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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 20:43
by justdee
ok, I'm getting a bit worried now.... Where is our @Hazelnut20??? :fear:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 20:47
by CandiceMarie
Thanks @justdee for the encouragement! I feel a lot more settled now x
I noticed up the page you mentioned fasting tomorrow
Me and Beany @nursebean were discussing we still do fast days?
We want the fast day benefits but wonder if five 800 cal days and two 500 cals days is too extreme.
Do we do two fast days or one...500 cals or 800 cals .. Whats a girl to do! :lol: xx
Ps i was a bit concerned about Nutty too,but i think i heard somewhere she was taking a week away..and i think its probably up tomorrow so hopefully she' ll be back x
Pps @justdee i like yr remark about bad days not being as bad as they used to be! :like:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 21:31
by justdee
I fasted today@Candicemarie because yesterday was a bad day, 1500cals & about 70 carbs (see, not as bad as before BSD). Today's fast was actually a BSD day at 800cals & 31 carbs and a 16:8 (didn't eat until 3:30pm).
As for fasting on the BSD, I think you still get a lot of the health benefits from keeping cals/carbs low (however you do it). Hazel was doing (and maybe still is) BSD + 16:8 and getting a fast in everyday. I do 16:8 more often than not on BSD days, as I like to save the cals for a decent meal. You don't need to fast on the BSD, but you can if you want to, I've had BSD days well under 800cals, so unplanned fastdays really. Go with whatever feels do-able for you. MM is now saying it's better to get the weigh off quickly and then put more effort into keeping it off. A change again from what we have all been thinking about losing slower is better for success.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 21:47
by justdee
@Candicemarie is that you or your DD on your avatar? How is DD doing? Is she still fasting/16:8?

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 21:48
by loveswalking
Dee: Thanks and yes I'm taking it one day at a time. One bad day does not hurt the week in the long run.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 21:56
by loveswalking
CandiceMarie great job on your day 1. If you are feeling jittery you might try eating all of your calories up to 800 instead of leaving some behind. I also use Myfitnesspal on my pc. I used to get the pop up a long time ago and just keep saying no and now they never come up any more.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 22:44
by CandiceMarie
@justdee its my DD with our DC ( darling cat!)
My DD does 20/4 or 21 /3 every day! I dont know how she does it! X
Thanks for reply @loveswalking x they must have changed it from when you had a prob with it coz theres nowhere now to click on No or Cancel or anything! Theres an X in the corner to delete it but it flippin well returns the second i try again to type in the food diary! Gahhhhhhhhh!
Ps yes youre right about eating up to the 800, but there isnt much in to eat that wdnt have taken me over 800 cals/ 50 carbs..i need to stock up tomorrow! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 22:55
by CandiceMarie
Thanks @justdee for the fasting advice...@nursebean our answer is above!
I' m waiting for my BSD book to arrive! I like the idea of the weight going quickly as i have some nice clothes i cant wear,plus i havent the patience or stamina for long long journeys..( but nor have i the strength for BSD..or do i ? )
i do hope MM is right about it not being bad after all to diet this way! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2016, 23:10
by Tracieknits
@Loveswalking been there, done that. Sigh. It's a tough place to be. For me, what really inspired me was this vacation - the first proper vacation I've had with my husband in 16 years. As an added incentive we hired a photographer, so I really want to look my best. You need to find what will inspire you and try to hold on to that thought.

@CandiceMarie I've only used MFP on the PC and there are no popups asking for money on the computer. I'm sorry you're having trouble with the app. Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it? Sometimes that fixes bugs.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 00:39
by Hazelnut20

Golly....I turn my back on this thread for a short while and what do I find?

