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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 06:49
by Muftanza
Sorry for the title but I have noticed that since being on this diet I have been quite constipated whereas I was always as regular as clockwork every day - the only downside to doing this diet tbh.

Tell me does this affect the scales, e.g. not having gone for a couple of days makes you weigh heavier? Just wondering.....

Re: Constipation

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 06:59
by nbain29
I am not sure it will help you, but I drink a lot of water on my fasting days.

Re: Constipation

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 07:08
by Juliana.Rivers
nothing like a handful of prunes to my rolled oats and other grains and milk. I stew them with this recipe.. divine. and cheap too to do. I triple the recipe and use it over a week. you can use red wine instead or port or just leave out altogether

I use lemons too sometimes instead of clementines

Re: Constipation

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 07:15
by MaryAnn
I would guess it would make you heavier. For solutions, you can search around the forum for old threads about this topic. Fiber (in its many forms) will definitely come up and people have different opinions about it.

Re: Constipation

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 09:35
by BBT053
Yep, a bit heavier but not enough to detract from a downward trend. Water retention changes will also add so you might want to be less worried about day-to-day changes. Interestingly over August, I technically lost nothing but my trend weight was a kilo lighter, I use the Libra app to screen out the large fluctuations I have.

Had this problem in the first few months, adjusted my diet to include porridge and chia seeds on feed days, plus more veg and all good now.