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Food & mood diary!

PostPosted: 21 May 2013, 18:43
by fasterstronger

I'm convinced by health effects, I would like to loose a few kilos, and I've read all the tips and trix in this forum. Downloaded True Weight app to my phone and measured my waist for the first time in my life.
I am ready!

My start weight is 56.6 kg this morning.
My waist is 72 cm.
Today is my first fast day.

At work, I had a fairly quiet day so it worked well with the fast.
I had New York Skinny Soup with 180 calories for lunch, and a few tomatoes and raspberries in the afternoon when my blood sugar got low.

Now I'm just getting ready to do my main meal, just vegs and mushrooms, but a lot of it!

I will write down what I've eaten so I can go back and check!

Milk around 50 ml 25 calories (I HAVE to have some milk in my morning coffee, otherwise I will kill people or myself:))
Califlower & broccoli: 38 calories per 100g. 300 g bag = 114 calories for all.
Little tomatoes: 20 calories/100g. 300g = 60 calories in total
Mushrooms: 16 calories/100g. 250g = 40 calories.
New York Skinny Soup: 180 calories for the tub.
Raspberries: 32 calories/100g. The bag was 125 g = 40 calories.

So far so good.

Re: Food & mood diary!

PostPosted: 22 May 2013, 20:14
by fasterstronger
So, Fast Day 1 went really well.

However I messed up today and eat too little. Didn't like my lunch and just had a hot chocolate someone bought me and a slice of cake in the afternoon. Some oatcrackers and ricecakes as well and now I'm not hungry.
Was all shaky the whole afternoon. Why do I never learn? Don't eat sugar on an empty stomach! It never goes well.
So, new plans; eating day tomorrow and fast again on friday. Mmm eating day! :)

Re: Food & mood diary!

PostPosted: 24 May 2013, 09:06
by fasterstronger
Today is Fast Day 2! Yesterday, I tried to eat properly, but it didn't go very well. I'm normally really good and careful with what I eat, since lots of carbs and sugar make me feel weird, anxious and also causes insomnia. Even so, I ate a lot of it yesterday!

Oh well, never mind. Weight this morning was 56.2, and even though I feel tired due to lack of sleep, I will start and write my final handin for my univeristy work.

Since Fast Day 1 went so well, I'm just going to do the same thing.

Milk around 50 ml 25 calories
Stir fry: 37 calories per 100g. 350g bag = 130 calories for all.
Little tomatoes: 20 calories/100g. 300g = 60 calories in total
Mushrooms: 16 calories/100g. 250g = 40 calories.
Small red onion: 40 kcal.
New York Skinny Soup: 180 calories for the tub.

That leaves some room for maybe a bit more milk in the coffee, and apple or a slimsoup. All good. Let's get to work!

Re: Food & mood diary!

PostPosted: 25 May 2013, 06:32
by fasterstronger
I managed to get through Fast Day 2, but it wasn't as easy as Fast Day 1. I think that's because my two previous eating days have been quite bad, with not enough protein or calories, but too much sugar.

Anyway. I did it! I wasn't happy but didn't feel to unwell either.

Today I'm gonna move houses, so I will allow myself some moving-in-champagne and some treats along the way to keep me going. Without feeling guilty.

See you when I've unpacked my pans and pots. No fasting this weekend... :)