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Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2013, 19:29
by newoldme
dohpeterchina wrote: I found this article on PubMed:
Association of Low Dietary Intake of Fiber and Liquids With Constipation

Try increasing liquids as a first line against constipation.

Does lactulose work, because you drink more with it? That is for later studies.

Hope this helps

I think there is a fundamental difference between chronic constipation due to chronic dehydration (the most common situation Drs see) and occasional constipation brought on by extreme variability in fecal output brought on by fasting.

I agree with you that the first thing to ask is whether you are drinking enough water on fast days, since MM makes a big point that we do derive a lot of water from our food, hence when we eat less we need to replace the water we would have consumed in our food. Fasting or not, you should be drinking enough to keep your urine pale straw yellow or nearly clear.

Aside from that, if one day you eat a large volume of food and the next day you do not, the food from the fast day will tend to sit longer (have a slower transit time) which gives the body more time to extra water from the stools, making them harder. That is why consuming fiber with a LOT of water can be helpful -- it keeps the throughput in the gut more steady. "Keeps things moving" and the fiber is better at holding on to the water, keeping the stools softer.

So, if my child complains of constipation or rabbit poo, what will I recommend? Drinking more water. If fasting brings about a slower gut, I'd up my water and consider fiber to smooth out the ride. ;) Of course, I was already taking psyllium for other health benefits, but my colon is sure happy about it.

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 02:35
by pumisimo
I have the 100% opposite problem during every single fast day. As soon as I eat my 100 cal late lunch I am off to the potty for...ahem...a liquidation of assets. Then after my 400 calorie dinner...same thing, only even more liquid. On non fast days all is normal.

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 18:44
by TML13
gillymary wrote: The natural things like flax and prune juice are good I find but Metamucil is stronger good in reducing cholesterol. What is in lactulose TML can you tell us.

Lactulose contains... lactulose. It mainly works as a probiotic which draws water in the bowel and makes poop softer. It is not a laxative.

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 18:46
by TML13
Oh, BTW, I don't drink more water when I take lactulose. I just a drink a glass of it with it.

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2013, 19:45
by 43tweaker
As I sit here drinking my hot water with lemon, I think I must have jinxed myself by saying I hadn't had a problem in ages. I'm blaming the overconfidence and the extra sharp cheddar which was on sale and I couldn't pass it up. Couldn't pass it up at the store, couldn't it pass it up in the fridge I just can't pass it at all. :doh: :shock:

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2013, 00:42
by pipsqueak2
greenmonster wrote:
And as my stomach is now much flatter, I do notice on a morning (esp after a large meal the night before), whilst lying in bed, I can actually feel and sometimes even SEE, the bulge in my colon.

Hi Greenmonster. I was wondering if you could update me on this. I've experienced the same thing - actually though I think it might be a hernia and when I saw my doctor about it she thinks likewise. She commented that because I have a new slim tummy it makes these things more noticeable. I'm having an ultrasound on Friday.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else has experienced this.

Re: Bowel Habit Change

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:01
by greenmonster
Pipsqueak, I've replied to your message. I'm not sure about a hernia for me as none of the factors apply to me, I think it's just the meal getting ready for departure, as it goes away afterwards and (sorry if TMI) actually moves to the other side just before I 'go'. I really hope that you manage to get it sorted without surgery, and that your ultrasound shows things all to be normal. But thanks for the heads up and I will take care to keep an eye on my bulging guts in case things change!

Right, I apologise now for grossing everyone out, but what do you expect with this thread title!