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Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2014, 16:29
by GMH
I don't celebrate Xmas and do my best to avoid any invitations lol, quite easy as I live 2 hours north of family and friends. My clients used to give me lots of chocolate, which I gave away, but since I have lost weight it seems to have turned to hand creams and the like. So normally I don't over eat because of the day of the year or the season, in fact I can't stand bowls of cardboard nibble food, yuk! And it seems illogical to eat rubbish because of tradition to me. However this year I won't be lying by the pool, but celebrating with my tubby English friends in the cold! This I know will be more caloric as it will be harder to turn down food out of impoliteness. Always pays to have a good excuse at hand, like a Canadian girl I worked with years ago. She used to say " I'm allergic to makes me break out in fat" :-) I'll have to think of something!

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2014, 17:11
by carorees
Reporting in on Halloween :pumpkin: :cat: :skull: ...pleased to be a ghost :ghost: of my former self :grin:
This week my weight has varied between 62.6 kg (today) and 63.3 kg. Average for the week is 63.1kg. So still creeping downward. It's been a really busy week and on several occasions I've put in a 19 hour fast, which always results in weight loss. I plan to enjoy the weekend though and have some wine and cake so as not to slip any lower!

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2014, 18:07
by Azureblue
I finish the month on 72.2kgs.
Hey ho, could be worse (could be better).
Oh and ... woooooooooooooooooooooo :pumpkin: :skull: :yinyang: :ghost: :onphone: :mean:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2014, 13:46
by StowgateResident
I'm starting the new month at 147 pounds. Exactly on target! :victory: Hurrah! :grin: No fasts for the last two weeks, just eating judiciously but including some cakes desserts and biscuits (not as many as I once used to, though)!

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2014, 16:12
by SSure
Weigh-in of 107.2lbs which means that I'm still within my 105-110lb maintenance range. So, on balance, I'm OK with this. (I've having TMI issues which may be adding 1-2lbs or so plus, I've some joint swelling so it's tricky to interpret this scale weight in context).

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2014, 17:25
by mrstee
Where did October go ? Still maintaining ok, and we just had an active family holiday in Holland, lots of swimming, cycling and a bit of indoor skiing too. We'll definitely be going back next year ! Great fun, no fasting and still the same weight ... Hurrah ! Annoyingly my fitbit didn't count any of that exercise though ! Now home and buried under a washing pile ! :smile:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2014, 18:54
by lovemyparrot
I'm on the first day of a 2-day fat fast. Did one regular 500 cal. fast day and one fatfast day last week. Wanted to continue the fat fast for another day (as it went really well) but I have so much opposition from my OH (who always thinks I am "nuts" and on another one of my "fad diets") that I decided not to push it. The next 2 days, tho, I am going to stick to my guns. :victory:

Should give me a bit of leeway leading up to our Thanksgiving at the end of November. :wink:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2014, 08:04
by P-JK
Starting the month after my first compulsary fast on day of surgery last Friday, feeling ok right now. No exercise the coming weeks, so interesting to see what happens. :geek:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2014, 10:07
by Ieramul
@P-JK - wishing you a speedy recovery and stable weight. :wink:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2014, 17:19
by wendyjane
My first weigh-in of November this morning, and I'm right on target. :like:
Hope your recovery is going well @P-JK, and my best to all of my fellows :smile:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2014, 19:08
by Nessie
I have had a good October and first few days of November floating between 129lb and 131lb I am finding it quite easy at the moment but I do know it can go pear shaped if I take my eye off the ball. At the beginning of October after a bad weekend I went up to 138lb but did lose it in 4days when I put my mind to it . I am looking forward to a Ski holiday on the 4th of January :grin: so hope I can remain under 130lb for that. Good luck and judgment to all my fellow maintineers. :like: :clover: :heart:

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2014, 20:55
by GMH
Well I never thought I'd say this, but I NEED to eat cake! I keep losing weight at the rate of knots, I am now the lightest I have been since I was a young teenager. I have been experimenting with my routine and have slipped into breakfast, snack, late lunch, less alcohol. On the days when I do drink I do eat at night, so I'm not falling about the place on a glass of vino :smile: I have been eating 700 to 800 cals 3 days a week. I'll now experiment with upping cals on those days to maintain and not lose. I am looking forward to a homemade lemon and coconut slice at a local cafe. Yum.

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2014, 16:16
by carorees
It's two years since my first weigh-in today and I'm currently still losing weight very slowly while trying to maintain. I have adjusted my lower limit a few times already but I think I should make a stand and say I won't let the Libra trend go below 63kg. Currently it is 63.2 and has been 63.1 on occasion. It's hard not to worry when you see a small increase in the trend after so long of it heading downwards. Although I don't think I am too thin now, I feel I should not go any lower...not least because I can't afford yet another new wardrobe of clothes!

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2014, 16:26
by Ieramul
Congratulations!!! Well done @@carorees. Two years and 40kgs is an amazing achievement. I hope you celebrate tonight accordingly. ;-))

Re: Maintaining October - December 2014

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2014, 16:29
by Marybeth
This week my high was 136.5 lbs; my low 134; my goal is 135; so maintenance is plugging along very nicely with fasting about once a week. :victory:

This week is also one year since I stopped trying to lose and went on maintenance. I'm lucky that it's been so easy for me and I'm grateful to all here for the support, information and fun :heart:

Good luck to you all! :clover: :clover: