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Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 17:12
by greenmonster
Hello, I'm back!

Nice to be missed, I must admit I have missed logging on. Bet you haven't missed my long rambling posts....I know it's been ages, there have been a few reasons.

a) I think I did get the email about changing passwords with the new website but forgot I'd had it and then couldn't log on to the new site, but never got round (until now) to sorting it out.
b) My phone was so rubbish I couldn't really do interactive websites so I would have to log on to the 'big computer' to come on here, which usually meant I should have been doing something else. Now I have a swanky new phone, although it doesn't seem to want to show the whole of the page, even though I'm on 'mobile view'
c) I haven't really been fasting properly since Christmas *hangs head*. I got a cheap gym membership through our staff lottery (I work for our local council) and found that I just got so ravenously hungry as I was exercising a lot, that fasting wasn't really happening. My weight has gone up a lot but I know that I have also gained muscle. Unfortunately now I can't kid myself that it's ALL muscle!

So I will hopefully be getting back into fasting a bit - I've had a couple of successful fast days recently - and will hopefully master using this forum on my phone, so I can hang out here a bit. Might try 16:8. Could do with shedding half a stone, but with my muscle gain, the numbers on the scales don't really mean what they used to so I'll just go with getting my skinny jeans to not look like sausage skins any more!

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 17:25
by Lizbean
Welcome back greenmonster and well done on your muscles, we need them.

Missing my buddy spanner who I guess is taking a good break as sometimes we need to do that. I've not linked spanner into this message as I've linked her on the site during Sept and sent a few PMs, so she knows I'm thinking of her and that is all that matters. :heart:

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 17:49
by CandiceMarie
Welcome back @greenmonster Great to see you x

Get back on that hosss and ride!
Ive been awful since last xmas ( why? :dazed: ) but i've ponied up again now.

However unlike yrself,been nowhere near a gym..
congrats on that! You' ll be more toned and using up more cals so its all come on,clip clop over to the christmas challenge and sign in..i'm only gingerly thinking maybe i can lose five lb but got a funny feeling we will all do well on this one x x

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 19:39
by Sue.Q
Welcome back @greenmonster just in time for this years xmas challenge, muscles how I wish my bingo/bat wings would turn into muscle :like:
Well done with the gym that's very good for your health longterm and half a stone isn't to bad at all just kick it into touch now before it grows so your recent return to fasting will help put that alongside your new phone well no excuse to go
AWOL again. :clover: :clover: Sue

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 09:30
by greenmonster
Hi Sue Q yes I do indeed have muscles but the bingo wings are still there!

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 09:38
by Julieathome
I've lost 40lb and still have so much to lose that the bingo wings haven't really appered yet. But once I am down to a normal weight I am going to look like this... ... ar-pei.jpg

and I will still be happy and being the bullheaded person I am I will still wear sleeveless tops because its my body and if someone doesn't like the way I look they can look away. As long as hubby doesn't go off me of course. His opinion and only his opinion matters.

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:26
by greenmonster
Aww very cute picture! Having trouble reading the messages on the forum on my phone. The front pages of the site are ok but when I go into a topic I can't read the full page - it's fine on the left side but won't scroll across to the right. When I try and make it smaller it still cuts off the right of the page, meaning I can only see half the message. Anyone else found this? Its a nokia windows phone & I'm still getting to grips with it.

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:30
by Ballerina
Nice to see you back @greenmonster and Julie, go girl, with that fabulous attitude you can't go wrong, :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014, 16:07
by CandiceMarie
Would be nice to see @minumonline and @golarne...seems like ages since theyve checked in ? X

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014, 21:43
by Golarne
Ooh, I hear you @CandiceMarie! Thanks for the shout. :like:
No excuses here, except a busy summer of visitors (last one leaving tmw) and having a grandaughter on 1st July! Big family party for mum's 85th this weekend, then all back to normal (?!) for a while. We have tried to do 5:2 in between, so I suppose that has reduced the weight gain a bit. But providing 'holiday food' and taking people out for cream teas has been too tempting. So, I'm back. And certainly need to because I'm going to my niece's wedding on 3rd January.
In the meantime I've got to work out this new site and find out what everyone's been up to.

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014, 21:47
by CandiceMarie
Hi @golarne good to see you and yr great avatar!
Big congratulations on the new granddaughter ! How lovely.
And congrats to yr Mum too x
Nice to have you back again and you have a great incentive with the upcoming wedding!
Mmm cream teas,how delicious! X

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 18:25
by Goldilox
Hello, everyone , Goldilox here. I've been absent from the forum since my dear husband's sudden death in July.

I'm trying very hard to " pick up the pieces" and return to some sort of normality , albeit very different from the life I'd planned. My wonderful family have been so supportive , but I know I have to stand on my own two feet and get on with life - that's what my dear husband would have wanted . Easier said than done , of course .

Ironically , I've lost a great deal of weight since my husband's death( over 2 stone). It's not that I'm not eating , but I've lost interest in cooking , and I seem to have very little appetite .

So hope you'll understand if I don't return to the forum just yet , though I've enjoyed reading the weekly newsletter !

Best wishes , Goldilox xx

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 19:30
by windsinger123
Dear @Goldilox So sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you a big hug :heart:

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 20:40
by CandiceMarie
@Goldilox i've thought about you SO much over all these months,wondering how you were.
So good to hear from you and very special for me,as its my birthday,so you've made my day!
There's no words i can say to help,but remember we are here for you even tho you doubtless have no need of lost weight from the worst possible reason. Once a member here,you're part of the gang,so pls check in whenever you feel up to it i' m sending you big big hugs xxx

Re: Who's missing????

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 22:20
by Madcatlady
Oh @goldilox - can't imagine what you have been going through - try to take care of yourself and come back to us when you feel ready xx