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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 08:42
by Nieve Blanco
Hi Linda,

The 30 day shred isn't anything to do with 5:2 its an exercise dvd by gillian michaels (trainer from the usa biggest loser). The dvd on amazon is really cheap and there are plenty of review on there to give you more info.

Everyone else - from what I can gather you all seem to be doing a 10 day split over each level. My dvd says to move up levels as soon as you can I.e when the one you're on becomes easy/routine. Am I missing something or do the 10 day segments just seem to work better/seem more manageable for you?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 08:45
by janeg
Hello Linda, the 30 day shred is not part of the 5:2 plan. However, in the effort to improve health and fitness, some of us have embarked on this mental plan.
If you google Jillian Michaels and 30 day shred, you'll get lots of info. The actual video/dvd/watching thing is on youtube and vimeo.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 09:39
by BethP
Nieve Blanco wrote: Everyone else - from what I can gather you all seem to be doing a 10 day split over each level. My dvd says to move up levels as soon as you can I.e when the one you're on becomes easy/routine. Am I missing something or do the 10 day segments just seem to work better/seem more manageable for you?

I assumed that you spent 10 days per level, but I might have it wrong? To be honest it seems just right for me because I have a low boredom threshold but it takes me about 6/7 days to master the whole workout. I've just done Day 5 of Level 2 and I can now do all of the moves but I always collapse on the last circuit and pant profanities at Jillian! So I'm going to need those next few days to get better :P

By the way, janeg, it sounds like you're working really hard at it and gaining a bit of weight is probably due to muscle gain/water retention. I've fluctuated over the past few days since starting level 2 and am weighing/measuring on Wednesday as usual. Bit worried as I ate a little too unhealthily this weekend but oh well...

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 20:24
by Nicky_94
Well done everyone who's still going, I am supposed to be on day 8 but I'm only on day 6 as I've taken two days off...must get back into it though as I feel it could go either way at the moment.

BethP and janeg - have you seen results?? I can see a big difference in my arm tone already!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 27 May 2013, 21:47
by vebnorahs
Day 9 of the shred, did level 1 with my husband (his was day 1) and felt comfortable and energised after so got a bit cocky and did level 2 straight after. Well, that put me right back in my place!! Holy moly! All those plank position exercises, I couldn't complete all the cardio and was sweating like no-one's business after.

I was doing 10 days of each level but now Nieve Blanco has pointed out to move on when ready it seems I've now started level 2! Think I'll be feeling it tomorrow!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 06:27
by janeg
Think I'l be stuck at level 2 for 90 days! Nicky_94 I feel more toned and will measure at the end, well actually before the end of the 30 days as I have an 'official' measure day before then. Don't know if there is any actual difference though, apart from what feels like asphyxiation each time I do it. My cardio capacity is crap and not improving. I'm begining to wonder if I'm a bit anaemic...
vebnorahs- you will feel it- ouch! :)
Doing the kidding on maths- day 17 today so more than half way there, only 4 more level 2 and then level 3. I'm not convincing myself...

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 06:36
by imcountingufoz
Well done guys! I did 10 days on each level - but then I streamed it from YouTube instead of shelling out for the DVD so I didn't know about moving up the levels as you see fit. Ahhh the Shred, I think it gives you a good base level of fitness for her other workouts. I love a bit of Jillian.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 10:23
by mummybunny2005
Hi shredders - I'm a bit gutted. I got through my 10th day at Level 1 on Saturday and was psyching myself up (of a fashion ;-)) to starting Level 2 on Sunday evening. But on Sunday morning I slipped on my kitchen floor and had a glorious fall on my left knee and ankle. I got up and thought I was fine and did a 3 hour walk and picnic with my family that afternoon but by the time I came back was in agony - couldn't put any weight on it and could barely even move it while lying in bed. So no Shred that night. Yesterday morning was better but I decided not to push it - I did 45 minutes on the bicycle instead and was fine. It is just a little stiff today so I may try to do Level 1 tonight because I know the moves - don't want to try anything new and risk really messing myself up.

My first thought when I fell was "ohmigod - am I still going to be able to Shred?!" Addicted, moi?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 19:56
by Effie
Oh dear .... I nearly fell off the shred wagon!

On Saturday I did a 15 mile bike ride, so I felt justified in missing day 8, but then I was ill on Sunday so missed day 9 too. It was such a struggle to shred on Monday morning, and I must admit, I did put in a pretty sorry attempt. My arms waved flimsily all over the place on the strength circuits, I got severe cramp in my left calf on the star jumps cardio so my left leg was pretty much left out of the rest of the program :confused: To make matters worse, my blunt 14 year-old offered feed back on my technique, so any sense of pride I had been developing was quickly crushed.

So, by half seven this evening, I still hadn't worked out. Instead I watched Level 2, got scared, looked at a load of before and after footage on you tube and felt very sorry for myself indeed :frown:

Then I got a grip - what would Jillian say if she got her hands on me?! So I have done Level 1 today, will move on to scary 2 tomorrow. I have 53 days until my holiday, so I have decided to go through 30 days, then start again at Level 1, hopefully with better control and doing to tough version then.

Hope you are all keeping going with the shred. We can do it :smile:

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 20:32
by Nicky_94
LOL Effie, I often think what would Jillian say!

Managed to make myself do the shred today but I've lost count of the days, I think that was day 6?

What do the rest of you do on days where you do other sport? Do you shred anyway or just pick up the shred at the same place the day after?

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 20:41
by mummybunny2005
Just got through Level 1, as I said I would do. Knee and ankle were totally fine so I guess I am going to start Level 2 tomorrow!

I generally don't let other exercise dictate whether I Shred or not - it's only 20 minutes so although I have been trying to do it every day (barring 2 "injury days") I don't "count" it for purposes of other exercise. There are plenty of days where I bike for 30-45 minutes or take a long walk and Shred too, and some days (usually fast days) when I only Shred.

The only silver lining to this horribly cold weather is that it motivates me to exercise so I can warm up!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 20:44
by Nicky_94
mummybunny2005 wrote: The only silver lining to this horribly cold weather is that it motivates me to exercise so I can warm up!

Funny you should say that - I was so cold I couldn't wait to shred on Monday, and I cycled to various things too as fast as I could to try and warm up!

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 28 May 2013, 20:45
by mummybunny2005
And PS Effie - WELL DONE for getting back into the saddle! Jillian would indeed be proud! You did not let a false message of lethargy sway you from doing something good for you. You stuck with it, and fought for it :-)

We could all use a good chest fly in our lives...

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 29 May 2013, 05:14
by janeg
Oh, well done mummybunny, nicky and effie! What indeed would Jilian say? "well done, guys"
I managed yesterday despite feeling very bleurgh and had a set of palpitations during one of the cardio sets - was indeed gargling my heart! So had to really pull back the cardio and do much reduced low impact stuff. Reckoned if I kept moving
a) I wouldn't sieze up
b) the crash cart would still manage to get in!
c) I would still get some benefit
and do y'know, once it passed I was fine.
Previously that would have stopped me and I would have given up.
And in other news- the bra strap back overhang has gone. I'm very chuffed, even if the pounds aren't shifting the blubber is.
So, all in all, I thing we're all doing rather well.

Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred

PostPosted: 29 May 2013, 07:52
by Effie
Well that will teach me! There I was, thinking I was getting in shape :confused:

It is quite obvious that Level 2 uses different muscle groups. I felt as weak as a kitten, I couldn't even keep up with Anita. At least I will recognise improvement if I can do any of the plank moves in 10 days time.

On a positive note, I have notice muscles on my shins and my bingo-wings are tightening up too :grin:

Go us! :victory: