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Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 05:40
by P-JK
Yes fellow mainteneers, off for another month. Especially for those who decided not to sign up for the big Xmas challenge, there should be some place to share our 'little challenges', our 'ordinary' small victories (however boring they might seem) or our great results.
It seems many of us are done with numbers. So perhaps we can see if we are able to pull off a maintenance (non) challenge without them. Members in alphabetical order and showing their maintenance status with a smily/icon of their choice? Think of a weather report: :sun: :cloudy: :rain: or even :thunder: , possibly in combinations with icons of your own choice. Could look something like below. Suggestions and status reports are welcome, just as requests to be added or removed from the list.

@Azureblue :geek: :bugeyes: :smile:
@Bracken :victory:
@carorees :grin:
@coffeetime :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:
@debbiejgb :sun:
@Ieramul :like: :heart: :lol:
@lovemyparrot :like: :sun:
@Margotsylvia :smile:
@Marybeth :smile: :victory:
@Merlin :victory: :victory: :victory:
@mrstee :smile:
@Nessie :victory: :wink: :grin:
@P-JK :sun: :island: :confused:
@Sassy1 :bigsmile:
@Silverdarling :smile: :oops:
@SSure :cool:
@StowgateResident :victory: :grin:
@Wendy Darling :star: :angel:
@wendyjane :high5:
@Wmr309 :sun:

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:28
by Azureblue
Pinch punch first of the month, Happy October everyone!
Just off to make a crockpot of veg and chicken legs. Have a happy day :0)

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 10:35
by StowgateResident
You're so right @P-JK! For me maintaining is a much bigger challenge than losing weight so we must celebrate our'small' victories! We are just approaching the time of year when I tend to start gaining weight, just as I have done for the last forty plus years. The longer, darker, colder days when all I want is a fire, a bar of chocolate and a comfortable sofa!

This year, though I am determined that it will be different, although another visit to family in Germany in November, a twelve-day cruise in December and then all the Christmas/New Year festivities (for which read 'eating lots') may test my resolve to breaking point!

Bring the Christmas Maintaining Challenge on! Mine is to ensure that I return to my target weight after each of the above events instead of just piling the pounds on top of the pounds! :smile:

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 11:26
by PennyForthem
Thanks @P-JK!
I'm not 'in' for the Christmas challenge, but face the challenge of maintaining - forever. I saw my lowest ever weight for years on the scales this week, 10st 1lb, (141lbs) and am not wanting to lose more!

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 11:35
by StowgateResident
@PennyForthem, You'll fade away! :shock: Eat something - right now! :grin: How are you doing? Still caravanning and/or attending food fairs etc, or back at home cooking up more delicious recipes?

I was under my target this morning, too, but only because I seemed to have a minor tummy bug yesterday, so my gut must have been completely empty! :frown: :smile:

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 11:51
by PennyForthem
I can't understand it, @stowgateresident!
Yes, 2 day event coming up and the lovely @silverdarling may be the guest of honour. I will treat her to an Anglesey Oyster or two!
Hope you're better soon ((()))

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 12:09
by StowgateResident
Thank you, @PennyForthem, have a good time!

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 12:16
by carorees
Having hit an all time low myself a couple of weeks ago (62.1 kg), this week I am up again into the target maintenance range (63-65 kg). I really notice the difference if I extend my eating window to 8 hours from my normal 6-7 hours. A few 8-hour eating days and my weight goes up. My birthday is in a couple of weeks time followed by my second fastiversary. I hope by the end of the month I can claim not to have gained any of the lost weight!

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 12:44
by StowgateResident
How exciting, @carorees, a birthday and a 2nd Fastiversary coming up! You are a shining example to us all on how to lose and maintain! :smile:

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 17:17
by P-JK
I certainly do not want to organise a 'competition' with the one and only 'official Christmas challenge', but do I sense a demand for a small 'informal' Xmas maintenance challenge??

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 20:02
by SSure
I thought that I'd reported in to this thread but it seems not :)

I weighed in at 107.2lbs today which is within my maintenance range of 105-110lbs. My plan is to stay within this range altho' I may or almost certainly will move up out of it when I have the surgery and experience the post-op. swelling etc.

My challenge between now and Christmas is to adopt One Moment Meditation as a regular practice: my plan is that this will help me to deal with any post-surgical frustration at the lack of mobility, time taken to rehab etc. :)

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 20:15
by scubachick
@Ssure, mind yourself chicken. Get well and i will save you a seat here. That meditation sounds like a great idea. It might help me keep calm in among my screaming fighting kids.

... maintaining is a much bigger challenge than losing weight...

So true @stowgateresident! I have got to goal three or four times over the years. Then the weight creeps back on.So I am now 9 days in maintenance and still holding, yeah me! :victory:
@Carorees, that must be maddening that by just relaxing your eating window a little can make the difference. I was hoping to get away with a 6:1 maintenance, but I think I will have to stick with 5:2. Especially as I got a new baking machine and with halloween and Christmas....well my hips are expanding just thinking about it! Yesterday I ate nearly 3000cals as I had to sample the honeycomb and chocolate cake I made. :oops: Therefore, I was in for my second fast of the week today.
So, @p-jk, I'm in for the maintenance challenge, and "challenge" it will be.

I have a question for you maintainers: Do you feel slim now that you are at goal? I still feel the same size I was 33lbs ago. Does it take a while for the head to catch up with the new reality of the body?

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 20:27
by Silverdarling
P-JK wrote: I certainly do not want to organise a 'competition' with the one and only 'official Christmas challenge', but do I sense a demand for a small 'informal' Xmas maintenance challenge??

@P-JKLol! Maybe this should be the 'Not-a-challenge Challenge' - like 'Not the Nine o'clock News' all those years ago! :wink: :cool: :wink:

@PennyForthem I am very much looking forward to the 'challenge' of those oysters ... :shock: :wink:

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 20:29
by Wendy Darling
I accept your challenge @P-JK I was at target again today, two days running for the first time since July. Getting rid of the 6lb I gained on holiday was quite hard. The first 4lb fell off but the last two were very tenacious.

I would like to maintain at my target weight between now and January whilst enjoying the odd sausage roll and mince pie. Oh and I brought Greek Delight and Halva back from holiday. I haven't touched it, I am saving it for Christmas. I can't believe I haven't scoffed it all already. I will be making a Christmas cake but I will make a small one this year. Last years one was a monster :lol:

Without becoming a bore, I will repeat my regime for anyone who doesn't know....... Fitbit stepping, lowish carb, calorie logging on My Fitness Pal, daily weighing and tracking on True Weight, 5:2 and 16:8. I would really like to lose another 7lb but am just maintaining by doing all that I do so I may try Carorees shorter eating window.

Re: Maintaining this month October 2014

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 21:19
by Ieramul
Hello everybody. I am with you on the maintenance path until Christmas - and beyond.
I think for me the way forward is to keep fasting two days a week. When I was in weight loss mode I used to do 4:3 and was disappointed when the scale did not move down as expected. I love maintenance simply because I don't have anything to lose :-) giving/allowing myself 300cals more on non fast days. Compared to three days a week fasting only two seem relatively easy. The non fast days are more frequent and I can eat a bit more. I am only little and the difference between being allowed 1400cals and 1700cals is quite a luxury for me. So provided I don't binge I should not put on weight. (Time will tell)

A few weeks back I did indulge whilst on holiday and gained 0.7kg so off I went, did a three day fast and all is well again. I think it helps my (unwise) eating decisions, knowing that for any indulgences I might have to add a third fast the following week. I weigh myself every day so that I can react instantly. I would hate weighing only monthly just to discover that I had to lose weight with extra fast days for several weeks.
Reading my post, I am expecting some questions on OCD. ;-) maybe I am. :razz: