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Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 08:40
by bellybgone
Morning all,

I have been reading the forum for about a week, and thought I would introduce myself.

I am a 33 year old mother of two lovely boys, have a fiance of 15 years ( we might get round to getting day lol) and I work as a T/A in a primary school. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my first son 14 years ago, ranging form 9st 4lb at my lightest and a size ten, to my current weight of 14st 3lb and a size 16/18!

I have tried everything weight watchers, slimming world, Cambridge diet, slimming pills ( prescription and non prescription) calorie counting, excessive exercise and most recently the Harcombe diet. All to no avail, I would loose a very small amount very slowly say 8-10 lbs then put it all back on, plus more! With the exception of the prescription slimming pills, I lost 3 stone in about 2 months, never a good idea! As soon as I stopped taking them the weight and more piled back on.

Anyway I heard about 5:2 from a few friends and it sounded horrendous, fasting, how on earth can anyone manage that? Another step on the scales and another half a stone on I decided to read more about 5:2. The more I read, the more interesting it sounded, not least because of the health benefits.

On 31st July 13 I decided to to give it a go, yesterday was my 3rd fast day and although it's hard and I do feel hungry I CAN manage the 500 calories, I do feel better the day following a fast and for the first time ever I feel positive that this is something I can do.

Thanks for reading


Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 11:31
by Jane1969
Hello there, your story is very like mine, but I'm older and wider's working for me this fasting lark, nothing else has, like you I have tried allsorts (mmm allsorts) I think I can keep it up for life, good luck xxxx

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:08
by antigini
Hi folks another newbie looking forward to inspiration from your posts :smile:

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:12
by silverbelle
Hi, great to have you on board! Hope this will be a new way of life for you, it's certainly changed mine.

Stick with it -it's slow but easy as it's only 2 days a week. Good luck.

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:18
by Tracieknits
welcome to the forums, antigini!

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:21
by bellybgone
Thanks for replying. I weighed myself this morning and I think I've lost 4lb, which is incredible!!! I say think because my scales always give two readings (not overly helpful lol)

I know a lot of that will be fluctuation and water, but its a great start, I fully expect it to slow down and that's fine as long as it keeps coming off.

I can't believe how it completely changes the munching attitude, it's only been a week. I feel more in control and really don't want to snack it's amazing.

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:27
by Sue.Q
Hi belly gone and Welcome this is an amazing WOL and far more sustainable then All those diets you + me were trying, for me it's for life and unlike you I find it very easy, which is just as well coz I'd 7stone to lose (that's my main goal) but already 2st gone which I'm delighted about :heart: :heart: Good luck :clover: Sue

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:31
by AnnieW
Welcome both. Love your name Bellybgone. Mine is certainly smaller since staring this WOL. It's also the first thing that's worked in 10years. I didn't have masses to lose but it wouldn't go no matter what until I started this at the beginning of the year! Now it's gone - for good as I know how keep it off.

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:53
by cherylhead
Welcome!!!!!I've been 5:2ing since 1st April and it fits my lifestyle perfectly.I enjoy it and it encourages you to continue when you see and feel results. Although I've just had a weeks holiday I still completed 2 fast days lost 1lb but didn't count it in case I had a mega you do :-) .Anyway in total so far I have lost 3 stone 1lb and gone down 2 clothes sizes.. I'm not quite at my half way target yet ....6lb more but am determined to continue.So stick with us all lots to read and lots of good advice. Good luck :-) :-) :-)

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 13:43
by David F
bellybgone wrote: Morning all,

I have been reading the forum for about a week, and thought I would introduce myself.

I am a 33 year old mother of two lovely boys, have a fiance of 15 years ( we might get round to getting day lol) and I work as a T/A in a primary school. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my first son 14 years ago, ranging form 9st 4lb at my lightest and a size ten, to my current weight of 14st 3lb and a size 16/18!

I have tried everything weight watchers, slimming world, Cambridge diet, slimming pills ( prescription and non prescription) calorie counting, excessive exercise and most recently the Harcombe diet. All to no avail, I would loose a very small amount very slowly say 8-10 lbs then put it all back on, plus more! With the exception of the prescription slimming pills, I lost 3 stone in about 2 months, never a good idea! As soon as I stopped taking them the weight and more piled back on.

Anyway I heard about 5:2 from a few friends and it sounded horrendous, fasting, how on earth can anyone manage that? Another step on the scales and another half a stone on I decided to read more about 5:2. The more I read, the more interesting it sounded, not least because of the health benefits.

On 31st July 13 I decided to to give it a go, yesterday was my 3rd fast day and although it's hard and I do feel hungry I CAN manage the 500 calories, I do feel better the day following a fast and for the first time ever I feel positive that this is something I can do.

Thanks for reading


I'll be interested to see which way this goes(only a manner of speech....there is no question of the result).

We're hearing this over and over again, slimming club, pills, weight watches etc etc. I wonder what will happen to these "industries" when 5;2 becomes more and more widely practiced.

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 14:50
by Katharina
Hi bellybgone! I am sure very many people have jus the same experience as you with 101 different frustrating diets. Now I think you have hit on the most sustainable one, though my husband and I don't regard it as a diet but a way of life now. Fast days are routine and get easier especially if you keep busy, as you must be. I am sure you will have every success and feel like a million dollars as a result! Continue to use the support available here, it's invaluable.

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 15:42
by helensdc
Hello and welcome. I have been doing this since the end of January 2013 and have dropped from a size 16/18 to a size 12! I have lost almost 2 stone and although things have slowed right down now, it is still going in the right direction. I find that I have a much clearer mentality and I am generally much happier since I have started this journey. I find this forum supportive and inspirational. Expensive diets begone, welcome to a wonderful new life of health happiness and control!

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 18:10
by bellybgone
Lots of interesting replies, than you all. I did buy the 5:2 book and was astounded by all the health benefits, weight loss seeming to be the most inconsequential, I too wonder what will happen as it becomes a more well known programme. I'm certainly already raving about it to anyone that will listen lol.

It's really interesting to hear everyone's stories, it certainly helped to keep me on track yesterday (fast day) and yet today I'm not overly bothered about snacking.......funny that lol.


Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 18:40
by simcoeluv
Hello and welcome:

Here are some tips for those new to 5:2: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6317.html

Good luck!

Re: Morning another newbie

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 18:51
by barbarajane18
cherylhead wrote: Welcome!!!!!I've been 5:2ing since 1st April and it fits my lifestyle perfectly.I enjoy it and it encourages you to continue when you see and feel results. Although I've just had a weeks holiday I still completed 2 fast days lost 1lb but didn't count it in case I had a mega you do :-) .Anyway in total so far I have lost 3 stone 1lb and gone down 2 clothes sizes.. I'm not quite at my half way target yet ....6lb more but am determined to continue.So stick with us all lots to read and lots of good advice. Good luck :-) :-) :-)

Cheryl, have you actually lost nearly four stone since APRIL? My goodness that's fabulous! I'm just reading the forums at the moment, trying to decide when to go for it and do my first fast day.