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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 12:06
by Tracieknits
That is just amazing Pernelle! You've done an excellent job with this :-) You deserve to feel quite proud of yourself indeed

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 12:42
by Tracieknits
loveswalking wrote: Hi Everyone: I started the BSD on July 1st so today is my 3rd day on it. I hope you don't mind if I join you here. I weigh in everyday and after day two days I'm down 4.8 pounds so far this week. My official weigh in day is Sat.
I hope this link works it show that there are actually 3 options to the BSD. Incase anyone finds 800 calories to hard to do. I hope you don't mind me posting this.

Pernelle @Hazelnut20 - Loveswalking posted this link. Do you think you'll go to the BSD/5:2 combo where you eat low carb med style five days a week, and then fast to 800 calories twice a week?

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 19:17
by johns
pernelle @hazelnut20


congratulations on reaching the end of your 8 weeks on BSD. you have done so brilliantly & having this diary/blog has been inspirational ~ look at how many people are now doing BSD too :)

thank you so much for letting us see the highs & lows of your journey & Im taking my hat off to you. 8 weeks is tough going. you have showed so much determination & willpower, especially catering for others. we can all learn a thing or two from you.

sorry not been around much this past few days but have been checking in but not had the time to sit down & post.

good luck with @justdee & all the others who have signed up for the 7 week challenge

sending lots of love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 19:32
by johns
hi ladies

checking in after being absent for a few days & see that we have some newbies to BSD. welcome & good luck on your journey. will be following with interest to see how you are all doing.

for me, not going well. have been a bit relaxed since probably thursday of last week (havent plotted MFP since then) & didnt get a chance to weigh in til today & have stayed the same. pants :( today, have had a few (3) shortbread fingers, 2 croissants & a mars icecream. all the things I have had staring at me the past week. well, now I feel a bit fed up & a bit of a failure but have just posted on the new challange page & will be back on BSD tomorrow & doing it properly.

I have still lost 6lb in 2 weeks & am only a 1lb away from my original 5;2 goal weight so am using this as a positive :) & trying to throw away the negative :( feeling of "I havent eaten anywhere near as much as I wanted to & resisted loads but didnt lose anything this week". I suppose after the high of losing 6lb in a week (completely unheard of for me) I was expecting to lose at least something.

as the saying goes, tomorrow is another day so tomorrow is the first day of my countdown to holidays. yay!!

back on BSD ~ got my first week on MFP so looks like that will be my meal choices for this week. have bought some eggs & salad & Im back in the right frame of mind.

wish me luck... shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 21:08
by justdee
Good luck Shelley @johns :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Your week 2 sounds very much like my week 3. I'm sort of back on BSD again, sometimes going a little over on cals but still in the game. Lets you and me do a real 800cal BSD day tomorrow, just to show ourselves we can. We'll track with MFP and stay away from naughty carbs. Taking it a day at a time is all we can do. That 1lb will be gone in no time. Please don't feel bad about last week, we are learning all the time and changing our habits bit by bit. I find that once I have a little something (bad carbs) it really starts the ball rolling, I want more, then find it really hard to stick within the 800cals.
Roll on tomorrow, I'm sure we'll do well.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 22:20
by CandiceMarie
Hi guys just an update from me...sunday wasnt great carbwise,monday ditto carbs,plus too many cals.
Today,feeling very unwell and have barely eaten anything..tried some scrambled egg- tasted like cotton wool..dont even want food, which is most unusual for me!
Gonna get weighed when i' m better,and start at least trying BSD regime when i know my start weight.
Will be back to catch up here on everyones news when i feel a little better x

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2016, 22:41
by Tracieknits
BEst of luck Shelley!@Johns! 6 pounds in two weeks is quite excellent. And you're only 1 pound away from goal now? That's fantastic!

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 09:25
by Azureblue
Healing hugs to @CandiceMarie, hope you are better soonest. :like: :clover: :heart:
I'm improving, coughing still but less often, weight 77.6kg today.
I'm trying to stick to eating only twice a day and then the most nutritious food available, though we were out in the wilds yesterday (butterfly photographing) and an egg sandwich was best I could find. I had mackerel and salad for dinner so I'm fairly sure my calories didn't exceed 1000.
Grandsons today and their sports day tomorrow so busy and hoping for fine weather :0)
Good luck and good eating when not fasting, folks \o/

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 11:54
by CandiceMarie
Thank you AB@azureblue and sorry to hear youre not up to snuff either..sending healing vibes yr way and hoping you're feeling more tippetytop as you have the grandchildren today and sports day tmorrow
Both things v enjoyable but requiring vats of energy and stamina! XX

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 11:58
by Tracieknits
Oh are you still not feeling well Candice Marie? I was hoping you just overate and it would be over in a few hours. It seems I'm not that hungry on the day after my splurge days anymore. I hope you are feeling better soon

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 13:49
by CandiceMarie
Wanted to say well done to @loveswalking! For yr fab start! X
How is the babby Nannyshelley@johns?
@hazelnut20 am agog mentioned strange happenings and said you wd tell us more..i might be being dozy but i havent come across more mention of it yet?!
@tracieknits thanks for asking..i battle every day with ME/ CFS but last few days am weak as a kitten with some nasty bug which has really laid me low..starting to feel a tiny bit better and able to catch up a bit on here in prep for perhaps giving BSD a you mentioned a few pages back,am NOT too sure am up to the challenge..might as well be honest..but lots of info here to refer to and maybe my focus will improve when this bug goes! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 15:08
by Tracieknits
Ugh, I didn't realize about the CFS - although I'm sorry, we may have had this conversation. My memory is *TERRIBLE* and I can't seem to remember things. My own husband said something about his ekg five years ago showed he had had a heart attack and honestly, it was like new information to me. I was completely shocked and he was laughing while we went through all of the details. Then he said this was the second time we'd had the same conversation >.< I said "well I'd really like to forget this because I don't want to think of you having a heart attack" and he said "you said that last time!"

Anyway, I hope that you are feeling better soon. As for BSD, if you look at the website that LovesWalking posted, you can still do an easier version of it.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 19:51
by CandiceMarie
Heehee! @tracieknitsThat did make me laugh - yr poor hubby!
we just have so much going on in our heads and theres always new info to take in every day,so that its easy to forget things,even the very important stuff like OHs health! Of course you care,its just that a million and one bits of info are getting filed away every day so the older info can end up in a dark dusty corner of the mind,even when its important.
You might find this gets worse as you get older.! .now i am in my sixties i am horrified at all the stuff other people mention and i think..i dont remember any of that happening!
Even when its pretty recent.
Plus all the stupid stuff i keep doing these days..putting the kettle on with no water in it,typing an email then pottering off without hitting Send! I opened the fridge one day and just stopped myself from throwing in a mug of tea that had gone cold( instead of pouring it down the sink right next to the fridge!)
I dont think we have talked about CFS,Tracie..we' ve talked about thyroid probs,and - of course - fasting dont worry x x

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 21:44
by johns
justdee wrote: Good luck Shelley @johns :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Lets you and me do a real 800cal BSD day tomorrow, just to show ourselves we can. We'll track with MFP and stay away from naughty carbs.

hi dee @justdee

just wondered how you got on today doing BSD & wanted to say thankyou for making me accountable :) I have tracked all day & with my renewed sense of commitment (along with being accountable here) my day was a fast day. 492 calories & 11 carbs. didnt intend on this but the texture of the tofu that I had left soaking up the flavours from a jar of sweet & sour sauce was just not edible. eyuck. give me quorn any day. so didnt eat at dinner time & have just had my second lot of greek yogurt to ease off the hunger noises. off to land of nod now as got to get up for work in 4 hours. hope your day went well too.

nite nite. shelley xx

ps. hows the job hunting going :) xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2016, 22:52
by Hazelnut20
Hello girls!

So good to catch up with you Shelley @johns - I'd been wondering where you had gone. Glad to have you back....and thank you for your lovely post. Please go easy on yourself, you human being you! We are trying to break habits that have been going on a long time, so slip ups are to be expected from time to time...and definitely aren't the end of the world. It's what you do afterwards that matters...Please keep posting whenever you can as it's great to hear from you...

Hey @candicemarie - so sorry you are not feeling great at the's a hug for you :high5:
Thank you also for your very kind words. My last post rambled on so much, I forgot to write in more detail about the strange things that were happening to me - sorry for being so cryptic. What I meant to expand upon was the change that has come about in me (so far...and please let it be more than just a flash in the pan) with regard to food choices. Nobody could like their food more than me. And their biscuits....cake...chocolate and so on. I ate to distraction and without any brakes...and certainly with no thought for the future. For 8 weeks I went cold turkey...and now what's happening? I'm finding I can't let myself stop. I'm finding myself turning down foods I thought I would pounce on immediately after stopping the BSD. I can't stop...and believe me, that is a very strange happening! There is something in me that will not let go now.

I've been out today, on a trip to Bristol to see Chicago. I sat in the theatre this afternoon, eating my yoghurt and strawberries (i.e. lunch) whilst all around me were scoffing Lindor chocolates (variety box including my utter favourite, a hazelnut one!). It didn't even cross my mind to accept one when offered...for later/tomorrow/next week. Nope, all I could think about was sugar spikes! This is soooooo not me....After the show, we all went off to our usual haunt for dinner: Za Za Bazaar - an all-you-can-eat establishment offering cuisines from around the world...and chips! And prawn crackers. And peshwari naan bread. And chocolate torte and Mr Whippy ice cream........"Ooh, where do I start?" I thought to myself, "Let me at 'em!" So...I take a walk around all the various food on offer...& even stop to say a wistful hello to the peshwari naans as I walked by..before ending up at the stir-fry station. Meekly, I select my raw pepper, onion, mushroom, noodles of any sort....and there were lots of sorts on offer. The chef does his stuff - including flicking out a number of my mushroom slices in his enthusiasm for theatrical cooking! He adds a few prawns and some chicken to the mix...and before I know it, the food's done. I add some king prawns and broccoli to my plate & go back to the table to devour it...delicious! Before I leave anyone with the impression that I am some kind of saint...I might add that I then got up and filled another plate (small though!) with veg and protein...and ate until I felt full...then left the rest. What???? Didn't clear the plate? Are you mad??? Well, I must be! For I did not even consider having any pudding - not even my favourite chocolate torte! Will the real Pernelle please stand up?! Strange things are happening to me.......

I've fallen asleep about 6 times whilst writing this - so I'm going to have to write more tomorrow. Sorry...and night night! Xx