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Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2013, 19:13
by lesley54
Thank you so much Simon. The last time I checked it out there wasn't a park run in Doncaster. It looks like one is just starting up.

Oh... That has now set me a challenge. I will now have to get off my but and train so I can take part. Watch this space!


Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2013, 15:53
by lassemista
Well - that was a marathon! I mean reading all this thread since SianS pointed it out to me a few days ago :like:
I have started running - well turbo shuffle probably sums it up - in the last few weeks. I was wary of damaging joints until I had lost a bit, but since I walk a lot with my dogs I am not as unfit as I look.
I am now doing a mile most mornings with the hounds, taking about 12 minutes. Planning to do a longer run this weekend to see how it goes.
OH has just got his barcode to do the Bury St Edmunds parkrun tomorrow. I will be interested to see how his time compares with all you folk. Sadly we can't both do the parkrun cos son has to be taken to tennis training on Saturday mornings - when I feel ready for it he may have to give me a turn now and then.
I will watch you all with interest.
Good luck tomorrow.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2013, 17:10
by SianS
Hi there Lassemista,

Nice to see you on this thread. Take it at your own pace, I can't remember if you know about Couch to 5K, (sorry old age and a slow PC) a lot of people find that program very useful in building up to a longer run.
I'm not planning to do a parkrun tomorrow because it is potentially my only alarm-free day of the week, but who knows if I'm up early I may venture to Maidtone.

I have now run 4 times since the physio gave my hamstring the all clear and today was definitely a big improvement on my previous runs this week.

Good luck to your OH and everyone else parkrun- ing in the morning :clover:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 06:11
by Simon Egan
Good Luck Parkrunners. Run well y'all.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 06:49
by SianS
Good luck all, despite setting no alarm, I'm up bright and early so I'll be parkrunning today too :smile:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 07:07
by Melanie Cheeks
Hi Lassemista, love your dog!
I'll be running this morning with Mini, my cocker spaniel. She's a regular now, and has lots of friends who say hello there.

I took my other dog - Max the mad Weim - once. He was awful! Got overly excited by teh crowds, the high-fizzy vests, the adrenlain, etc. So instead he comes with me on my solo long Sunday runs.

It's well over a month since my last ParkRun (this feels like a confession!), so my aim this morning is just to have fun.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 09:52
by SianS
Welcome back Melanie, how was your holiday? I was under the impression that all Weims were mad btw :smile:

New PB today 28:31,really pleased with that, my previous best was 29:07 back in July :grin:

How did everyone else do?

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 11:22
by lassemista
I love her too - that is Poppy my senior longhaired Weimaraner. I wouldn't say they are necessarily mad, but certainly have a mind of their own!
OH went today, so he was able to tell me all about it - and the boy has been promoted to the next tennis group which meets an hour earlier, so we should be able to go together in due course :smile: .
I have worked out a 3 mile route to take the dogs this afternoon, so I will see how far I get.
I notice most people use an app to track their progress. There seem to be quite a number of them - any recommendations? Though I'm not sure the satnav on my phone is good enough....

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 11:32
by CreakyPete
Well done SianS, a brilliant result after your injury. Unfortunately my OH has not been so lucky with her Achilles problem and dropped out after 2 miles today.
Conditions were perfect here, with a gentle light drizzle and insignificant wind, and I managed to run more even-paced than usually to get a time of 23:24, which is a PB on the new course and would have been equivalent to 23:00 which is where I was in June/July. Very pleased. Just hope that Simon has not improved in another huge bound!

PS - just saw your 30:05 Melanie, not too shabby after a lay-off!

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 15:47
by lassemista
Woohoo - Parkrun here I come. No problem with the 3 miles :grin:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 15:59
by SianS
Hi lassemista,
How did your OH get on today?
Re phone apps I have tried Runtastic (which was fine but crashed my phone a few times), Map My Run (OK but I didn't like the voice) and Runkeeper (also fine, also crashed my phone) I eventually got the message that my phone wasn't really up to multitasking and got a GPS watch from eBay.

Well done Pete and Melanie, sorry your OH is still not right Pete.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:13
by Chickvic
I'm doing C25K, did week 7 run 1 yesterday. Just ran 2.5k for fun :shock: I run on a treadmill as I'm not sure the public is ready for me yet - lol! For those that parkrun, what are the time limits for doing the course? At the speed I jog it'll take me nearly an hour to finish :oops: but at least I keep moving, will increase my speed as I finally manage to jog for 30 mins :wink:

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:18
by lassemista
He did 28:29 - he says "not bad for an old man" (when I told him about Pete he was bemused) and just gone to see if anyone older was faster than him. He has been doing quite a lot recently, and plays squash. He will probably get faster. I don't see us running together (lol) - I took about 36 minutes, but I was only timing it on my watch. I was pleased that my breathing was back to normal within about 4 mins (during which time the dogs found a lovely muddy leaf pit :curse:)
The apps all seem to have tons of stuff I will never use - why can't they keep it simple!

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:24
by lassemista
Wow - Chickvic, you have lost a massive amount - very well done.
To me treadmills are all very well when there is no alternative, but there is so much more to look at running outside. I was watching a kestrel at one point, and the sunrise in the mornings is magical. OH said there were plenty of people older and fatter than me, but then he knows I am thickskinned.

Re: Are there any runners here?

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:34
by SianS
To echo lassemista's OH, parkrunners come in all shapes, sizes and ages. There isn't a time limit and there is always a tail runner to make sure everyone gets home. And there is no rule against walking when you need to.
I was 2nd in my age category (veteran women 50-54) I think the other faster women in my group had the day off.