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Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:23
by bycress16
Hello all,
Not being someone who shouts from the rooftops I feel, however, that I must share my joy at finally reaching my target weight this morning. I had hoped to make it by my birthday and did, JUST, as it is tomorrow (28th)
For anyone who might be interested, my statistics from starting 5:2 are below.
I add this in the hope that if anyone is struggling at the moment and need a little bit of encouragement then read on. A few times I was a bit downhearted due to poor weight loss and thought about packing it in but since joining this forum in February I have been encouraged by all your stories and achievements for which I thank you all very much.
My challenge now is to ‘maintain. And not slip back to old habits. I plan to do 6:1 to see how that goes with the occasional 5:2 if my weight starts to creep up.
A special thank you to Michael and Mimi, who, without their inspired ideas, I am sure this would not have been possible.
Also special thanks to Moogie and all her helpers for all their hard work.
Good luck everyone in reaching your own personal goals. Keep this wonderful support and enthusiasm going.

Started 5:2 on Tuesday 14 August. : 41 weeks = 78 fasts (one week off for Christmas and Easter!)
Weight - 15st 13lbs (101.16kg / 223lbs); BMI – 33.03; Waist – 38” trousers; Cholesterol – 6.3; Blood Pressure – 149/120 Body fat = 27%
Reached target weight on Monday 27 May :
Weight – 11st 7lbs (73.03kg / 161lbs); BMI –23.84; Waist – 32” trousers; Body fat = 19%; Cholesterol – 3.4; Blood Pressure – 117/79

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:29
by Nessie
You have every right to be proud that is a fantastic result. Hope you get your head round maintaining it now, it may take some trial and error but you know we will all be here for you.

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:37
by Abby

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:47
by Bee
Great news, and happy birthdy for tomorrow :)

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:47
by OwnedByCats
That. Is. Absolutely. Splendid!

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 16:48
by tink59
Great Job!! :like: I would be excited as well.. :grin:

I have a question for you.. During your non fast days did you eat normally and have a few cheats here and there or did you limit your calories to a set amount? Today is my third fast day but I am not counting calories at all on my non fast days but not gorging myself but eating what I like within limits..

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:09
by miffy49

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:14
by Leighites
Such a huge achievement - really well done you. You must be hoarse by now!!

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:18
by JKW
Well done and very happy birthday for tomorrow. You deserve a slice of cake! It is an amazing diet, if you can call it that. You just don't feel as though you are doing anything, and then the weight just slowly slips away.

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:20
by LittleJoy
How wonderful! Congratulations!!! I'm at a similar starting point, just 8 weeks in and not much change.. but hanging in there, as I'm hoping at some point bigger changes come down the long road I'm on. Thanks for posting your stats, they are really astounding.

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:27
by AbbieTaylor
Wow thank you for sharing this and bloody well done you! You are an inspiration to us all - best of luck on your maintenance journey and happy birthday for tomorrow! !

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:35
by badtzmaru5
congrats and happy birthday! that is a fantastic gift to yourself.

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:40
by Mrs H-R
You must feel great bycress, not only have you lost a lot of weight what great cholesterol and body fat stats! You are one healthy bunny! Thanks for sharing that it is very encouraging. Happy birthday for tomorrow, what a great present to yourself! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:52
by Sue.Q
Well done you and enjoy shouting as loud as you wish (I would deffo ) you are an inspiration to all of us especially those like me 6weeks in and a shed load of weight to lose. Sue

Re: Shouting from the rooftops!

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 17:57
by NoraBoswell
A great achievement and what any to start the next year of your life. Many congratulations.