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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2016, 19:18
by rawkaren
You lot are a real inspiration. Its summer and its 6 weeks to my holiday. I'm in!

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2016, 22:35
by CandiceMarie
Yay go Karen! :like: :like: :like:
So good to see you! give it a go..its not as hard as it might seem
( sez she,only on day 4)!
I was thinking of you this avvo..saw the himalayan salt in my cupboard and was trying to remember how you said you took it! X?

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 18:14
by johns
page 21 already :) woohoo
@nursebean such a huge well done on being the lowest weight for years :)
& a quick hello before I go away on holidays tomorrow. havent been bad but havent logged anything either this week. holiday clothes fitting fine so thats a good sign.
wanted to wish everyone lots of luck & will be back early next week to see how you are all doing.
bye for now. shelley xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 18:50
by justdee
Good for you@Rawkaren, I'm sure you'll do very well on the BSD. Good luck

Have a lovely holiday Shelley @johns, see you in a week.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 20:02
by CandiceMarie
@johns happy hol!
Hows it going BSD peeps? @justdee@loveswalking@nursebean@hazelnut20@rawkaren@tracieknits@carieoates et al...
Have i missed anybody..apologies if so..
...Day five just finished for me..cant believe five days with no bread..i didnt know i was capable of giving up bread,spuds and cereal..
Rice and pasta i find easier to give up
Feeling lighter,waist looks smaller. It feels totally possible to keep going!
Good luck everyone this week! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 20:32
by rawkaren
I start tomorrow. Dropped the carbs back today so it does not feel such a shock. Well done everyone on today.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 20:52
by justdee
Hi @candicemarie, it's great to hear how well this week is going for you. See,,, you can totally do this. Wishing you all the best as you continue.
My week has not been so good. I can feel it starting to slip, has been for a few weeks now, I don't know how I've managed to lose every week tbh, need to get a grip before I have a gain. I'm finding it very difficult to do the BSD atm, but can't seem to manage a fastday either. This is what's been happening: I try to do a fastday (500cals), it ends up being a BSD day. Then I think, okay I'll just do BSD, but BSD days end up at around 1000cals sometimes more. :( Got to get out of this rut :( On the plus side at least I'm not totally off plan and out of control. Just need to focus.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 20:56
by justdee
@Rawkaren wishing you an easy day 1. :clover: :clover: :clover:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 21:16
by Tracieknits
You guys are doing so well! It's really amazing and a fantastic inspiration :-)

I went back to the store with the fabulous sales today, because the scale showed me a new low number yesterday.

Back on to a fast-ish light day tomorrow and I'll be ready for it

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 21:25
by CandiceMarie
@justdee like you said,you need to focus. I've lost focus many times coz ive confused myself over what i' m doing that day,and have ended up with a bit of a mishmash!
I've learnt when i get like that to keep it simple..
Make no big plan for the day ahead,except to set the intention to eat nourishing food and and keep under/within TDEE
Move back into a detailed plan when mojo and focus returns.

Actually tho,dont forget you are doing ok by general standards "out there"
I.e. We get used to extreme methods,but many peeps who arent fasting/ BSDing..who may or may not be dieting.... would be in awe of someone who is only having 500/ 800 or 1000 cals a day...1000 cals a day tops still shows great willpower and determination!
I totally get where you're coming from and others will too and may have better advice.
You cant go far wrong when you lose focus to go right back to basics..your TDEE of good food or a little less til the path ahead looks clearer ..its damage limitation.
perhaps re reading the thread will help you get inspired again.dont forget,this isnt the easiest thing in the world to do,so dont beat yrself up,be kind to yrself.

At all costs dont go backwards! You will regret it. Ive done it soooo many times and just made life harder for myself than it should be.xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2016, 21:49
by justdee
Thanks @candicemarie, all good advice :like: . The reason I quit fasting after doing ok the first time around, was because I mixed it up too much and totally lost focus. I'm not letting that happen again. I'm almost at my lowest weight on 5:2 (in fact I saw it this week), they'll defo be no going backwards for me, as I know what that looks like.... and it's not pretty. Thanks again, I will have a read over the thread.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2016, 01:50
by Hazelnut20
Aren't we all lucky to have each other? That was great advice @candicemarie - sometimes we just need someone else's perspective on our situation. It's almost as if we're too close to it. What you said to @justdee could equally apply to many of us at different times - I know I related to it.

TD - you've come so far. It's only a wobble. Cut yourself whatever necessary slack you need & definitely re-read Candy's fabulous post...because it covered just about everything. I loved the bit about how 1000 calories a day is still tremendous....because it is!! We lose sight of this in all our efforts to stick to certain other numbers.

Now then, Dee, it seems to me that you need reminding just how very fabulous and inspiring you are! Look at all the activity on this thread for one thing! We welcome our newest BSD recruit @rawkaren today, young Candy is going round telling everyone it's really not that hard to go without bread - she's done it for the past 5 days...and counting! Shelley is off on her holibobs...with the holiday clothes fitting just fine, whoop whoop! Oh yes, and what about @nursebean...being the lowest weight she's been for years? That's just to name but a few - so who's going to chivvy us along and encourage us as well as you do? All that...and you're running the latest challenge as well!
Falling asleep at the keyboard as usual, so I'm signing off now...but as Arnie says...."I'll be back!"

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2016, 13:27
by CandiceMarie
i just cant wait to let you all know..its day 7 and i got weighedat my DDs house at lunchtime..
12 lbs down.. water i am sure or mostly..i dont care,just fab to see the scales go down,and if what ive read is correct,some fat will have come off from around my liver,which has got to be good news!
I have really de- bloated this last week as i haven't had any bread ..feel so much lighter for not eating naughty carbs! And havent even missed them except for day one
Soooooopleased,its a great encouraging start......thanks Nutty and the BSD gang for inspiring me to begin this! X

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2016, 20:36
by justdee
First of all,,, WoW!!! Well done @candicemarie, :like: :victory: :victory: :victory: I'm sooo happy for you. Week one done already and by the sound of it it wasn't too difficult at all. Keep at it and you'll continue to get great results. Good luck for week 2. :clover: :clover: :clover:

Thanks @Hazelnut20, things have been quite bad again today, may be because TOTM is on it's way, I don't know, but carbs are creeping (leaping) up and so are cals. I'll try again tomorrow. I think as long as I keep checking in here this will pass soon, if I stop posting things could go very badly. Note to self: must keep posting in order to ride this wave until the storm passes.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 19 Jul 2016, 21:27
by CandiceMarie
@justdee i've just read a quote,
Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations! :heart:
Try not to get stressed,remember to take a few deep breaths,remember damage limitation!
In a few more days you will be fine and ir'll be me thats wobbling!
Its the way the cookie crumbles and we're all here to support each other thru the inevitable ups n downs! X