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January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2016, 12:24
by cblasz
I hope it's ok that I started the thread this month! I figured January is a good time to start it!
My goal for this year is 3,000,000 steps! That's a little more than 8K a day. I'd like to do 10K a day, but this is a little more realistic. This morning, although it is chilly here, I got up and walked outside for 15 minutes. I plan to walk about 10-15 during my break at work. That combined with the fact that I'm on my feet a lot at work should get me my 8K. If not, I'll do another little walk tonight.
What are your fitbit goals for the new year?

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2016, 13:29
by carieoates
Hello there, great to see the monthly Fitbit chat restarted. Good luck with your goals everyone.

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2016, 14:08
by cblasz
Does anyone have any tips for getting those extra steps in?
I have kind of a funny one. I live alone and have 2 bathrooms, one downstairs and one upstairs. Well, I ran out of toilet paper in the downstairs bathroom and had to run upstairs to use the bathroom. I thought to myself that that is a good way to get extra steps, just don't keep toilet paper down there!! :grin:

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2016, 14:12
by Lizbean
When you sit down, get back up! :wink:

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2016, 19:41
by bordergirl
Hi, Fitbitten Ones! I am waiting for my new fitbit to arrive--should happen today! The band of my old Charge broke in pieces. My husband called and got them to replace it--he will use it! I ordered a new purple Charge HR with a buckling band! I really have missed the motivation it brings me. I aim for 10k daily and find it mostly doable. I make it by walking my little dog, standing up and bouncing around at bowling--keeps me loose too, parking far from store, zumba class. Even 15k daily is not out of sight with the rare 20k. If I am shy of where I want to be and want to make my goal, I put some music on and dance in the kitchen or march around the house--whatever it takes!

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2016, 22:17
by Tracieknits
Thanks for making the thread @cblaz-- always feel free, anyone can do it :-)

That's a great goal for the year!

I'm a bit sluggish this month as I started otu sick this week with a nasty headcold but I'm starting to feel much better.

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2016, 13:16
by StowgateResident
I'm afraid that I have been rather slack lately about even wearing my Flex! :shock: However, after a good talking to from my osteopath, I am resolved to at least reach my 7500 step goal every day. I started yesterday and just about managed it, so now I have just to get out of the door and into the drizzle to make it for today! Wish me luck :smile:

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2016, 18:26
by Golarne
Well done @StowgateResident for getting started again, good luck!
My aim is simply to try to go for a walk every day, even if it's only round the supermarket when the weather is really awful. Over the holidays the back of my dodgy knee has really tightened through lack of use!

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2016, 00:42
by tiggerthefirst
Awesome goals @cblasz, @StowgateResident and @bordergirl!

I have a simple Fitbit One and recently committed to wearing daily. Have built up to 10k steps per day the last four. Just getting off the couch - you are so right @Lizbean and moving more (when not at work) is what I need to do. Daily 30 mins minimum activity every day for a month is my interim goal for now. We have a load of stairs in the house and just got the Skydiver badge - yippee! :grin:


Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 17:15
by SianS
Hello Fitbitters,
I noticed yesterday that my fitbit is now logging my activities automatically, and I'm wondering whether I did something to cause this or if it was an update.
I'm not complaining just surprised and would appreciate some feedback.
After a little rummage in the Fitbit forums I discovered that this is a feature called Smart Track which was introduced on the Charge HR and Surge in mid December. Here is the link if anyone is interested ... Track-FAQs

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2016, 20:05
by wildmissus
I've just treated myself to a fitbit charge hr. I'm interested in my heart rate as I was having heart problems before, which is sorted now but I am still curious. I have read that it can be very inaccurate but I did check it against the equipment at the gym and it was only consistently 2 bpm lower than the gym equipment, so I'm happy.

My aim is to do an average of 10k a day over a week. This should be quite easy if I can be disciplined enough to walk to work and back. I work 5 days a week and do 4 hour shifts on my feet. I don't work on Mondays but I do go to the gym so just got to 10k, yesterday I was just under 16k and at the moment I am at 12k (OH picked me up from work). Saturday, especially in the winter, is a day I often indulge on my hobby - crafting, which doesn't add many steps to my count. Also, I live in a bungalow and work in a single storey supermarket so no stair counts.

I'm very pleased so far, hopefully I won't need a cattle prod to keep me going.

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2016, 00:39
by cblasz
SianS wrote: Hello Fitbitters,
I noticed yesterday that my fitbit is now logging my activities automatically, and I'm wondering whether I did something to cause this or if it was an update.
I'm not complaining just surprised and would appreciate some feedback.
After a little rummage in the Fitbit forums I discovered that this is a feature called Smart Track which was introduced on the Charge HR and Surge in mid December. Here is the link if anyone is interested ... Track-FAQs

@SianS - It seems you may have your answer, but I was going to say that I have MyFitnessPal linked to my fitbit (and actually MyRunKeeper hooked up to MFP) so my activities get automatically logged like that.

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2016, 01:01
by Tracieknits
That's great @Wildmissus! I personally don't worry too much if I have one low step day, so long as I at least keep it above 70K for the week. Christmas was tough, with all of my husband's family around. And then I got sick the first week in January, so my steps are low this month. But I've been getting out there - and I even took walks in the definitely below freezing weather we've been having. I think it was -4C/25F today on my walk - and I only went on the walk because honestly, that's fairly warm for winter in this part of the world!

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2016, 23:26
by wildmissus
Thanks you @Tracieknits. What a day I've had - went to the gym, did lots of housework, walked to work - my step count atm is 20,058, wow - that's 3,145 calories burned! I would have walked home but OH came to pick my up which was just as well as the covering of snow we had froze so it saved me breaking my neck. I don't work on Saturday and I received some craft products today so I'm going to have a rest day playing with my new toys.

Re: January Fitbitters

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2016, 01:08
by cblasz
That's very impressive @wildmissus!! The most I've ever had was 15,000. But, I'm happy to say that I've met or exceeded my step goal for 4 days in a row so far this week!