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What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 09:37
by Manderley
As I am struggling to make some meal plans for the next few weeks I was thinking it could be a good thing to get ideas from others. So, maybe we could write what we're doing for breakfast, lunch or dinner, either on a fast or a feast day....

It's a feast day for me so for lunch it will be roasted salsifis (or oyster plant) with a smoked sausage and a baked potatoe

For dinner, as I have some girlfriends coming over, I am making a quiche lorraine with a green salad and a pear crumble for dessert

What's your meal pan of the day ?

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 09:42
by gb1
I think I am coming to visit you! It all sounds so nice :)

It was yogurt for breakfast. I will have a sandwich for lunch (lunch meeting) Evening meal....I currently have no idea

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 10:22
by gorba
It's a fast day for me today and I'll be feasting on spiced chickpeas and braised chorizo, kale and almonds.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 10:44
by PennyForthem
Not a fast day for me
I am going to a Welsh culinary association lunch today - it's a practice lunch for a competition and we have to give feedback. I shall let you know what we get to eat!

Yesterday was a fast day and I had salad for lunch and a prawn stir fry for supper.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 11:06
by Muftanza
Ooh I'm coming over too Manderlay sounds delish! Always love reading about the different foods you all have in different countries! Well its feed day for me today so bagel with cream cheese (low fat) and pastrami for lunch followed by yoghurt and apple this pm and fish and cauliflower cheese for dinner tonight.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 11:39
by Brand-ie
Funnily enough I am about to make an egg and bacon quiche with roast veg wedges and a side salad for dinner later. My side salad consists of Lettuce, carrot, mushroom, spring onion, radish celery and sweetcorn. I don't do tomato or cucumber. I was just debating whether or not to have chicken tikka strips in a thin for lunch with some grated carrot.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 11:47
by TheFrog
Today was a regular eating day. I had a Pilgrim's breakfast which kept me full until dinner time. For dinner I had steak with sauce Robert. For dessert I had one small scoop of homemade chocolate ice cream and a little bit later I had a large peach with greek yoghurt and a small handful of walnuts.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 11:49
by caitlin
Home made musily and blueberries
Fritata with pickles
Home made carrot and lentil soup
Falafels and salad
Greek yogurt and kiwi fruit


Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 11:51
by Wmr309
First fish and chips since starting 5:2 but this time I made a salad and we couldn't finish the chips. Has never happened before! Back to fasting tomorrow so nothing but water and black coffee during the day and chicken/veg stir fry for dinner.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:19
by Chook
I went out with some girlfriends for lunch and ordered a Margherita pizza that was supposed to serve one person. Could only eat half and the rest is in my fridge. Didn't eat dinner, still stuffed!

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:28
by Auriga
I am not fasting today and for dinner I am having chicken breast wrapped in pancetta and cooked in the oven then served with a tomato based sauce (homemade) and broccoli. Followed by strawberries and yoghurt.
For lunch I might have a two egg omelette and a tangerine and I might be naughty and sneak in a biscuit with a cup of tea this afternoon! :oops:

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:33
by Babyfish
Oh god, my food is so boring compared to some of these. OH is the chef in this house and since he's away.... I just had a bowl of porridge for lunch and will be joining my son in fish fingers, chips and baked beans tonight.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:39
by shellsrock
feed day yesterday and had salad and couscous for lunch then lasagne and garlic bread with a salad for dinner and a few naughty chocs for afters(!)

fast day today, and it's no food till dinner tonight which is spicy sizzling chicken with 90g rice and a big salad.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:43
by Tracieknits
Your dinner sounds fantastic - I may have to make that tomorrow!!

Today I just ate a Koiugn Amann (pastry from Brittany) and two espressos. W00t! I'm not sure what I'll have for lunch, whether I'll behave and eat leftover lasagna and a spinach salad or whether i'll splurge and have indian buffet for lunch (only $7!)

Tonight we're having a pretty low calorie dinner, just because we love it so much. It's a big pot of black beans that has sauteed onion, bell pepper, tex-mex seasoning (including chilis, oregano and a bit of cocoa powder), carrot, celery and some fresh chicken chorizo sausage (mexican style, not the spanish smoked sausage) that I will crumble into a pan and brown nicely. We usually have a wee bit of brown rice with that.

Hoping to not overdose on sugar today - had a bit more than was reasonable yesterday, which probably is what lead to me proofing a pastry overnight for my breakfast LOL So I need to make the pastry my only sweet today.

Re: What are you eating today ?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 12:44
by gym-sparkle-90
Feeling a little bland compared to the rest of you! Breakfast was bran flakes and semi skimmed milk, lunch is going to be sweet potato, coconut and chilli soup. Most excited for my dinner which will be a baked potato with baked beans and cheddar :D and perhaps some grapefruit and natural yoghurt afterwards for dessert.