance and if I want to lose weight, I should go to 60g per day. He didn't specifically say what he recommended for diabetics, but the posters recommending 50g/day for diabetics were still up on the walls of the office.

I know it's very difficult to hear, as there is nutrition in whole grains. But someone with actual diabetes and insulin resistance cannot handle carbs the way a healthy person can.

I hope you know I'm not trying to put you down, @Sassy1. I know you're trying to help. You're absolutely right that one size does not fit all, and low carb is not appropriate for everyone. but in this one case, it's what my diabetes doctors have recommended.

Re: I am new

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2017, 21:27
by Sassy1
I guess the main point, as Tracie has noted, is that one size does not fit all and each person with a health condition should check with a health professional for the diet that is right for them.