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What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 08:34
by Manderley
As am I doing a bit of cleaning in the house I am also watching one of my top movies, one I can watch over and over again, one of my cult movies (is it the same in English, I can't remember) and I was wondering what are yours.

The one I am watching right now is Four Weddings and a Funeral. I can't help it I love it. I went to see it in the cinema in England 5 times and I still watch it with the same pleasure 20 years later

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, also discovered when I was in England. I went to a cinema where there was a live show at the same time and everybody (even the public) was dressed as one of the character, it changes my life !

My Own Private Idaho, a very dark one but I was in love with River Phoenix when I was a teenager....

The Way We Were, I was also in love with Robert Redford....

Disney's Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty

And I surely miss some....

What are yours ?

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 08:44
by Chipmunkcheeks
My all time favourites are My fair lady, A walk in the clouds, Meet joe black and shamefully the twilight saga :smile:

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 09:58
by allfrogs
Well, I don't think I'd die without them, but the ones I like to watch again and again are: The Philadelphia Story - Katherine Hepburn & James Stewart. The Palm Beach Story - Joel McCrea & Claudette Colbert. The More The Merrier -Joel McCrea & Jean Arthur. The Trouble With Harry - introducing Shirley MacLaine. The Alien series - Sigourney Weaver. Erin Brockovich - Julia Roberts & Albert Finney.
I mainly prefer movies from the 1920s to early 1940s.

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 12:46
by Wineoclock
There are so many, mostly comedies.
Flying High
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
My big fat Greek Wedding
Lord of the rings (all 3)

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 13:22
by dianehelen
I love alot of mostly really old movies

Wizard of Oz
Key Largo
Gone with the wind
An Affair to Remember (both versions 1939 Charles Boyer and 1958 Cary Grant)
The Ten Commandments

and a few newer ones

Erin Brokavitch
Across the Universe
Sex lies and videotapes
Shawshank Redemption
My Big fat Greek Wedding
Pretty Woman

Thats just what comes to my mind... :)

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 13:29
by TML13
Love Actually
The Holiday
Mamma Mia

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 14:02
by MaryAnn
I love Terrence Malick. My favorite of his is Days of Heaven. I also love Eric Rohmer. My favorite of his is Rayon Vert (very chuffed I finally saw one). I also love Kieslowski of Double Life of Veronique fame. My favorite(s) of his is the Dekalog. There's this lovely little Japanese film I love called Afterlife. There's a million more, but you probably get the idea...

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 14:38
by Seejay
High Society - 1956, Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong. I've watched it so many times, I can almost recite the lines but I still love the film and the glamour of it.

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 14:44
by Madeyemoodysmum
I love Harry potter,
Pride and prejudice Bbc version
A room with a view
What's eating gilbert grape
It's a wonderful life
Snow white Disney version
How to train a dragon, best kids movie ever
The lovely bones
Gentlemen prefer blondes
really love a lot of the period costume films
I enjoy the lord of the rings and the hobbit and narnia films

So many to comment, I love films.

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 15:14
by Applespider
Very few that I'd regret never seeing again - I'm not a big film buff.

I do have a copy of Little Miss Sunshine on my iPad though since that can always raise a smile if I'm feeling down.

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 15:31
by Manderley
I have to add
La Boum 1 & 2 because when you are a French girl from my generation, you know these movies by heart
Rebecca - 1940 - my name comes from there
Citizen Kane because Orson Welles
Rebal Without a Cause because James Dean
La Piscine because of Romy Schneider
Fame/Flashdance/Footloose - the originals, I didn't watch the remakes, in fact they don't exist
Truly Madly Deeply
Rear Window - the one with James Stewart

And I am sure I will find more....

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:05
by TML13
LA BOUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my God!!! I loved those films!!! And I love this song:

Oh those memories from open air cinemas, ice cream, summer, salt in hair...

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:18
by Manderley
I am watching the 1st right now and the 2nd will follow... I know all the words by heart but I just love them :grin:

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:22
by Manderley
Just for the pleasure of it....

Re: What are the movies you can't live without ?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:27
by Isis
I can live without them but very much enjoy & watch again:-
Top Gun
Star Wars original trilogy
All James Bond films but preferred Sean Connery & Piece Brosnan in the role although the last one was good.
The Indiana Jones films
Star Trek old & new.
Avatar which looked magical
Four Weddings & a Funeral, Calendar Girls & The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Very amusing.
Pride & Predudice the original BBC series.
The Fifth Element.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Charade with Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant
Tom Jones film with Albert Finney.
Red October & Rising Sun with Sean Connery
& many more in my DVD collection. As you can see I quite like adventure/action films, SF & subtle humour.