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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 00:02
by justdee
OMG Pernelle @Hazelnut20, I loved reading about your changes. How amazing that it isn't even a choice if you eat well or not, it's something you want to do. Have you added some cals to your day or are you still only having 800? If it's easy and working why change it. It's nice to know you can have something if you want it though. Have you given any thought to the 5:2 or 4:3 med BSD? Maybe this would be a nice transition as the weeks go on. I've experienced some changes in habit after only a few solid weeks, I can only imagine what you're experiencing. Long may it last. What an amazing WOE, it changes everything :)

Hi Shelley@johns, so glad to hear you had a fab day. Well, a fast day in fact. Well done. That 1 lb will be gone by the end of the week, along with a few more. Keep it going girl :like:
I had a much improved BSD day. 828cals and 36 carbs. Not quite the 800 target but it will do. Went to the mall this evening with DD. I broke my fast (4pm) with a small salad, before going. Resisted all the yummies at the mall. We'd usually stop for a drink and something yummy. Had dinner at past 10pm. spag bol with chickpeas instead of spag (That's how I have it now and it's so much nicer).
Let's do it again tomorrow/today.
Oh my, look at the time,,, I'm off to bed now, it's so late :shock: Bye for now

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 08:07
by johns
hello all

just wanted to say a hello to the newbies who have joined us since I have been a bit absent, so hello @nursebean @CandiceMarie @loveswalking & good luck on your first weeks :)

& hoping those that are a bit under the weather at the moment feel better soon.

hi candicemarie. baby is lovely thankyou & doing really well. she has put on a pound in weight in 2 weeks so is chubby & healthy :) so cuddly its hard to not go over every few days for cuddle time. am absolutely loving being nanny shelley. its fabulous :) hope you are feeling better. dont know much about ME but what I do understand is that you have good & bad days. fingers crossed the good days are with you again soon.

pernelle @hazelnut20 your trip to Bristol sounded like fun. I love going to see a show. we go up to london sometimes & as we are quite close to canterbury we get some of the london shows come there. did you enjoy the show. I remember when I used to go saturday morning pictures when I was a kid if money was a bit tight we wouldnt get sweets. made us enjoy the films even more cause there was no distraction! how are you finding food now that you are a bit more relaxed? have you found that although you might have been thinking about having stuff when it comes to having it you can take or leave it? what are your plans now. like dee asked, have you added some calories to your day, or still within the 800 youve been used to these past 8 weeks?

dee @justdee sounds like you had a good day yesterday too & was spot on with the calories. well done. back in the game :) & managing to resist temptation. good girl. did you buy yourself anything nice at the mall?

anyway, catch up over :) hope you all having a good day. off to bed now as only got 4 hours sleep last night & am beginning to nod off at the computer.

shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 10:14
by nursebean
Thanks for the welcome Shelley @johns I very much appreciate it!

Well, Candy @candicemarie informed me that I've bean doing the BSD wrongly - doh! Since Sunday I have bean on just 800 calories a day (skipping breakfast and starting with lunch!) which I must say has bean much easier than I thought it would be! Anyway, what I haven't bean doing is checking how many carbs I'm having. I've recently discovered a book on recovering from CFS/ME so I'm following his advice on foods to eliminate. He says to avoid white pasta, potatoes, rice (I think) and to eat lots of green leafy veg. This is what I've bean doing (although I have bean eating M&S children's cottage pies because not only are they absolutely delicious but SO low in calories). I've eaten loads of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and courgettes which I absolutely love.

I do, however, need something to look forward to, so I do have a dry bowl of Cheerios (107 cals!) and last night just ONE SQUARE of dark chocolate! Yes, DARK chocolate! :shock: This is totally unheard of in Bean-land! Bean is obsessed with milk chocolate, particularly Dairy Milk! So, I'm kinda doing it the right way but with Bean=tweaks!

Anyway, what I have to say is that since Sunday (my start day - not a Monday you'll notice!) I have gradually started to feel 'lighter'. Its such a wonderful feeling for someone who has had ME for 4 years and feels as though they have a rhinoceros strapped to their back at all times. My stomach is the flattest its bean in years! I just feel better - and only a few days in. So, although I'm not cutting out carbs completely, I think I'm doing ok. Weigh-in at SW is tomorrow but I'll do my weekly weigh-in on Sunday. I feel really excited about this!

Thank you my nutty friend @Hazlenut20 thank you! (and feel free to tell me where I'm going wrong or give me any tips!! :wink: )

Bean :geek: :smile:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 14:11
by justdee
Hi Shelley@johns , yes, yesterday was a good day and today seems to be going the same way too. No I didn't get anything for me from he mall. I tried on a few things. I was so happy I needed a smaller size I decided not to buy anything, I know I'm going to lose more weight and it would have been a waste. I'll go back at the end of the challenge and get some new things before my family come to visit. Trying on the smaller clothes has made me really want to push through the 12 stone barrier.
Hope your day is going well today.

@Nursebean I don't know what you mean about doing it wrong. What you're doing sounds fine to me. I usually only eat lunch and dinner when doing the BSD and if you're only eating around 800cals your carb count won't be very high anyway. If you're feeling good about the way you're doing it and finding it manageable, stick with it. The advice from the book sounds good. I try to avoid bad carbs (pasta, potatoes, rice, bread). It sound harder than it is. The funny thing is when you've not been having it you really don't miss it. We seem to only crave carbs and sugar when they're still in our system. good luck

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 14:17
by CandiceMarie
@hazelnut20 you have got to such a wonderful place in your mind,as well as losing all those lbs and inches...really looks like you have established new and better longterm habits that will last you a lifetime...
What a winwin situation!
You were funny describing your experience in the ZaZa....youre a natural storyteller! X x
I crown you Forum Queen! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 18:33
by johns
hi dee @justdee
how fantastic to try on a smaller size & it fit. gives you the motivation to keep on going. totally agree. bought 2 pairs of shorts for my hols from new look, size 14!!! normally need a size 16 but not this summer :) only another 7 weeks dee then you can have a proper shop for lovely clothes all ready for your family visit :like:
had a good day today. didnt have breakfast but did line my tummy with 3 tablespoons of greek yogurt (about 125g) yummy. really loving that. eggs for lunch, but fried & on small wholemeal toast. eggs for dinner, omelette with 2 quorn gammon steaks & have calories left so will have a small glass of shiraz :confused: it was a toss up between wine or mars icecream & am going for the wine as it has less carbs. so, calories 800ish & carbs 30 today. woohoo. seem to be getting the hang of it & back in the zone :) :)
hope everyone else is doing ok.
shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2016, 20:59
by CandiceMarie
@hazelnut20 i' m still buzzin over yr weight and inch loss!
I keep thinking about you beating yr cravings - as you must have done coz you no longer crave! -
massive achievement.. If it was drink or drugs you wd be in rehab and not have access to said drugs/ drink...but it was food and it was couldnt get away from food, you needed to eat food,you had to make choices,you had to foodshop,you watched others eat,and others offered you " treats" prepared all sorts of goodies for others and resisted the temptation to sample them..
and yet you managed to keep going regardless and didnt so deserve the marvellous result!
Coolio! :cool: XX :like: :like: :victory: :victory: xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2016, 10:18
by nursebean
Well I had to weigh in at SW this morning (I help out there!) and I've lost 1 and a half pounds. This isn't even a full week on BSD so I'm hoping for even better results on Sunday - maybe 2?! Its actually more than that I think because last Friday and Saturday I ate for England so my weight must have bean higher. This is a great start!!
Bean :smile:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2016, 19:23
by carieoates
@nursebean, I've read all of the posts and happy to see you're giving this a go. Check the sugar and carb content of those Cheerios, those cheeky naughty little Cheerios. You've always liked your cereal, be it morning or night. Keep plugging away.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2016, 21:57
by justdee
Hello,,, I've had a good BSD day 786 cals and 45 carbs. Not sure how long I can keep it going for though. A few times today I almost gave in to carbs. At work I almost made myself a chicken wrap. I resisted and in the end managed to get to 3:45 before eating. Got home and saw there was a lovely cheesy baguette just waiting to be made into lunch. I sliced the bread, then had a moment of clarity. I can't believe I actually put the bread back in the bag and made a salad instead :shock: . Anyway the day has ended well. Just got to do it again tomorrow and keep fingers crossed for some sort of a loss on sunday.

How's your week going Pernelle? @Hazelnut20
Shelley @johns you seem to have got back into the swing of this WOE. Keep it up :clover: :clover:
@Nursebean looks like you're off to a great start on the BSD. Keep at it, I'm sure you'll be amazed at your results with this WOE. :clover: :clover:
@Candicemarie I hope you're feeling better. Was wondering if it could be a little carb withdrawal mixed in there as well. Some people experience some side effects when cutting carbs but they do pass in a few day. Take care :rose: .

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2016, 22:53
by loveswalking
Good evening everyone: Thanks for the warm welcome. I don't have time to post tonight but I did want to post my first week weigh in results. I lost 8 pounds my first full week on the BSD. I ate between 800-1000 calories and between 50-75 carbs during the first week. I figure if I didn't do good I would have room to cut back

Justdee: Great job on have a good BSD day.
Shelley: Congrats on getting into a size 14.
Nursebean: Congrats on losing 1 1/2 pounds for far. You are off to a great start.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2016, 23:22
by justdee
Well done again@loveswalking. Good thinking about leaving a little room to cut back. Maybe I'm trying to be too strict with the plan. I aim for less than 800cals and under 50 carbs. I think if I start aiming for 800 - 1000 cals and 50-75 carbs I'll feel like I can stick to the plan for longer. Thanks for posting what worked for you.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2016, 00:31
by loveswalking
Dee: Considering what I ate before I figure I'm more than cutting my calories and carbs in half.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2016, 06:54
by johns
wow @loveswalking 8lbs is amazing :) :) :) you must be thrilled to bits :)
glad to hear you did this not being as strict as the 800 calories. woohoo. brilliant :like:
bit of a bad night for me last night. takeaway catch-up with old friends. chinese. havent entered the food on MFP but had half an egg fried rice, a plain omelette (veggie so not much choice from chinese) a mini spring roll & curry sauce to add a bit of flavour. thoroughly enjoyed it & am planning a fast day today to make up for it. trip to see southampton uni tomorrow so will probably eat out somewhere. planning to be good :) all ready for weigh in on monday.
have a lovely weekend everyone.
shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2016, 10:34
by CandiceMarie
Marvellous result @loveswalking and having the wiggle room didnt stop you losing! :like: x