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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 13:17
by Tracieknits
loveswalking wrote: Tracieknits thanks for your input. I'll use my trip to Florida next April for my motivation for something to look forward to. You must really be excited to a take a nice trip since its been so long for you and your husband to get away.

That's a great plan :-) Yeah, we are very excited. We love our son, and we love spending time with him, but we're definitely excited for this trip to be just us. We're doing all the stuff that Aidan either doesn't want to do or wouldn't be fun with a child - like going to a jazz club at 11pm.

Where in NY are you? I'm upstate, just outside of Saratoga Springs. It's funny, I just checked and NY state has almost 55K square miles. England and Wales together have just over 58k square miles. We forget how huge NY is sometimes.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 13:34
by johns
hi pernelle @hazelnut20 seems like ages since we have heard from you. you have been missed :) sounds as if you have had a busy busy time but its good to have you back. Im so glad to hear that you are feeling good about yourself. you should do. you have done absolutely amazing & stepping back into smaller summer clothes is such a brilliant feeling. go girl. woop woop xx
Im back on track now :) at least I am at the moment ;) having dee @justdee as a fast day buddy made me accountable & determined to succeed. & this morning I was liking the way my belly felt flatter & almost empty. yesterday was proper fast day & today WILL be a BSD day. have indulged in several cadburys velvet eclairs (yummy) whilst walking the 3 miles home from work (car broke on tuesday) got a lift in to work at stupid hour but after work went shopping centre for last minute holiday bits & walked home. total steps so far 15542, approx 5.89 miles according to my fitbit watch thingy. may even go for a jog later once its not so hot out there. got enough calories left to have omelette & salad for dinner :) & quite fancy that.
@candicemarie are you missing bread?? are you eating bread doing BSD? Im liking your wiggle room to 1000 calories. its nice knowing they are there if you need them :) I had the pop ups coming across the diary on mfp. found that closing the page & opening it got rid of them for a little while although havent had them pop up for about a week now. theres also you can try.
dee, had a good day yesterday & glad to hear yours was a BSD day.
take care everyone & good luck with the rest of your day. shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 18:01
by CandiceMarie
Hi @johns x i missed bread terribly yesterday..but not at all today..tho it was odd to get up this morning and know there was no bread or cereal in my kitchen! I' m hoping to go cold turkey but ..who knows!
Thanks for yr help with apps..ive gone for the one Nutty uses..its easy and colourful so it suits my childish brain :lol: and it gives me exactly what i want ..just the cals,carbs etc.
Well done on being on track and doing all that exercise! Enjoy yr dindins!
@tracieknits your hol sounds brill! No wonder youre excited! How long til you go ?
And i am reeeeeeeeling from the size of NY state..i had no idea! Its somewhere i have always wanted to see..i want to go to brooklyn..and i want to go to new jersey after becoming a sort of horribly fascinated fan of the Real Wives of NJ on tv! Amongst everything else of york etc etcetc!x

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 18:07
by justdee
It's sooo good to hear from you Pernelle @Hazelnut20. It sounds like you're doing great. A half a lb loss is fantastic. to lose weight when you're not really tracking is a massive achievement. Remember what a week 'off' used to look like/do. Oh how your habits have changed. I'm so pleased for you. It's great to hear you are feeling good about yourself, yet another massive change, enjoy the feeling. How lovely that you're wearing those summer clothes, enjoy that feeling too. You deserve it.
I know you're busy but please post when you can. If we've learned anything it's that checking in here really does help.
I haven't got time to catch up on everyone's post at the mo but will be back later to have a read, just needed to say hello to our BSD hero :wave: :grin:
Bye for now

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 18:36
by Tracieknits
CandiceMarie wrote: ...
@tracieknits your hol sounds brill! No wonder youre excited! How long til you go ?
And i am reeeeeeeeling from the size of NY state..i had no idea! Its somewhere i have always wanted to see..i want to go to brooklyn..and i want to go to new jersey after becoming a sort of horribly fascinated fan of the Real Wives of NJ on tv! Amongst everything else of york etc etcetc!x

I have to say, I'm not a fan of the city! Compared to London, Paris or Edinburgh, the buildings are too tall. There are too many people. Sure, there are some places that are a bit more neighborhoody with buildings that only go to six stories and a more community feel, but that's really not what you see when you visit, and those are, for the most part, pretty expensive areas. I live about 3 hours north of New York City, midway between NYC and Montreal. The countryside around me really looks a lot like England, especially the areas around Bath and Somerset. It's probably why the states to the east are referred to as "New England" The town I live near is our version of Bath - we have hot springs, 19th century bath houses in the Georgian style etc. We also have horse racing and it tries very hard to be posh. And of course if you say you want to visit New Jersey to a New Yorker, that's like saying you'd like to go tour Hell ;-) We have a bit of a superiority complex. I'm not sure it's totally deserved as there are some nice suburbs in New Jersey. It's just NJ has HORRIBLE traffic problems, they have oil refineries which stink, and the view of NJ from NYC is awful. It's so ugly. Brooklyn's become quite gentrified, from what I hear. I haven't been there in probably 25 years, to be honest. The Hamptons on Long Island are nice, but parts of Long Island are tacky and trashy. Full of chavs. ;-)

I leave for Paris six weeks from today. We have only a week, which at the time sounded perfect but now I'm starting to think it sounds a little short. Oh well, a short holiday is better than no holiday and it's much kinder to the wallet. This means we were able to get a nicer room in a nicer hotel (we got a view of the Eiffel Tower!) and we'll go to some nicer restaurants. I'd have to economise more if it were a longer vacation.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 22:22
by Hazelnut20
Hello everyone!

Lovely to catch up on all your news and to hear how everyone is doing - which from where I'm pretty jolly well, by the look of it!

It's true to say that at the start, it is all about the cravings, carb withdrawal and the sense of deprivation that reigning in your eating behaviour brings. There's no point in sugar-coating (ha ha) it - you do have to be really focused and quite determined if you are going to get the best results. Having said that, it seems there is plenty of room in our lives for adapting the general concepts to suit our lifestyles. We have plenty of proof of that on this thread. We are all different, so is it such a surprise that we might need to tweak the BSD to suit us? In the 8 weeks that I did the BSD slavishly, I ate around 50g of carbs each day. Dee and Shelley are both smashing those numbers, but I settled myself on that because I wasn't prepared to forego or cut down further any of the foods (or should I say vegetables?) I was eating. This worked just fine for me...

I was in a supermarket today and I bumped into a lady I knew. She started to tell me how her partner had just been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He had also been advised to lose some weight. I sympathised with her for a while and then waded in with a discussion about the BSD. The lady is used to seeing me overweight most of the time, so she didn't pass any comment about my current appearance (though remember I could still do with losing a good couple of stone anyway). I found myself telling her how the BSD works...and how you have to commit to it, but if you do, you get rewarded with the results you want. She was a little doubtful that her partner would be either willing or able to diet. Instead, she suggested that she might try to get him to cut down on some foods....."ease him in gently" were her words. As I moved on, I had the distinct impression that him dieting was not going to happen - even despite the serious health concerns. Well, each to their own, I suppose...but I did smile to myself when I heard me banging on about not eating carbs or sugar!! Me, of all people!! Heaven save us from an evangelical yo-yo dieter.....

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 22:44
by justdee
What a shame everyone doesn't know what we know. My sister is visiting in a week, I know we'll talk about weight and I know she'll tell me she could never fast or reduce carbs. I wish she'd just try it. We're so lucky we now know how to live a healthier life before it's too late.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 22:49
by justdee
Forgot to say,,, the girl at work keeps telling me that I eat too many eggs and how they're really bad for me. I told her they now know that's not true, but she just looks at me like I'm stupid, while munching her way through a big bag of chocolate (each day) :confused:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 07:15
by Hazelnut20
So true, TD! The only difference between all of us on here and those people who swear they can't lose weight whatever they do....or couldn't possibly go without certain foods (or sweets) like we a massive dose of willpower. Sorry, but it is.

Would we rather be eating our favourite things? Of course we would! But we've taken the decision to go without. Simple as. There's no magic formula to it - just science. I don't mean to preach, but honestly, sometimes I think we all lose sight of how well we are doing...and forget to give ourselves a little pat on the back. We've all come a long way - whether you're a fasting old-timer, maintainer, returner or are just embarking on your fasting takes courage and well done us!! :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 10:51
by nursebean
Well, I've just entered in my lowest weight in years! The lowest weight I remember being was at my sister's wedding (9 years ago yesterday) and I weighed 10:4 - today I weigh 10:8! So I'm nearly there - and I intend going further - I'd love to be 9 stone!!
I entered my new weight on the tracker here. It says I need to eat 1591 calories per day (with a sedentry lifestyle like mine!) - makes me laugh when there's me on 800!!
I love this method
Bean :heart:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 11:47
by Tracieknits
Well done @Nursebean!

Well Dee and Pernelle - we know what we know, but we've also known this for a long time. I don't know what it is about us and our ruts we get into. I've known about fasting and reducing my carbs since a couple of months after the good Dr. Mosley aired his documentary. And yet my ability to adhere to program (any program) is very hit and miss. I don't know what the heck my problem is. I'm super glad that right now I'm in a good place and managing to lose, but at the same time, I have totally been there, done that with regard to ignoring what it is I needed to be doing to lose weight or at least maintain it. I regained 13 pounds after the first time I started fasting, and I had quit fasting long before I should have. Sigh.

Here's hoping we all manage to stay motivated until we lose all the weight we want to lose, and that we're able to learn how to maintain properly :drink: :star: :heart:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 14:01
by Azureblue
Hi fasting folks,
I've had a bit of a manic week (poorly OH, grandkids x 3 days) so eating has been whenever and whatever and I weighed in at 78.3kg today as a result.
Anyhow ...
I watched BBC's Trust Me I'm a Doctor Summer Special last night and it was full of their usual good sense and interesting trials. I had a look on their website afterwards, took their test which showed I should eat 1100 calories a day tops for 4 weeks to lose 8lbs. This would be doable given a fair chance and if I can stick to 16:8 at noon to 8pm.
I can always spin excuses for how things haven't worked out to plan, somehow never my fault Ho Ho, but really I do need to do this; sugar rots our organs causing illness and disease so why is it so hard to not have it? It's killing me after all.
I also need to go back to black coffee, double cream in it is divine but Too Much of a Good Thing can also kill me.
So. Tomorrow is another day/start of the rest of my life and, without any more ado or comment or gnashing of teeth, I Must Begin Again.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 17:00
by CandiceMarie
@tracieknits and @azurebluei identify totally with what you say but after all,we are only hoomin!
And @hazelnut20is soooo right.. We have willpower! And we dont give up..we might fall down but we get up again! And live to fight another day! So lets give ourselves a massive pat on the back..
hope things at home are ok now AB @azureblue and @tracieknits just keep thinking of that hollibobs! X
I LOVE what Nutty @hazelnut20 said...." Would we rather be eating our favourite things? Of course we would! But we've taken the decision to go without. Simple as. There's no magic formula to it - just science. I don't mean to preach, but honestly, sometimes I think we all lose sight of how well we are doing"...
Amen sis- star! :like:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 19:21
by CandiceMarie
Day3 done and dusted for Candy..800 cals and 50 g cravings at all yesterday or today.
I' m prob speaking too soon,but its going well so far..cauriously optimistic and its very very early days
Even if i only make it for a week,i ' ll be delighted ive done it x

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 21:14
by justdee
Well done @nursebean, very pleased for you, enjoy the feeling and let it carry you forward. :clover:
@Candicemarie I'm so happy to read you haven't had carb cravings for a few days. Stay away from bad carbs and the rest of the week will be a breeze. Day 3 done already, you go girl. :clover: