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Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2015, 19:25
by CandiceMarie
Youve come to the right person @lizbean! I' m known as Shirley Sharp Eyes since i had my cataracts removed ( they took out the cataracts but left the twinkle in,haha!)
But even my keen eyes cant spy the missing eggs..i' m baffled,its not often one hears of boiled eggs getting lost! :lol:
Hmm could there be a guilty culprit who's secretly guzzled them? X

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2015, 21:18
by WarriorPrincess
Further to the 'in your prime' / 'past it' discussion, after a certain age almost all of life seems to be about turning up. People start finding it impressive that you're still out there & doing - even if you're doing it slowly & sometimes not very well! Everyone here is working at improving their body. Anyone coming to F&M is up for doing something different ... meeting new people ... trying new teas! Some of us may still be young - the rest are definitely in our prime!

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2015, 22:07
by Madcatlady
@Lizbean - I think we might need an amble/stroll between afternoon tea and whatever follows (I go with the flow - icecream/wine/whatever all sound good to me).

I too have had boiled eggs today - didn't really enjoy them though - bleeping things wouldn't peel!

Never mind - can eat - mindfully of course - tomorrow!

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 15:06
by carieoates
The excitement is building.
Tiger tiger isn't very far away Piccadilly Circus. 2 for 1 early cocktails.

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 16:35
by rawkaren
carieoates wrote: The excitement is building.
Tiger tiger isn't very far away Piccadilly Circus. 2 for 1 early cocktails.

Push the boat out @carieoates. They do mean cocktails at Cafe Royal :cool: :shock:
Wel jel about your get together ladies. Look forward to hearing all about it!

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 16:37
by Debs
Can't imagine two hours will be enough! I'm up for a stroll and a gelato!

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 18:42
by Lizbean
Liz's daily tea update
A walk off is a good idea ahead of ............. @Carieoates :wink: 470 years ago, the St James's area was known mainly for farms, woods and a hospital for women lepers. How times change though we still try to protect our spaces today.
What's new, news from me? Nothing new to report :shock: Any Q's?
Other stuff
@CandiceMarie ANA Twinkle (love it!), Shirley Sharp Eyes - lost boiled eggs found - they made their way back to the egg carton with the uncooked eggs. I really can't cope with cheeky food games on a fast day :wink: @Madcatlady so with you and those irritable egg peeling moments, they happen to me regularly - is that because they need to be cold before attempting to peel?
7/7 London today - I visited Tavistock Square to be with. :heart:

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 20:11
by CandiceMarie
@lizbean so sad today..tenth anniversary of 7/7
Thank you for going to Tavistock Sq x
RIP all those killed
May time be a great healer for all the injured, and the families and friends affected by this tragedy
My DD lived in London at the time but was fortunate enough to be far away from the targeted areas x

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 20:45
by Lizbean
@CandiceMarie thx, it was great for us all to come together. Such a far reaching moment for all - for you and DD- to find her safe :heart:

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2015, 20:57
by Lizbean
A 10k (or less) stroll .....or a fastday run with @Carieoates round the parks ? I would but I have a tricky knee that lovingly no longer hurts with 52, how lucky am I! x
@Rawkaren hum, so sorry to miss you, Moogie and our FD days around the world, this time round. x

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2015, 20:01
by Lizbean
Liz's daily update:
Not much to report apart from imploding excitement, 25 degrees and no rain is predicted today. Thanks for your personal PMs.
@Debs I hope you are having the greatest of times.

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2015, 23:31
by Wendy Darling
Just caught up. Thank you Liz for organising this. Really looking forward to seeing you all. I don't mind what we do afterwards.

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 13:13
by Debs
Hello all,
Very excited and amazingly the weather is very nice. What on earth happened there?!
We haven't told Ju's sister what is happening so it will be a surprise for her; hoping it will spur her to 5:2.
We are relaxing in Bromley enjoying the cricket while Ju tries to pack my bag! Don't fancy his chances of getting everything in and I haven't bought the Marmite yet :grin:

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 14:43
by Azureblue
I have family coming on Saturday now so won't be able to Skype, but I will be thinking of you all having a high old time.
Decades ago I worked in Old Queen Street near St James Park, when the Irish blew up the cavalry there. One of the reasons I left London with my kids, too dangerous :0(
My eldest was on the tube on 7/7, his train stopped abruptly and eventually he made it up to the street and rang me to find out what was happening. I'd recently retired so was watching the news and so glad he rang. He decided to get a bus on to work, then a bus was bombed, but again he was ok and made it to work. Protected by Fate that day for sure.
Stay safe my dears and have a super meet-up x

Re: London meet up 10th or 11th July!

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 15:56
by StowgateResident
I'm ignoring all the posts about the meet-up because I am jealous, jealous, jealous! :cry: :cry: :cry:

However, to demonstrate that I bear no ill-will to those of you who are going, I will pass on to @Lizbean - and any others who have trouble with peeling hard-boiled eggs, the information that the fresher the egg when it is boiled the more difficult it will be to peel. It's something to do with the size of the air sac inside, but beyond that I cannot help! I always keep a few back to age gracefully for hard-boiling because peeling the fresh ones drives me insane! :shock: