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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 19:34
by Hanjimani
OMG! You guys are serious shredders!!
I have just moved on to 30DS Level 2 and it nearly killed me!
I think I'd got used to Level 1 and was quite happy with that but, obviously after 10 days, I've moved on and, boy, did I feel it yesterday (1st day of Level 2) especially in the heat!
Tomorrow is weigh day so we'll see how much difference Level 1 made!
One thing I have been pleased about is my ability to shred on a fast day with no adverse effects - all good!! And, I'll say it quietly, but I quite enjoy it....weird!!!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 19:54
by amberenchanted
mummybunny. is the ripped in 30 specifically for abs work? have been to physio today as cant run & told that I need to strengthen my core, along with pelvic floor, as hips are rotating when I run which means that the wrong muscles are being used & causing hip pain on one side. have got a series of exercises to do daily but wondered if ripped in 30 helps strenthening the core, aswell as abs.

Oh, & fell off the 30 day shred wagon. life took over again & didnt get round to doing it daily as I did before last weekend. naughty naughty :)

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 10:49
by Prawny
Yay finished, well actually yesterday. Went back to level 2 today, prefer the upper body bits of that one. Am fasting today so will weigh tomorrow....

What shall I do next?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 14:31
by mummybunny2005
Hi all - amberenchanted, I don't think Ripped in 30 is geared specially for abs - it's a lot like the 30 Day Shred in terms of 3 circuits of 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs. There is a fair amount of core work but I don't think that's its main purpose. If you want real core work, Six Week Six Pack might do the trick. I've never done it but the writeup looks intense...

I gave myself a day off from Ripping yesterday, but will get back in the saddle today. The one consolation is that it's only 20 minutes!

Welcome bank janeg!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 14:58
by kogger
Could someone advise what the 30 day shred is? Thanks

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 15:24
by mummybunny2005
30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by the fitness trainer Jillian Michaels, American (natch) who was a trainer on The Biggest Loser. She is known for her very tough workouts and her ability to get amazing results. The promise of 30DS is that if you do it religiously for 30 days your body will be "shredded". The DVD contains workouts in 3 levels and the idea is that you spend about 10 days on each level before you move up to the next, harder level. Each level's workout lasts about 20 minutes and consists of 3 circuits. Each circuit contains 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and a minute of abs. So you're constantly surprising your muscles by doing something till it really hurts, then immediately moving onto something else.

You can take it up at really any level of fitness - she has two demonstrators doing it along with her at all times - one doing a modified, beginner's version and the other doing an advanced version.

As far as that promise of being shredded in 30 days goes, have a look at some of the stats we've posted here - weight loss has, for me, not been so great but I've lost centimeters in everything and I definitely look a lot more toned. It's hard not to get discouraged if you don't lose weight immediately but if you haven't been exercising before taking this on it takes some time for the water retention from muscle repair starts to go down.

I finished it just over 2 weeks ago and was pleased with my results, so pleased I bought her Ripped in 30 DVD and am now more than halfway through that. Ripped in 30 is basically the same premise as 30DS (each workout has 3 circuits, each circuit has 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs) but it has 4 sets of workouts instead of 3 (each set lasts a week instead of 10 days) and it gets a lot harder than Level 3 of 30DS.

You can find 30DS on YouTube (but I haven't been able to find RI30, which is why I downloaded it) - give it a go!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 09:31
by mummybunny2005
I must admit I am really struggling with Ripped in 30. I feel like I am regressing - with all of the Shred and Ripped so far, by the time I finished each level/week I was doing "advanced" on almost everything, but by the end of week 3 I am barely even able to get through the "beginners"' exercises, and I had started week 3 doing some advanced!

Maybe it's the heat? Jillian and her "girls" would definitely have been working out in an air conditioned room...

But this really is one tough workout. I'm trying to decide whether I start week 4 today or keep at week 3 till it becomes easier.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 08:26
by mummybunny2005
I seem to be the only one still looking at this thread, but as I don't otherwise blog or journal this makes a good record for me.

I started Week 4 of Ripped in 30 yesterday, and am pleased to say it's a little easier than Week 3. There are some moves in Week 4 that are duplicated from Level 3 of the 30DS, so as I was familiar with them it really helped me get through it. Still really tough, still collapsing in a heap at the end, but I don't feel as hopeless as I did in Week 3.

I've also measured myself and there are definitely improvements. Will post those later.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 08:37
by BethP
Sounds like you're doing really well, mummybunny! Keep going :) How many weeks is Ri30?

So I have managed to make my mother do two rounds of the shred so far. Can no longer find the other levels online though, meaning I might have to buy the DVDs? Then again, I might just buy the big pack of DVDs as it's about £20 for 6 of them (including Ri30) and I'd love to try them out. Having a day's break between the shred makes it more manageable, of course, but do you think it'll still have an effect? My muscles are certainly feeling it today and that was only level 1 (I did Nathalie moves)! Hopefully this is a good sign :) I have to keep pausing to correct my mum as she's unfit and has dodgy knees, haha.

Weight that had crept back on from a bad week (failed my fasts and everything!) is now back off and it's onto calorie counting for me. It's about a month until I go on holiday but I don't think I'll be able to lose the whole 8lbs until my goal weight, but that's okay :) Slow and steady. I worked out that if I eat 1400cal on my feed days, 500cal on fast days, and exercise (including a rigorous cleaning job and waitressing!) I could potentially lose about 1.5lbs a week from now on. But that's all in science and not according to water retention and all those other nasties that prevent weight loss!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 09:44
by Nicky_94
BethP - I found all three levels in one video on youtube this morning - it's a bit annoying as you have to try and find the start of each level but all three levels are there! Otherwise I want the DVD set too! And re shredding every other day I more or less did that for levels 2 and 3 and I still saw results - what is dangerous though is that it's somehow easier to skip because you're not in such a routine as you are if you shred every day.

I did day 2 of level 1 this morning, it was OK, I did all of the hard moves apart from the push ups, I don't seem to be getting better at those LOL. Now my arms are dead!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 10:03
by BethP
Ooh, could you post the link please Nicky_94? :) I can't find it and it would be good to have, saves me £20! I'll just wait until my student loan comes in to get the DVDs :P

Push ups, oh god... I used to be able to do both sets just fine, and having time off exercise has made me so weak! I would be trying to do the shred every day if it weren't for my mum, it's a miracle I managed to get her to agree to the shred and she's very accident prone so doing it every couple of days minimises chance of injury...

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 10:31
by mummybunny2005
So glad to have some company again! :-)

Ripped in 30 lasts 4 weeks - recommendation is 5-6 times a week and at least one day's rest a week. Weeks 1 and 2 I did 5 times in a week, Week 3 I did 6 times over 9 days. So I am more or less on track.

Pushups and planks are a common theme in Jillian's workouts - sometimes I can do the "manly" ones and sometimes I can only manage the "girly" ones on my knees.

When I was shredding I had managed to find all 3 levels separately on Youtube - have they been removed? Ripped in 30 is not on Youtube, so I downloaded it from iTunes.

Anyone have ideas for what should be next, now that I am on the home stretch of Ri30?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 10:59
by mummybunny2005
PS. Nifty new avatar BethP! ;-)

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 21:26
by mummybunny2005
Ok, current stats for the record:

Started 30 Day Shred
Weight 65.2kg
Arms - 30
Thighs - 62
Hips - 101
Waist - narrowest part -77
Waist - widest part -90

Stats after finishing 30 Day Shred
Weight 64.9kg
Arms - 29
Thighs - 60
Hips - 95
Waist - narrowest part -75
Waist - widest part -86

Current stats (Ripped in30 started Week 4)
Weight 63.7kg
Arms - 28
Thighs - 60
Hips - 90.5
Waist - narrowest part -74
Waist - widest part -81.5

Not bad - motivation to keep going...

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2013, 22:05
by amberenchanted
Wow mummybunny. Stats are impressive. Especially the hips and waist at widest part. I am resigned to my exercises from sports physio but will be out on my bicycle and using cross trainer for a few weeks then hopefully running again. Am having to concentrate on pelvic floor without using abdominal muscles and engaging glutes to strengthen them. I enjoyed the 30 day shred for the couple of weeks that I did it but the star jumps are too high impact for my hip and not allowed high impact yet. Hope you find something to do afterwards. Be a shame to lose all your fitness and bet you well on the way to a six pack, if not already there :) perhaps the six pack workout next? ;) xx