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Starting over - in earnest

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 13:16
by Wolfie
I'm pretty sure I wrote a post re this the other day (when I wrote about Fiona) but it seem to have gone awol totally.
Well, as some might remember the last summer thyroid disaster put an end to fasting and I never got back on track. Until now. I even started a new blog about it: cause for me it easier when I put it all down in writing. I know, the name of the blog is pretty lame but that was all I could come up with at the moment.
The thyroid seem to do just fine for now, the pneumonia and sinusitis are gone and when I looked in the mirror and saw the flab making itself notable, it was simply time. High time.
So I'm back, with a vengeance remain to be seen and when a girl at work who is half my age started to blubber that 5:2 isn't a good thing there is no going back.

Re: Starting over - in earnest

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 16:29
by Golarne
Well done Wolfie! Just ignore the silly girl...
Good luck :clover:

Re: Starting over - in earnest

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 16:30
by P-JK
Good to see you're back om track, stay with us and keep us posted :like:

Re: Starting over - in earnest

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 20:26
by Lizbean
Good to see you. Thanks for your blog update Wolfie. Sorry you have been poorly and then more poorly. Can you believe it, I have yet to make a HB recipe. Wishing you a happy 2016 and that fasting is kind to you. How's your son doing? :clover: :victory: :rainbow:

Re: Starting over - in earnest

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 20:32
by Wolfie
Lizbean wrote: Good to see you. Thanks for your blog update Wolfie. Sorry you have been poorly and then more poorly. Can you believe it, I have yet to make a HB recipe. Wishing you a happy 2016 and that fasting is kind to you. How's your son doing? :clover: :victory: :rainbow:

But but - you simply must test a HB recipe, there are some on their website. But then again, maybe you have something even better?
Son is doing good (f it's Sam the to be 20 yr you mean) even since he applied for over 50 jobs and got none. But, we came up with a cunning plan - teacher in the low grades (1-3). So he have studied two subject to be able to apply and during the spring term he is going to take some separate sources at the Uni (jus to keep him occupied) and if all goes according to plan, will start the education in the fall. John, the young one is good too :D