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Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 14:02
by coffeetime
I have three shelves overflowing with cook books but I don't use them. Since changing to a vegan diet I find most of my recipes online.

A couple of my favourite websites are The Gourmet Vegan on Facebook and Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes. When I'm looking for a recipe to use up foods in the fridge or cupboards I turn to the Yummly site, thousands there, just type in the ingredients you have.

I recently bought 4 new cookbooks but they are full of American recipes which all look delicious but either I can't easily find the ingredients in the UK or they don't taste good when I cook them - probably my cooking skills to blame!

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 21:53
by Juliana.Rivers
Agree with the usefulness of the web for recipes but dont you love just browsing at the books. Something about that being more indulgent with time than say looking at stunning photos on a screen. Books inspire and yes sometimes i will just do the simple thing of printing out an online recipe. i have at least 200 pages of printed pages. I find cooking with a mobile or ipad next to you so annoying cause teh damn screen blanks out so often. will have to adjust the settings i know.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 23:14
by Debs
Mine would have to be 'A Paradiso Year' Dennis Cotter, beautiful recipes, and all vegetarian. I use these all the time.
I still use my old Cranks cookbook for date slices and flapjack, Delia is a go to for English basics and I have a plethora of Mexican cookbooks which I love, although many are very 'meaty'. The current favourite is Thomasina Miers.
I have two large ring binders of recipes collected over the years which I delve into regularly, particularly around this time of year for ancient BBC Vegetarian Good Food magazine recipes.
This thread has given me some new cookbooks to go and have a look at!!

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2013, 23:45
by Wendy Darling
I have just got Nigel Slaters 'Eat' for the kindle app on my iPad. I really like the way it's written and am enjoying 'reading' it. I think I might make an exception and get the book as well

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2013, 05:22
by CandiceMarie
I am another nigel fan,wendy!
I love how his food is simple yet delicious
Also like jamie Oliver ...however i dont own their cookery books, i just watch their telly progs,tho have bought several for my daughter ( delias and nigellas ) x

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2013, 06:49
by bobbyd98683
My favourite, by far, is called La Technique by my favourite chef, Jacques Pepin.

The dedication inside the front cover reads, "To the chefs, who sweat to create cordiality among men." I love that.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2013, 09:13
by Denwoman
Anything by Donna Hay. Easy and tasty

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2013, 20:30
by rawkaren
rawkaren wrote: Golly. Too many to think about here and the list changes depending on my mood. The ones I'm using the most at the moment are:

Yotam Ottolenghi - The Cookbook
Danielle Walker - Against All Grain
Maria Elia - Smashing Plates
Peter Gordon - Sugar Club - The Cookbook (In fact anything by Peter Gordon)
James Duigan - Clean and Lean Cookbook
Sarma Melngailis - Raw Food Real World
Hairy Dieters - Eat for Life

.....and also Mimi's 5:2 cookbook from time to time.

How could I forget Moro by Sam and Sam Clarke. One of my all time favourites.
Live Raw. Mimi Kirk.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2013, 06:38
by Vildekhaya
I own about 250 cookbooks. I have pretty much everything by Nigel Slater, including his first (long out of print) Marie Claire Cookbook - he wrote for the magazine before he joined the Observer. I grew up on Evelyn Rose for traditional Jewish recipes but I'm now cooking my way through Ottolenghi's Jerusalem, which is much more to my taste. My go-to oldest book for inspiration is The Pauper's Cookbook by Jocasta Innes. It's been out of print for years and when my original copy (acquired in 1978) fell apart from overuse I had a lengthy internet search to track down a secondhand copy.

I've been tearing recipes out of magazines for decades too - I have about 5 binders of them - all sorted into categories. And these days I save recipes on the web onto my Springpad then use my iPad in the kitchen when I want to use them.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2013, 15:36
by rawkaren
Ho ho ho.. Celia Brooks Brown Low-Carb Vegetarian has just arrived. Pity its a fast day :curse: @FatDog, it's in mint condition despite the poor packaging. Thanks to you and @callyanna for the recommendation :like: :heart:

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2013, 17:16
by callyanna
You'll have to let us know what you think then when you've tried some of the recipes Karen.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2013, 00:57
by MLCDz
My current favorite is Michael Symon's 5 in 5 cookbook. Doing 5:2, on a non fasting day, those meals are delicious, satisfying & guilt free.
My other go to is eating well .com I have found multiple options for my picky family.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 31 Dec 2013, 17:29
by fastingqueen
Charmaine Solomon's "The Complete Vegetarian" (Australian)

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 31 Dec 2013, 18:37
by callyanna
My current favourites, both Christmas presents from my sons are
The Everything Coconut Diet Cookbook by Anji Sandage and
The Hairy Bikers Eat for Life
Some fab recipes in both that I can't wait to try.

Re: Your Favourite Cookbooks?

PostPosted: 31 Dec 2013, 18:48
by Wendy Darling
My new favourite is Nigel Slater and I have just downloaded Rose Elliott's New Complete Vegetarian to my Kindle, was a bargain. Looking forward to giving it a go and eating less meat