A) It takes ages to catch back up on it coz there's so much going on!
B) TD (TotallyDee) going round supporting everyone so brilliantly & waxing lyrical about the BSD
C) CandiceMarie jumping on the BSD horse and having a go...hurrah!
D) Beany feeling "lighter" and so positive...
E) Loveswalking losing shed loads of weight in the first week!
F) Tracieknits and Barbarita dropping in regularly to give us lots of support and to encourage us all
G) Nanny Shelley powering through, getting lots of baby cuddles and supporting everyone to boot

Oh my goodness - you lot are all so amazing!! I'm feeling a sneaky touch of maternal having given birth to this thread, tee hee! Even our bad days are good, because as you've all pointed out (and I totally agree) our bad days now are not a patch on what a bad day used to be! How brilliant is that???

Quick shout out to Candy and Beany - when I was doing the 8 week BSD - I ate 800 calories a day, every day. I definitely didn't do 2 days of 500 calories and 5 days of 800. What I did decide to do, however, was not to eat until at least noon every day....and to be finished by 8pm at the latest - thereby doing 16:8 every day.

I have been absolutely up to my eyes in it this last week - so much going on and there's no prospect of it settling down for the next week either. Putting busyness aside, here's how things have been going:-

Took a week off the BSD....supposedly. Found I didn't want to get back into eating carbs and although I may have eaten some extra nuts or protein that week, I didn't go remotely mad. Nobody was more surprised about that than me! If you knew how out of control I was with my eating before starting the BSD, you would never have laid money on it. Over the past 10 days, I've been surrounded by "nice" food everywhere and yet it doesn't move me. Today, I've been so busy that I didn't even think of eating my yoghurt and strawberries until about 3pm! Even I don't recognise myself! I haven't yet managed to decide what I'm going to do on the food front moving forward. I haven't been weighing my food or accounting for it - but I have been broadly estimating the calories. Obviously, I can't continue doing this...but for now, I'm just going with the flow.

I feel good about myself. This was never so.
I allow myself to feel a little bit of pride when I see how much weight I've lost.
I'm enjoying the feeling of looser waistbands and trouser thigh material.
Summer clothes from last year have been washed and tried on and it's lovely to be back in some of them.
I haven't thought about Maltesers in ages...

Oh no, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard again...but then, it is 1.35am, so I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised! I've got tons more to say, but I'm going to have to sign off and get to bed...

Night night all...and keep up the good work - I'm so very proud of you!! Xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 07:20
by nursebean
Oh that's a lovely post Nutty @Hazlenut20 - you are now officially our 'guru'! We are all so proud of you and inspired by the fact that your eating habits have changed so dramatically - for the better!
I think you're probably right about doing a fast as well as the 800 calorie days. I did a proper fast this week because I'd had a day at the sea and eaten some silly things (but, like you say, nothing like what I would have eaten before!) so I needed to claw it back - which I did! That's what I love about fasting. Its so easy!!
Thank you SO much for starting this Nutty, its done a lot of us so much good.
No Maltesers though?!! :shock: What?!!! :starving:
Bean :heart:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 08:37
by CandiceMarie
Thanks@tracieknits .for yr input! .i have taken it off and put it back on my ipad,but it still comes up and i cant get any further! Theres no option to say no and if i click the X to close it,it just comes up again a minute later!
I think i' ll try the app that Hazelnut uses..! Xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 09:32
by CandiceMarie
@hazelnut20 ive joined netdiary! I really like it,very zippy and colourful! X thanks for the tip.ive never heard of it before x

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 09:43
by CandiceMarie
Man! It feels so strange not having any bread in the freezer!
On plus side, i went to bed starving,but not hungry this morning.
@hazelnut20 i think i' ll do what you did and just stick to 16:8 seven days a week..i' m still giving myself the wiggle room of going up to 1000 cals if i need to. Its early days yet
@justdee and @johns how are you is the jobhunting Dee? X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 10:45
by loveswalking
Tracieknits thanks for your input. I'll use my trip to Florida next April for my motivation for something to look forward to. You must really be excited to a take a nice trip since its been so long for you and your husband to get away.