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Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 07:56
by RachaelB
This journal entry covers the week 9 June to 16 June (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 34% Fat 54% Protein 12%

    Weight: 174.5lbs. BMI: 29.1. Fat: 41.1%

This was such a mixed bag of a week. I managed two pretty good fasts, even though we had a lovely day trip to Cambridge, but then blew it all at the weekend, particularly Sunday, when I didn't seem able to stop eating. I could really do with a couple of weeks where I have no distractions to get me back on the straight and narrow. I'm finding it much easier to cope with fast days than non-fast days, which is disappointing as I was hoping to reap some of the benefits around automatically making healthier choices. My actual weight loss is well below what I was expecting even with a bad week.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,566 calories. Predicted weight loss: 0.9lbs.

No visits to the gym this week and my step count hasn't been great. Just part and parcel of a rubbishy week health wise, even though it was a great week otherwise.

    Total step count: 83,100 steps. Exercise calories: 2,218. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.6lb

My weight loss was 0.2lbs, well below the predicted 1.5lb loss. Bitterly disappointed and wondering whether it's water retention, underestimating my consumption, or the dreaded plateau :-(

    BP readings: 108/66 and 105/60.

Re: Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 08:48
by Ballerina
It's just a blip, don't give up, you will get there, keep going and don't forget, this is not a quick fix, you can do it

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 11:08
by cblasz
You've done really well so far, and you admitted it was a bad week. You still had a loss, even though it was small! Just keep at it and next week's loss will be better!

Re: Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2014, 13:18
by Mystic
You are definitely heading in the right direction. The exercise and your diligence to detail will pay dividends. Keep up the great work.

Re: Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2014, 20:01
by CandiceMarie
Please don't be bitterly disappointed Rachel coz that can lead to giving up.
I totally get how you feel tho..i too find it very hard not to overeat on a feed day..i dont know why,coz for the first few months i managed fine
Still,as it says in the song,"you've got to accentuate the positive,eliminate the negative,
Latch on to the affirmative,don't mess with Mr InBetween!"
I think its brilliant how you're keeping such a detailed record of yr journey...
Onwards and downwards! :like:

Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2014, 08:19
by RachaelB
This journal entry covers the week 16 June to 23 June (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 43% Fat 36% Protein 21%

    Weight: 169.6lbs. BMI: 28.2. Fat: 39.1%

I have felt much more in the zone this week. I did three pretty good fast days as I knew I would be indulging quite a bit on my non fast days. I even managed to fit a buffet meal into one of my fast days! On one of my other days I used a raclette grill for the first time and really enjoyed it. Surprisingly the whole meal, which was fairly substantial, came in under 800 calories. Sunday was a very naughty day with two gin and tonics, a slab of carrot cake and two chunks of hubby's Toblerone. Still that's what 5:2 is all about - fast for 2 days, eat normally for 5. Obviously this week has balanced out last week with a stunning 4.9lb loss. I am plainly delighted!

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,119 calories. Predicted weight loss: 1.0lbs.

Only one visit to the gym this week but I have been very active in the garden. Even so, my step count hasn't been impressive. I might struggle to reach my Lose It target of 375,000 steps in June.

    Total step count: 83,373 steps. Exercise calories: 2,433. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.7lb

My weight loss was 4.9lbs, well above the predicted 1.7lb loss. This, together with all the lovely messages of support, has given me even more motivation to carry on with this wonderful way of eating!

    BP readings: 129/71 and 92/55.

Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2014, 13:47
by RachaelB
This journal entry covers the week 23 June to 30 June (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 35% Fat 41% Protein 23%

    Weight: 169.2lbs. BMI: 28.2. Fat: 41.1%

Generally this hadn't been a bad week but I'm afraid the weekend has pretty much undone the week's good work. The culprit (other than me of course) is the dreaded alcohol. I've drunk far too much and, as a consequence, eaten too much and too late at night. I am struggling to find a healthy lifestyle on non fasting days but at least I have the consolation of knowing that without my fasting days I would be piling the weight on.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,704 calories. Predicted weight gain: 0.2lbs.

Two visits to the gym this week and again I have been very active in the garden. This has really shown up in my step count which is massively improved.

    Total step count: 102,314 steps. Exercise calories: 3,191. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.9lb

My weight loss was 0.4lbs, below the predicted 0.7lb loss but to be honest any loss is welcome.

    BP readings: 113/65.

Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2014, 08:28
by RachaelB
This journal entry covers the week 30 June to 7 July (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 36% Fat 45% Protein 19%

    Weight: 168.1lbs. BMI: 28.0. Fat: 44.3%

Once again I managed to sabotage myself at the weekend. Having achieved three quite decent fast days, I massively overate on two days and just plain overate on the other two. My falls from grace are pretty much linked to alcohol consumption so I may try going dry in August to see if that helps. I probably over treated too as we had a raclette on Monday night with our daughter, and then we went to the Great British Food Festival on Saturday and "sampled" quite a lot of cheese and pate. Plus we hoovered up some old chocolates which were hanging around. When I write is down, it sounds disgusting! I wasn't expecting much at weigh in but a loss of 1.1lbs was quite a relief.

    Average daily gross consumption: 1,701 calories. Predicted weight gain: 0.2lbs.

Only one visit to the gym this week as our daughter was at home but we did do the long walk to Kenilworth and again I have been very active in the garden. Even so my step count was less than 12,000 a day so a little disappointing.

    Total step count: 83,486 steps. Exercise calories: 2,892. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.8lb

My weight loss was 1.1lbs, above the predicted 0.6lb loss. Very pleased with that.

    BP readings: 118/71 and 114/64.

Rachael's Ramblings

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2014, 19:30
by RachaelB
This journal entry covers the week 7 July to 14 July (weigh in).

    Nutrition breakdown for the week was Carbs 38% Fat 47% Protein 15%

    Weight: 173.3lbs. BMI: 28.9. Fat: 37.5%

This was a good week which was totally wiped out by an extremely indulgent long weekend away. I wasn't expecting a marvellous result but a gain of 5lbs in 3 days did rather floor me. I could do with a few weeks with no temptations.

    Average daily gross consumption: 2,516 calories. Predicted weight gain: 1.8lbs.

No gym this week as we've been busy in the house and garden. Alpaca trekking and walking round King's Lynn a lot at the weekend boosted my step count to just over 12,500 steps a day.

    Total step count: 88,113 steps. Exercise calories: 1,887. Predicted additional weight loss: 0.5lb

My weight gain was 5.2lbs, massively above the predicted 1.2lb gain. Disappointed but will soldier on.

    BP readings: 117/68 and 116/69.