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Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2015, 07:37
by carorees
MaryAnn wrote: I am seriously thinking about changing my maintenance window to 63-65kg. I've been working so hard to get back to 63kg since Xmas 2013. It seems a bit ridiculous. The main reason for aiming lower is a few extra kg can make a difference for running, but since I'm injured and not running anyway, perhaps I should go a bit easier on myself. I'll still try to get back to 63, but perhaps having 65 as the upper limit it will take some of the pressure off...

That sounds like a good plan. If you have to struggle it's time to rethink!

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2015, 10:19
by StowgateResident
I agree with carorees. Cut yourself some slack and once your injury has healed and you are running again you may find it easier to get closer to your lower limit - if that's what you want to do by then.

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2015, 11:08
by Nessie
I feel maintaining is all about being able to eat in a way that is comfortable for you and balancing that with a weight that you are happy with. I find to maintain my 129lb 58.6kg I have had to continue a couple of fast, or, at least low days and also be very mindful of my TDEE .
After Christmas, New Year and a holiday from the 4th Jan to the 12th I put on 5lb but once home and eating normally again 4lb disappeared in 2days and the last one only a couple of days later. It suits me to be very careful on week days and splash out a bit on weekends. I have still not lost my sweet tooth but have it under control. So far so good,
I have been maintaining since July 2013 and although I have had periods of 7lbs up or indeed 4lbs below my ideal weight this is the longest I have stayed round about the same for 50years. :like: so good luck to all fellow maintainers I hope you find the eating pattern that suits you :clover: :victory:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2015, 12:25
by Ieramul
@MaryAnn I agree with you. If you can maintain at a certain weight just a little above your target, then you are right to modify because it is probably your natural weight. Being too strict and hence constantly frustrated can't help our relationship with food and this WOL.

Over the last fifteen years I always dreamed of getting down to 50kgs and I do think it is my natural weight (about 4 lbs) above the weight of my yough. I reached this last October and at the end of last year I even managed to get 3 - 4 lbs below this weight. Unfortunately all I did was to lower my target weight to 48-49kg. Why can't we be happy with just being a certain weight? But in my defence, when we reach maintenance there is a certain fear in the beginning, that if we relax we might put all the weight back on very quickly.
After Christmas we had so many goodies left over that we only finished off all the sweets last Saturday and the scales have been reflecting this with a 6lbs gain after Christmas. After a few fasts last week and a 36 water fast yesterday, I am now 50kgs and I think I should not try and push the maintenance lower but relax and see how I maintain this weight. Anything below this weigth is just difficult. I need to learn to relax more and not see a couple of pounds as the start of the slippery slope.

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 14:10
by Marybeth
Seems a little strange that I haven't fasted in 3 weeks but here I am with my weekly update at exactly my goal of 135 lbs. During the week, my highest weight was 136.

We had OH's DD visiting for a couple of days and hosted the local kids and grandkids at a little get-together during her visit, as well as taking her out to a couple of our favorite restaurants. Does anyone else find that social occasions curb the appetite? I seem to be more interested in being a good host or a good guest than in the eating part.--Kind of weird, eh? :?:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 14:54
by carorees
Maintenance update from me: Lowest weight this week 62.9; highest 63.5; maintenance range 62.5-65kg; trend 63.4kg; summary: :grin:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2015, 15:35
by Merlin
I'm still pleased to be just under the top of my range.

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2015, 11:17
by SSure
106.2lbs so within my chosen maintenance range of 105-110lbs which is :cool:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2015, 13:35
by Silverdarling
Just weighed myself for the first time this year, and at just under 9st 8lb, just under a pound above target weight. About 1 fast a week, and 16:8 every day. Not too much wine, but loads of cake, and chocolate ...!

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2015, 18:48
by StowgateResident
At my weekly weigh-in this morning, I was 146.5 pounds, so just half a pound under my target weight. I'm happy with that, although I have, very unusually for me, fasted three times this week because of some very unwise food choices on my non-fast days. I am putting that down to the additional pressure, which I put upon myself, to lose another five pounds. I have now decided that this is unrealistic and unnecessary, so I will be maintaining at, or around, 147 pounds in future. :smile:

Nearly the end of the month so another good maintaining month for those of us on here. Well done, everyone! :victory:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2015, 22:35
by peebles
I was up to 142 this morning. I stuck with my miserable two fasts this past week where I was starving the whole time, only to reach a new high for the last 4 months today. I am hoping some of it was salt from the (delicious) homemade beef barley mushroom soup I made yesterday. And while I did bake brownies, I only baked half a pan for the two of us (baking them in a bread loaf pan) and saved half for today. I go way easy on the sugar in them too.

We're supposed to be getting a couple feet of snow on Tuesday, too. I swear I am going to spend next winter in New Zealand!

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2015, 01:37
by MaryAnn
I've lost about 1.5kg in less than a week, mostly water weight from my back injury. 64.2kg today, my lowest weight since last spring. And I went swimming yesterday, so finally got rid of some pent-up energy!

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 19:47
by wendyjane
At my last January weighing, I am one pound over target, and still comfortably in my acceptable range.
Seems like most maintaineers are doing pretty well here. Steady as she goes (I think that's mariner lingo, and appropriate for me today as I watch coverage of the storm/flooding in New England).
See you all next month. :smile:

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2015, 20:48
by peebles
I was at 140 this morning after a fast where I came in closer to 600 calories than 435. But my Tanita is showing a higher than usual amount of water. So I'm probably hanging in there.

Having a nice cup of soup with about 145 calories in it yesterday made the fast day much more tolerable. But I ate much too much again today. This stupid snow hysteria didn't help. After all the media howling about how we were going to get the "storm of the century" with hundreds of thousands without power, we got a measily 6 inches and not a single power outage in the whole Western part of our state. But it sure did get me worried!

Re: Maintaining January 2015

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2015, 07:47
by Manderley
I went on the scale for the first time in a few weeks (for real, the last time was with my dog on a crazy scale that doubled my actual weight so that doesn't count) and I am 108 lbs so on the under side of the thing again. What drives me nuts is that I would only need to gain 1 lb to be on the other side of the fence and I can't. I know, it's ridiculous but it's a psychological barrier that makes a huge difference. Maybe my control freak personality but the fact that I can't enter my weight in the tracker (it keeps asking me if I wrote it right and don't count it doesn't help....

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