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Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 18:52
by amberenchanted
vix89. I managed to gain over 3lbs with a combination of 3 little runs & TOTM last week. so I would definately say that you retain water to repair muscles.

I went to sports physio yesterday & am not allowed to run for at least 3 weeks. my pain in my hip is from my quads & hamstrings & lower back on my right side doing all the work, instead of my butt. I have a weakness in that muscle & core muscles & have got to do pelvic floor exercises plus pilates type exercise to strengthem the area. I have had 5 children. 3 under 3 at one point then 4 under the age of 5. my stomach muscles never knitted back together properly so this is some of the problem also. so lots of stomach work. eyuck. & trying to quench my buttock when walking up stairs to stop the other muscles getting involved.

hubbie is gonna sort my bike out for me at the weekend so I can at least get some sort of training in ready for my half marathon in september which I really want to be able to run.

SianS. you mentioned the campus being hilly. when I did my first half in Bath in march the hills are described as "a gentle pull" :)

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 21:58
by colkerr
CreakyPete wrote: Vix89: I'm desperately trying to get my weight to plateau - I hit my acceptable minimum a month ago but it still keeps creeping down, even without fasting or 16:8 at the moment. I have been eating according to appetite and have to force myself sometimes to have extra snacks - I suppose this is a good thing and I have been very lucky, I just want to make sure I am not digesting too many of my old muscles in the process! Pushups are certainly hard, although pull ups are still OK...

I'm managing to stay constant - been on 5:2 since September and weight levelled off after Christmas. I keep a supply of nuts, dark chocolate and other relatively healthy goodies around and ensure I indulge on feast days. Sure looking forward to tomorrow. (I'm even including 16:8 so will have to wait until lunchtime.)

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013, 11:05
by CreakyPete
parkrun 102 today, with the whole family. Traffic problems meant we got to the start with no time to warm up - but it was already flippin' hot anyway!
Set off a bit faster than last week but it caught up with me in the last mile but despite wilting I still managed 23:04, which I would have been delighted with a month ago... Sons both got round OK and wife brought up the rear but ran better than last week (she hates running in the heat). The first time we have all finished the same race...
Overall, not a bad result - how did you all get on?

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013, 11:13
by SianS
Good morning Pete and other parkrunners, it was flipping hot in Maidstone too. I am sitting here refreshing the results page hoping for a good time, it felt fast, and I really pushed hard up the hill to the finish, the dreaded hill training 10 days ago paid off.
I'll post again when I get my time.
Well done on the 23.04 Pete, it looks impressive to me :like:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013, 12:06
by VictoriaMassey
Hi, I've started running this year, did the Race for Life in May and have just started the Park runs now, very slowly. Did it in 44 minutes last week and 43 this week. It's a great event and very friendly.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013, 12:15
by SianS
Hi Victoria and welcome to the sweaty corner of the Forum :smile:

I'm glad you are enjoying parkrun, it really is very very friendly with runners in all shapes, sizes and ages. I'd like to say it isn't about the time but I'd be lying, when I started I was just glad to get round and not be last, then when the 2nd week was a bit faster than the first it has become something of a cause.

I'm still refreshing the Maidstone run results page every few mins....

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013, 22:27
by VictoriaMassey
In reply to amberenchanted, post about clenching your buttocks, I was taught in Pilates/yoga to think about engaging the muscles not clenching them, although sometimesI struggle with the difference. This means you don't tense as much so can help relax other related muscles.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013, 07:34
by SianS
I finally got my time and I broke 30 mins - 29:42! :lol:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013, 10:18
by CreakyPete
That's a big milestone breaking 30 mins - my missus had four consecutive 30:01s before getting there!

Well done!

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013, 19:14
by amberenchanted
Thanks Victoria for the advice. Makes sense. And a big well done sian. An under 30 min 5k. Very impressive :) xx

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013, 19:28
by David F
I sincerely hope no one's running in this murk.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2013, 15:18
by Melanie Cheeks
A rather disappointing 29.20 this week for me - but yes it's very hot for running, so maybe that has more of an effect than you'd think.

And I've signed up for a Colour Run in Belfast next month!

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2013, 15:21
by SianS
I have to ask - What's a Colour Run?

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2013, 15:38
by Melanie Cheeks

A mad 5k dash through coloured paints.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2013, 15:58
by SianS
Well that does look like a mad event :smile: