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Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2015, 04:10
by Lizbean
I'm here :smile: March has been the most challenging assault course for me personally. I have not fasted as normal (Mon/Thurs). However, despite the stress I have just about managed to keep on track and I put that down to low carbs - after one year I just don't need them. It's also helped me identify what I thought was stress, is actually not at all. Come April I'll be diving back into 52. So looking forward to it, missed my 52 way of life :wink: Good to see you are all busy maintaining :clover:

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015, 04:28
by MaryAnn
MaryAnn wrote: I'm also here to report going over my upper limit :-( Today I weighed 65.4kg. I'm really annoyed with myself. Not that long ago I was at 63.7kg. And since I decided to set my window as 63-65, I haven't gone over 65 until now. Hopefully a fast or two will sort it out. There have been a lot of leaving parties lately, that involved a lot of drinking. If I cut down on alcohol, in addition to fasting, I think I'll be ok...

Back to 64.7 today. Phew.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015, 18:57
by Lizbean
@MaryAnn Yay! I'm following you ....
I am about to order Ditching Diets (though this is my first and ONLY :wink: journey to losing weight I mindlessly gained, yes I'm publically holding myself to account) and Don't go hungry diet books on kindle, taking a forewarned and forearmed approach. I had a quick look in the fasting library to see if there was a reading list which forum members are finding helpful but I could not find one. Might be worth considering for the future as recommendations get lost on threads. @WendyJane are you winning? Like others I'm hoping the spring and summer will help balance the seasonal challenges we face. I know many of you are a year or so ahead of me, your second, third winter, my first - it's certainly been a bit of an eye opening experience but I'm very happy to come out the other end. Nearly there. Bit of a got my mojo back moment coming up Image
@Sassy1 happy hols to you, Image @peebles how are you? Your last post was very encouraging.
I wonder if there will be an April fools day maintenance thread'_Day on the 1st, no running allowed! Onwards we go. :clover:

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2015, 02:45
by peebles
The book list sounds like a great idea!
I got back to fasting this week and it was easy both times. So I'm happy. I'll fast next week then take two weeks off for our vacation. Weight is somewhere around 142.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2015, 08:46
by SSure
SSure wrote: Belated update. The new physiotherapy is doing its stuff: the downside for now is that it takes up a lot of my free time as it's x2 a day.

As a (presumably temporary) effect and an interesting example of fluid shifts, I have to report that I've dropped below the bottom of my maintenance range (105-110lbs) to a current low of approx. 100lbs. I expect this to right itself back towards the maintenance range over the next couple of weeks...
As an update on this, the physiotherapy is approx. 4hrs a day so I'm still around 100lbs and a little below my preferred range. Watchful waiting is key here as I'd rather not change anything and still suspect that it's fluid shifts.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2015, 14:05
by Lizbean
peebles wrote: The book list sounds like a great idea!
I got back to fasting this week and it was easy both times. So I'm happy. I'll fast next week then take two weeks off for our vacation. Weight is somewhere around 142.

Pleased to hear you had a good week @peebles
@Ssure It'll be interesting to see whether the watchful waiting and no change approach works for you at both your upper and lower ranges.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2015, 22:20
by Silverdarling
Like @Lizbean this has been a very stressful month for me, with changes at work and my mum (who is my dad's carer) falling and fracturing her pelvis. However, although I have hardly fasted in the conventional sense, I am still only a pound above my target weight and well within my 'band'. I have stuck to 16:8 , with no breakfast, and it does seem to have helped. I'm aware that things may not continue this way for long though, and will be keeping an eye out for any gain ... But hopefully with things calming down a bit, I will be able to get back into a more normal routine.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2015, 22:44
by Lizbean
@Silverdarling I'm with you my dear. I hope your Mother is comfortable after her fall and you can establish calm for you and family. Tough moments :clover: :heart:

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2015, 09:23
by Merlin
It's the last day of the month and confession time- the scales this morning showed me a pound over my preferred target range, hopefully it was down to lunching out yesterday-but lunch isn't on my menu today!

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2015, 10:29
by barbarita
Maintenance Month 009

Goal weight 120 lbs, range 118 - 122, method 7 x 19/5

Entry weight 122, exit weight 118, average 120.16
Highest 122 (1 day), lowest 118 (2 days).

April should be interesting.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2015, 11:25
by carorees
Loving your reporting method @barbarita, so have shamelessly stolen it:
Maintenance month 11
Entry weight 64kg (trend 64.4kg)
Exit weight 63.5kg (trend 63.6kg)
Highest 64.6 kg (1 day), lowest 63.2 kg (2 days)
Waist stable at 69.5 to 70 cm

I have been able to resume my weekly swimming which has coincided with a drop in weight that had been staying near the top of the maintenance range for the last couple of months. Or it could be the arrival of Spring? It will be interesting to see how things go on.

Re: Maintaining: March 2015

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2015, 14:32
by peebles
After my third fast, this past Monday, I found myself ravenous once again the next day (yesterday) so no more fasting for a few weeks. I'm thinking I'll do alternate week 5:2 one week of 2 fasts and one of none. However, we are going on a two week vacation next week which will involve a lot of food, so I won't be fasting again until the third week of the month.

I was 141.5 after Monday's fast, which means 143.5-or so on non-fast days. I saw a 144 last week. The tummy fat seems to be what is coming back, which probably is my body grabbing for estrogen. My acupuncturist reminded me that subcutaneous fat actually secretes estrogen, which I had completely forgotten. I will have my memories of a fall and winter looking hot in the skinny jeans, but I think I would rather have the estrogen. The hot flashing has stopped.

Truth is, my face looks better with a bit more weight on it. I was looking dried up and wrinkley in the way that we older women with very fragile, thin, blonde skin can look. There was a row of literally 10 laugh lines at the corner of my mouth every time I smiled. Now its down to about 5. I just hope the double chin doesn't come back.