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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2016, 21:05
by justdee
Sorry to hear today is a bit tough @Tracieknits, I hope it passes and you manage to push through it. Just remember only 2 days to weigh in and the day you have what you fancy. You can do this :clover: :clover:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2016, 22:41
by CandiceMarie
Funny, @Barbarita, I bought a scale and I like the European way of measuring everything - so much better than having all of these dirty cups, quarter cups etc every time I bake. But yes, our cup is 8 *fluid* ounces, or about 237ml. I think 8 fluid ouces of water is also the weight 8 ounces of water, but I'm not 100% positive.

@tracieknits i' m confooosed now..its easily done in my case.. one cup equal to 8 fluid ounces rather one cup equalling eight ( solid ) ounces..8 ounces of berries for instance? X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 00:38
by Tracieknits
CandiceMarie wrote: Funny, @Barbarita, I bought a scale and I like the European way of measuring everything - so much better than having all of these dirty cups, quarter cups etc every time I bake. But yes, our cup is 8 *fluid* ounces, or about 237ml. I think 8 fluid ouces of water is also the weight 8 ounces of water, but I'm not 100% positive.

@tracieknits i' m confooosed now..its easily done in my case.. one cup equal to 8 fluid ounces rather one cup equalling eight ( solid ) ounces..8 ounces of berries for instance? X

Yes. You can have a cup of berries, which is eight FLUID ounces, or 237ml of berries. Or you can have a half pound of berries, which is eight ounces by weight. But by volume, that half pound of berries would probably be about two cups, or what we call a pint. I think your pints are 20 fluid ounces, ours are 16. Or at least your pint glasses in pubs seem larger than pint glasses here ;-)

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 00:39
by Tracieknits
And I only know all this because I cook so much. I love to bake. I love Nigella Lawson's website, or Rachel Khoo. I love getting cooking magazines when I travel to foreign countries and then trying to create the recipes -- my favorite cooking magazines are from France. They are such a challenge!

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 16:34
by CandiceMarie
Here's a very comprehensive list that our knowledgeable chum Carorees posted a few years ago...very handy.Thank you Caro x

Food Portions Providing 50 g of Carbohydrate

Wheat biscuit cereal (e.g. Weet Bix) 60g (5 biscuits)
'Light' breakfast cereal (e.g. Cornflakes) 60 g (2 cups)
'Muesli' flake breakfast cereal 65 g (1-1.5 cups)
Toasted muesli 90 g (1 cup)
Porridge - made with milk 350 g (1.3 cups)
Porridge - made with water 550 g (2.5 cups)
Rolled oats 90 g (1 cup)
Bread 100 g (4 slices white or 3 thick wholegrain)
Bread rolls 110 g (1 large or 2 medium)
Pita and lebanese bread 100 g (2 pita)
Chapati 150 g (2.5)
English muffin 120 g (2 full muffins)
Crumpet 2.5
Muesli bar 2.5
Rice cakes 6 thick or 10 thin
Crispbreads and dry biscuits 6 large or 15 small
Fruit filled biscuits 5
Plain sweet biscuits 8-10
Cream filled/chocolate biscuits 6
Cakestyle muffin 115 g (1 large or 2 medium)
Pancakes 150 g (2 medium)
Scones 125 g (3 medium)
Iced fruit bun 105 g (1.5)
Croissant 149 g (1.5 large or 2 medium)
Rice, boiled 180g (1 cup)
Pasta or noodles, boiled 200 g (1.3 cups)
Canned spaghetti 440 g (large can)
Fruit crumble 1 cup
Fruit packed in heavy syrup 280 g (1.3 cups)
Fruit stewed/canned in light syrup 520 g (2 cups)
Fresh fruit salad 500 g (2.5 cups)
Bananas 2 medium-large
Large fruit (mango, pear, grapefruit etc.) 2-3
Medium fruit (orange, apple etc.) 3-4
Small fruit (nectarine, apricot etc.) 12
Grapes 350 g (2 cups)
Melon 1,000 g (6 cups)
Strawberries 1,800 g (12 cups)
Sultanas and raisins 70 g (4 Tbsp)
Dried apricots 115 g (22 halves)
Potatoes 350 g (1 very large or 3 medium)
Sweet potato 350 g (2.5 cups)
Corn 300 g (1.2 cups creamed corn or 2 cobs)
Green Beans 1,800 g (14 cups)
Baked beans 440 g (1 large can)
Lentils 400 g (2 cups)
Soy beans and kidney beans 400 g (2 cups)
Tomato puree 1 litre (4 cups)
Pumpkin and peas 700 g (5 cups)
Milk 1 litre
Flavoured milk 560 ml
Custard 300 g (1.3 cup or half 600 g carton)
'Diet' yoghurt and natural yoghurt 800 g (4 individual tubs)
Flavoured non-fat yoghurt 350 g (2 individual tubs)
Ice cream 250 g (10 Tbsp)
Fromage frais 400 g (2 tubs)
Rice pudding/creamed rice 300 g (1.5 cups)
Sugar 50 g
Jam 3 Tbsp
Syrups 4 Tbsp
Honey 3 Tbsp
Chocolate 80 g
Mars Bar and other 50-60 g bars 1.5 bars
Jubes and jelly babies 60 g
Pizza 200 g (medium -1/4 thick or 1/3 thin)
Hamburgers 1.3 Big Macs
Lasagne 400 g serve
Fried rice 200 g (1.3 cups)
Fruit juice - unsweetened 600 ml
Fruit juice - sweetened 500 ml
Cordial 800 ml
Soft drinks and flavored mineral water 500 ml
Fruit smoothie 250-300 ml
Sports drink 700 ml
Carbohydrate loader supplement 250 ml
Liquid meal supplement 250-300 ml
Sports bar 1-1.5 bars
Sports gels 2 sachets
Glucose polymer powder 60 g

(Source: Peak Performance: training and nutritional strategies for sport J. Hawley and L. Burke. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1998).

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 17:28
by justdee
:confused: This is soooo not a BSD day for me. I had toast at work this morning not something I usually have at all, but just had it, I don't know why. Then the girl I work with went to the shop and came back with an ice lolly type thing each for us, it was so hot I didn't even think about it. I did resist the crisp and chocolate she said I could eat away at though. Still not a good day food-wise. I feel like I need sugar, it's because I'm tired and need an early night. I've also just been to the bakery and bought a cream cake each, eclair type thing without the chocolate. I'm having stir fry for dinner and then my cake, and I'm not even bothered. Tomorrow's another day, today I feel tired and that I need to eat what I want to eat. Hoping a good nights sleep will sort me out and I'll go for a full fast tomorrow. Just thought I'd tell you all this to stop me going crazy and then going AWOL. Thanks for listening

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 19:50
by johns
hi dee @justdee
Im joining you in a bad day. started so well. just had a cuppa after work this morning with the girls from work whilst they ate toast. came home & was great til about 2pm when I had a few digestive biscuits. didnt stop there though. have had a protein bar (cause it had chocolate on the bottom of it) :) a packet of crisps (havent had crisps for a couple of months) quinoa pizza which wasnt too bad & salad. feel totally stuffed & like Ive eaten far too much & feel bad for it.
weigh in today. scales didnt budge at all so that might explain the doom feeling.
on the upside, thought I was going on holidays on tuesday 19th, but on getting all the paperwork out we fly out monday evening so only 6 sleeps to go :)
dee, your day doesnt sound a bad day & sometimes a little of what you fancy is enough to get you back on track. hopefully I can get back into the swing of things tomorrow & will be joining you for a fast day. lets hope we can stick to it :like:
good luck everyone xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 20:50
by justdee
Thanks for the reply Shelley @johns, you are right, today has been much better than a bad day used to be. Happy you'll be fasting along side me tomorrow, please post and let me know how you get on. I find it much easier if I have someone to check in with. I'll be fasting tomorrow and Friday, to make this week 5:2. We can do it. See you in the fasting today thread tomorrow :clover:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 07:23
by nursebean
@Justdee and @Johns don't be too hard on yourselves! I had a day off on Monday when I went to the sea (even had ice-cream!!), weighed myself the following morning (put on 3 and a half blimmin pounds) then, with Candy by my side (that's @Candicemarie not actual chocolate!!) I did a proper fast yesterday (only 470 cals) and am now back on track! We are SO lucky now aren't we. If we do slip and have a 'bad' day - we can just fast the next day and whatta you know? We are ok!! :wink:
Hope you have a great day today
Bean :heart:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 09:03
by barbarita
Hi @hazelnut20, hope you've had a good week "off". Your thread is buzzing. Do come back and tell us what you've got planned!

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 10:51
by CandiceMarie
Good day to all BSD-ers,maintaineers,eat day-ers,cheat day-ers,and of course - fasters!
One things for sure..we aint failers or quitters!
Keep smiling and pass on a good feeling to everyone you meet today...!
( Pass It On by The Coral) xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 12:51
by Tracieknits
justdee wrote: :confused: This is soooo not a BSD day for me. I had toast at work this morning not something I usually have at all, but just had it, I don't know why. Then the girl I work with went to the shop and came back with an ice lolly type thing each for us, it was so hot I didn't even think about it. I did resist the crisp and chocolate she said I could eat away at though. Still not a good day food-wise. I feel like I need sugar, it's because I'm tired and need an early night. I've also just been to the bakery and bought a cream cake each, eclair type thing without the chocolate. I'm having stir fry for dinner and then my cake, and I'm not even bothered. Tomorrow's another day, today I feel tired and that I need to eat what I want to eat. Hoping a good nights sleep will sort me out and I'll go for a full fast tomorrow. Just thought I'd tell you all this to stop me going crazy and then going AWOL. Thanks for listening

Absolutely don't be so hard on yourself! You've had a day of vacation, that's all. Being tired messes with your blood sugar. I'm sure after a good sleep you'll be back to your good habits. :-)

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 19:36
by CandiceMarie
My first real proper BSD day! Not sure i can repeat it! Feel a bit jittery!
Total cals for the day..663 ..carbs 47.69 ( only from eggs,beanburger,veg,berries) I miss bread!

Can someone advise me purleeeze? Ive got a myfitnesspal app..never had one before. When i try to fill in my food diary,up pops a thing asking for £12 or something to go " premium" ..i cancel it but it immediately
pops up again whenever i try to fill in the food diary! Gahhhhhh! Does anyone know the answer? Is it coz i got the free app? I saw some myfitnesspals apps for £7.99 ? X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 19:38
by loveswalking
Hi everyone: Its amazing how easy my first week was but for some reason my second week seems to be a hard one. I have had some up and down days. I should have realize that it does not get easier for me as the days goes on. I have a tendency to sabotage things when I get to a certain weight or when I things are going to good to be ture. Its as if I'm afraid to success. So that is something I'm going to have to work on for the rest of this week. I definitely plan on making this work for me but I do know that the older you are the harder it is to lose weigh.
Hope everyone else is having a better week now.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 20:38
by justdee
A big well done@candicemarie congrats on your first full BSD day. The carb cravings will go away in a day or 2, really try to push through and you'll be surprised at the lack of cravings. As for MFP, I use it on my pc and don't get the pop up so can't help, hope someone else can. Now for BSD day 2, good luck, you're doing it hun, keep it going. :clover: :clover:

Hi @loveswalking, that sounds a lot like me. I've had up and down days for the last few weeks. I bet your bad days are not as bad as before the BSD, I know mine aren't. Just keep trying, we're learning all the time. You posting this shows you're still in the game. Tomorrow is another day, let's take it one at a time. Good luck :clover: :clover: