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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2013, 20:08
by Nicky_94
Well done everyone!

I have fallen off the shredding wagon again...and now I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I'm not going to be able to shred until Friday when I get to my grandparent's house...but I promise I will shred on Friday!!!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2013, 10:36
by BethP
Keep it up, Nicky_94, you'll be back on the wagon soon! :) It's always difficult when you're going away or visiting people. Finding a full 30 days to do the exercise is tough!

I might have to give the shred a miss today :( My body is very, very achy from the sudden spurt of exercise and my back hurts from my bookcase-moving efforts the other day so I think that rest is the best option. I shall be back stronger than ever tomorrow, just have to listen to my body today :)

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2013, 14:03
by mummybunny2005
Hi all - I'm so glad to have company in this thread! Even if I'm not doing the Shred per se...

Glad to see people are keeping going. It takes some commitment! Jillian's videos generally recommend 5-6 days a week and definitely at least a day's rest each week, so if your body or schedule are not up to it by all means rest. I had a couple of days' rest last week and came back to it with renewed energy.

I will give blogilates (is that the right name?) a try - thanks for the recommendation!

6w6p is growing on me (as I hope the midsection is shrinking - after only 2 days it does seem to feel flatter already!). I think it is possible to get a whole-body workout but I will need to get heavier weights - mine are only 1.5kg (just over 3 lbs). I'm a little more sore now (having done 2 days) than I was at the same point in Ripped in 30, but nowhere near as sore as I was just having started the Shred (comedy walks and all)! Planks and pushups don't bother me at all now. What I find tough in 6w6p is that she doesn't have the same 3-2-1 circuits so there isn't as much of a pattern - at least not that I've yet been able to make out. There are only 2 levels and each lasts 3 weeks, so I'm sure by the time I get to the end of this level I'll be able to do it in my sleep.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2013, 17:21
by BethP
Nice to have someone on the inside, mummybunny, I think I might try 6W6P next time :)

Went onto Level 2 today as Level 1 was getting very boring! Was absolutely sweating but enjoyed it much more. It's the commitment that's difficult :P

Let us know if your tummy shrinks, mummybunny! My tummy is my trouble area so I'd love to flatten it out.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2013, 23:43
by vix89
Right, started it today like I was supposed to over a month ago but kept putting off.

My word that was hard! Like...actually HARD! I was cursing, sweating, clenching teeth and actually felt like I was going to throw up after about ten minutes.

But in a weird way it was fun too, you really feel like you worked out. And with the amazing results all over the internet it seems to be well worth it!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2013, 18:06
by swingy
I've done 5 days of level 1 and 2 days of level 2 and have been 5:2ing, and I'm up two pounds. Hmmmm... I'm very sore today so I'm going to assume it's water retention.

Have done half of No More Trouble Zones (Jillian's 40 min weight training one) just now and will do the other half tomorrow. It's hard, because I took progress pics this evening and, well, saw negative results (assuming this is water retention again), but I'm going to keep at it. I WILL be shredded.

Hope everyone's getting on good!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2013, 20:52
by Bigmammacupcake
Evening all,

decided to take on the '30 day shred challenge' after much deliberation. Bought the dvd (2009 version from Amazon for £5 - came on Saturday and spent the evening watching all levels. At mum's and didn't have a sports bra but found a useful alternative and started the shred on sunday. Got through level 1, just but motivated to continue.

Monday is fast day and started the day well with usual strawberries and yoghurt. Keen to get home and complete day 2 before dinner, that's when the evil fairies came out to play. First shoved the dvd into the dvd player - got picture and sound but could get the remote to forward to level 1. After much cursing, decided to try the ps3. Not techie minded and DS abroad,so wing and a prayer int terms of trying to get the ps3 to work. It didn't - more cursing.

Flew upstairs and tried the xbox - nothing. Then tried the trusty laptop but wanted to see Miss J on the big screen. Tried xbox again and after a hour finally started the 20 minute workout. Managed, just! So tired and not 9.15pm, couldn't be bothered to have dinner. Instead, had bath and a packet of crips - not good I know but don't feel hungry.

Determined to do the shred before I go to work. To cope with the challenge, I call it the 10 day shred - makes it seem more achievable. I admire anyone who's on this tredmill cos it's hard but worth it. I hope to see some change with less pain soon.

Good luck all those that are shredding or doing any of Miss J's dvds - she's one hard lady!!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2013, 23:37
by vix89
Oh yes Jillian doesn't go easy, but I do need a good hard kick up the backside to get motivated again. As she says: "Unless you throw up, faint or die - keep going!"
Did a nice six mile walk as weather was good and it's been ages since I had a good brisk walk. Intended to do only three miles, but enjoyed myself so much I carried on. However this is no excuse not to shred again today even if I do ache like crazy. Especially in my bottom, shoulders and calves.
Here are my starting stats that I measured yesterday - will give an update next Thursday which will be halfway through. Will pop back later after I've shredded today - probably to cry and moan in pain.

Waist: 29.5 inches
Hips: 40.5 inches
Top of thigh (unflexed): 25.5 inches
Top of arm (flexed): 10.5 inches
Weight: 10 stone (64 kg)

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 07:52
by BethP
Well done for starting, vix89! And posting your stats :) I wish you the best of luck. The levels definitely get easier, especially when you repeat it! I had to come off Level 1 after 5 days just from boredom, but Level 2 is making me scream with anger again. Yaaay.

Sounds like you really persevered, Bigmammacupcake! Nice one. When I'm back at uni I'm intending to do a Jillian workout every day before uni... I might cry but hopefully it'll be worth it. Weight loss is just not happening at home over the holidays, I'm not disciplined enough :(

It'll just be water retention, swingy, keep at it :) I've frustratingly felt very fat and bloated but I'm putting it down to TOTM, which is now over, in the hopes that my tummy will flatten out with all of those blasted crunches and cardio!

But my weight is also not shifting :( Seem to be stuck on a bit of a plateau at the moment. According to MyFitnessPal, I'm not overeating, but perhaps according to my body, I am. My TDEE is around 1600 so I think I need to go back to being strict about my 1400cal intake, and not eat any calories back... Dramatic sigh!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 19:33
by vix89
Thanks for the pep talk BethP! Unfortunately I had to miss yesterday's session as the internet was down and I am using the youtube video for now until I go back to England and use the DVD I ordered (£5 off for anyone who still needs to buy it!).
Very annoying, I was all pepped up and ready to go, but never mind, still got in that six mile walk. Still aching, but a dark side of me is enjoying the pain - at least I know I worked hard!
One word of advice that I'm not sure has been addressed before or not; the warm up and cool down isn't really enough considering how hardcore the workout is.
I use this for the warm up:
And this for cool down, and try to take a gentle ten minute walk just to shift the lactic acid. Your body will hurt less in the morning! :D

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 23:26
by vix89
Second shred completed on day three. Still pretty hard going especially those horrid side lunges with weight lifts!

Didn't feel as hideous as the first time, but then I didn't do it yesterday like I was supposed to - will see how my muscles feel in the morning. Did a walk afterwards too, it really helps afterwards to stretch you all out and get some fresh air.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2013, 09:54
by mummybunny2005
Having a bath in Epsom salts after a workout is great for sore muscles. It also helps you sleep and (I am told) acts as a mild diuretic (helps you get rid of excess water). I've been bathing myself for the last few nights in Epsom salts - not so much for sore muscles really but for the sleep benefits - and I'm down a pound this week. Coincidence?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2013, 10:10
by Saeed
I had guests staying for a few days which messed up all my free time and eating plans. I continued with my Fast days - although Monday Fast was moved to Tuesday to allow time for guests departure plans- I did continue with 30 days Shred, still on level 1 but got myself some heavier weights instead of using the tomato tins from the kitchen :lol: Now using proper heavy 2 KG weights for lifting and lounging etc. My arms are saying hello this morning but I'll be OK after today's. :geek:
No Longer exhausted to death at the end... the cool weather is helping too... and I have stopped cursing towards the ends of each set of jumping jacks :oops:

Good luck to everyone who is doing this together here :like:

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 12:30
by vix89
So last night I got some advice from a fitness freak friend of mine. He suggested I do the shred on alternate days as it will aid with muscle repair.
As I am still not that fit it would be best to alternate the days of level one before moving onto six days a week with levels two and three. Walking briskly for three miles at least will burn calories on the days I don't shred.
So no shred today! But instead went for a looooooooooooooong walk. Ended up walking for seven miles, just lost track of time! Back to Jillian tomorrow morning, hopefully she won't be too angry at me :grin:

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 12:45
by BethP
Well done for keeping the exercising up, vix89, even without the shred :) I'm not sure about doing the shred on alternate days, I don't know about anyone else but it absolutely kills me for the first day or so but after that it's just not too taxing. It is hard work at the time but I'm usually feeling back to normal about 10 minutes later!

I'm really curious about Epsom salts, mummybunny, sounds like they do some good! If they're good for sleep I might recommend them to my mum, as she suffers from insomnia. Losing a pound would probably convince her further ;)

Sounds like you're doing really well, Saeed! I bought proper weights this time round too :) Only 0.5 and 1, though, as I'm not very strong haha.

Keep it up, everyone! I am in pain after my first day of Level 3 yesterday, really can't be bothered to do it again today but hopefully I will kick myself up the butt later and just do it...