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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 05:33
by GoLinda
Had to pop in and share. I heard on the radio today that Hall and Oates is performing in St. Louis this fall. Made me think of you all...

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 08:24
by nursebean
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :grin: that is very funny @Carieoates !

What? No exercise?! Talk about slacker :wink: actually, when you go running do you go outside or on a treadmill? Just wondering if you also do the HIT stuff! Why, it only takes 5 minutes doesn't it?!

Well I'm very pleased with myself today. I had a very good fast yesterday and only had 400 cals (in the form of that Lasagne I told you about). The scales were kind to me today and I am now 11:8 (although I appreciate that this will be higher tomorrow...but I'm on the right path now!) to celebrate I had a rather delicious cooked breakfast: bacon, egg, mushroom and tomato. How healthy is that eh?!

Hope you have a great day today Oatsey :smile:

Nice to see you in here @GoLinda you little Weetabix you! Yes, Bean & Oates get everywhere don't they!

Bean :bugeyes:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 08:47
by carieoates
Mmmm bacon and eggs. I slept in this morning, got out of bed at 8, good job it's half term!

Just having my get up and go cup of tea. Then I will be sorting the chooks, dishwasher, changing beds.

I run on my treadmill which is in the cold garage. But I've woken up with my hubs cold. I knew I would as my glands were up yesterday. Bleuh. So no running and yes no exercise today. I like my exercise but no I'm not a HIITer. Doubt my body would cope with that as well.

I will prob make some tomato and lentil soup, for the freezer, as sometimes on a fast day I have a mug of it instead of my oxo. It's not a fast day today so I will be having poached eggs on a bit of toast midday, and a full fat yoghurt, then were having fajitas tonight.

So chocolate..... I cannot believe how much torture this not having choc has been. I always thought that I didn't need it. But obviously I do. So how much is too much? I wouldn't normally have choc every week. But I did have birthday and valentines chocolates, so maybe that's why. I do still have that Lindt choc bunny in my fridge from last Easter, my prize for losing a stone. It was going to be 10lbs but when I got there I decided to push it on.

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 08:53
by nursebean
Yes, isn't it amazing how much chocolate you consume 'subconsciously'. I'm really starting to think I should set up a Just Giving page and raise some money whilst torturing myself. What d'you think? I normally raise money for cancer charities but am leaning toward an animal one. Hmm

Sorry, you've got a cold today. They're so blimin annoying aren't they. Hope yours is just a 24 hour one and you'll be right as rain in the morn...and running like the clappers on that treadmill of yours!!

Have a good day

Bean :smile:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 09:45
by carieoates
Good idea about the charity Bean. Will you put all your chocolate money into it? Will there be that much?
I've just weighed in and am not pleased, but hey ho it isn't Friday yet, plenty of time to level out. I was 12.10. :shock:
Look away boobums have started getting soar so I think my cycle is now returning to a naturally occurring event. Having had the implant removed in November, still having my ovaries, I'm now Au Natural even though I won't bleed, yipeeeee. So I will still retain water, and get soar boobs every four weeks it seems. Will just have to see how things pan out.

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 12:37
by nursebean
Yes, that's my only worry. Will anyone sponsor me?

It's such fun being a woman isn't it?! Sorry you weren't happy with the weight gain, but sounds as though, as you say, you're retaining water, so don't worry, the weight'll come off again in no time. It just HAS to what with all this exercise you're doing.

Well, I'm just about to have lunch and then, if I'm feeling up to it, I shall attempt to take my 'girls' out for a this space!

Bean :smile:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2014, 12:48
by carieoates
Good idea, I might drag my girl down the river in this sunshine.

Well that didn't happen, been a lazy day for me. Except I have hoovered the house, done some paperwork, hate paperwork. Cleaned the loos, bathroom and shower room. Stripped one bed! Had a fashion show from daughter.

And dinner is now chicken breasts stuffed with low fat blue cheese and wrapped in thick back bacon. As I don't have any Parma (posh thin ham). This will be served with potato rosti and probably salad. All now prepped and ready to cook. Think my carb monster has come for a visit, will blame my hormones.

Fridge is looking bare and I want to hold out til Friday. :grin:

Love planning meals.
Looking forward to fast tomorrow which will be an aubergine and probably chicken breast butterflied with Cajun spices. Everyone else will have the chicken with something else. I dont usually have different food to everyone else, I adapt what they're having to suit my fast days! And why not I'm cooking it. Eg no lasagnas, stew and mash, roast dinners on mons and thurs.

Hope my stomach doesn't rumble whilst having my nails done tomorrow. :oops:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 09:26
by carieoates
Are we both fasting today @nursebean?
I' m Running in a minute, my tumm feels empty already, I am ignoring it.........
Did you have you walk yesterday? :?:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 11:01
by nursebean
Hi @Carieoates and glad to see we are both fasting together today! Mind you, you are SO organised. Your meals sound simply devine...even on fast days!

How's your cold today? Was it just a 24hr thing? Hope so. Well, I guess you must be feeling better if you're going for a run. How do you feel doing that on an empty stomach? Wobbly? I'm quite pleased with myself because I've just "forced myself" to do 10 mins of yoga, for my midriff and waistline...which will soon be yards smaller :wink:

I bet you're enjoying having your kids home. How old are they?

Talking of carbs, I was naughty last night and had a bowl of Cheerios with Shreddies. Now I know that sounds bad but what shocked me was that I stopped after one bowl and found that a handful of Shreddies WITHOUT milk was more enjoyable. This is quite something from someone who used to eat at least 3 bowls of cereal when in the munchy mood!!

However, I STILL haven't had not even one crumb of chocolate yet...hoorah!

Bean :starving:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 11:17
by JM53
Can't help it. One more name. A womon my sister met at college Anita Dick. Seriously!

Good luck gals!

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 11:58
by carieoates
I'm ok thanks @nursebean. Glad you were able to do some yoga. I do like to plan food, but we menu plan for shopping reasons anyway. I've done some running training today as no exercise yesterday. Daughter Lauren is 12 (13 in June) son Lewis is 17 (18 in May) his girlfriend seems to have moved I'm ok with this as she has pulled him up the maturity ladder so to speak being 20. She's at work all day, shame he isn't. Apprenticeships which he has been applying for are a very slow process to navigate round.
Hopefully I will return to my old job of being a haematologist in a veterinary clinical pathology lab soon. My hubs doesn't want me to go full time, he's honest when he says it's because with him (a manager) working late etc, I am the main home keeper. I'm not a feminist, that's how our family unit works and I'm happy with that.
I laughed my head off last night when he went to get his laptop out of his bag to do some work and he'd left it in his office. He was searching the little pockets in the bag. It was hilarious. I said wasn't the bag a bit lighter than you expected. :grin:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 12:12
by nursebean
Oh wow! Quite an eventful year in the Oates household then?! What with your daughter becoming a teenager (good luck with that) and your son 18! What a fun year, eh?

I love the sound of your job. I always wanted to become a vet but, in typical Bean style, I am allergic to animals. It spoiled everything. Now, though, I wish I'd just taken allergy pills every day and got on with it. Mind you, I'm such a big animal,lover I think I might have struggled emotionally...and ended up with a household full of unwanted pets!

:grin: :grin: your hubby sounds funny!!

Bean :starving:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2014, 21:55
by carieoates
Been a good fast day, only got pekish once, so had an oxo. Not even needing my usual evening low cal hot choc. Which I am not allowed anyway. :shock:
And I've cooked, pizza, chicken stir fry veg. Mine was aubergine and chicken so not many carbs at all. Zilch. Zero.
How was your fasting dinner?
Sipping diet coke now, my naughty, bad, indulgence. I prefer Pepsi but we've run out.
Might get an early night. :sleepy:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2014, 11:52
by carieoates
Unfortunately I have gained. :cry:
Apparently I'm now 12.11, 12.10.1 trend weight How can that be?
Yes I have soar boobums, but give us a break I was 12.8 last weekend. Pft...
Going to leave my tracker for today as I can't bring myself to add this weigh in. If it's the same tomorrow I I will be honest with myself and put it in.

So I'm going on a blind date this afternoon. I'm going to meet @madcatlady and I may just have a treat at the coffee shop, just to trick my body. Watch this space peeps. :oops:

Been to class this morning, and about to have my feast day brunch. :starving:
Where's my Beany @nursebean?
I hope you've got a smiley face, I haven't. :frown:

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2014, 16:34
by nursebean
Oh dear where have I bean?! Sorry. Well I guess you're probably out with the Madcatlady. Hope you both have/had a lovely time!

Not much news here. Had my fave lunch (macaroni cheese :wink: ) but I guess I should make it cauliflower cheese in order to be a good low carber!

Hmm I wonder why the weight has crept up. Hmm what could have caused that? Ummmm?

Bean :lol: :wink:

Ps don't worry, with all your exercise it'll soon come off again...just don't sneak in any more of those milky brown delights!!