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5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - day 183

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:02
by FatDog
Monday, low-carb day one-hundred and eighty-three, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.2lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.8lbs); 1.2lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

Report at the end-of-week 26 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 27.6lbs, and last week 1.4lbs weight loss. Definite signs of shrinkage but still not recorded...

Gosh. The V&P vary-fairy must have *really* been teasing me yesterday then (definitely not the eeeevil scales-fairy as the analogues were up too), or perhaps it was all the bouncing about and 'transit' shifting. More significantly, that's a post-feed day measurement. Those good at sums will have worked out that I am now just 0.2lbs off my target weight. Okay, I admit it I AM EXCITED!!! FatDog does a wee doggy fling around the living room - wheeeee!

And, oh wowzer, that takes me below the 50kg mark for the first time in decades (49.9859kg, to be exact). What a wonderful thing to happen on my one hundredth repair day...

It'll be a busy day: working out what to do for Christmas dinner (I might actually try for some audience participation here and do a poll on a few options); working on the OH to finish his bit of the kitchen *and* the massive pile next to his study (which is stopping us from putting the stairs up and thus taking a goodly swedge out of the living space); organising the "under the stairs cupboard" crate into smaller boxes, if OH can be persuaded to go and acquire some for me; contemplating what to do with the two cauliflowers that the OH bargain bagsied last night; working up and cooking the HFW stuffed cabbage recipe (will have it two days running if need be); catching up on my log; looking at Arthur Dawson's "Eat Your Veg" which has just arrived...

Hmmm, "Eat Your Veg" is beautifully presented, very well structured, clearly written. I'm not sure why I felt *quite* so compelled to get it (there's meat in there, for a start) but the "buttered yam fufu" and beetroot soup recipes (preview) both seduced me, and the "skills" sections looked exceedingly useful (e.g. I do a lot of gratins and roasts - good to get the "proper form"). I was probably nailed by this Amazon review: "Think of Arthur as an English Yotam Ottolenghi with (thankfully) far fewer and more accessible ingredients but with similar taste explosions". Anyway, it's here now and it will be used, there are at least a dozen might-give-that-a-go recipes (aparently if you have more than two or three recipes in regular use from a cookbook it can be deemed a success) - it just doesn't quite have the I-want-to-cook-that-now factor that, for example, Cotter's books have... Jolly dee, practical but not distracting, that's exactly what I need right now.

Hmm. Don't think I've had that before: nausea and gut ache along with hunger, couldn't work it out at first but maybe a new form of hunger pain perhaps? Anyway, 'twas *instantly* fixed by a moderate dose of cheese and nuts - so effective that I had to follow up with two chocolate squares to celebrate (for gawd's sake woman, it's a repair day!).

Not doing so well on the Christmas dinner front. Have gorn through my cookbooks and, remarkably, there's very little in the way of Christmas recipes in them (yummy recipes, yes, specifically Christmas, no). So my list thus far, in no particular order, isn't as extensive as I expected it to be:
* Terre a Terre's "Steaming Kraut: mushroom ragout steamed puddings with broccoli and hazelnut confetti, spiced cranberries and two cabbages - one mulled, the other practically pickled" - not a trivial undertaking...
* Crank's Bible's "Christmas mushroom pie" - mushrooms, spinach, tarragon (that's me hooked), cream, ground almonds...
* @Breadandwine's "haggis en croute" idea - though I might cheat and use MacSween's veggie haggis inside, as I couldn't do better than theirs...
* FatDog's "nut balls" as per last year
* Leiths Vegetarian Bible's "Carbonade of chestnuts" (I really rather like the look of this)
* CBB's "Chestnut, spinach and mushroom filo torte with tomato and ginger coulis" (New Vegetarian)
* Cotter's "Lucy's sausages" - chestnuts, tofu, herbs and cheese - at the VBF's request (for the love of food)

The Steaming Kraut recipe is *really* tempting me, but will require some dedicated cooking both tomorrow and on the day, and might well be beyond my exceedingly limited capabilities. Still want to do it though. The carbonade sounds delicious. The cheat's version of haggis en croute would be a brilliant cop-out. Ooooh, tarragon - can't resist tarragon. And anything chestnutty gets the FatDog's fleas ticking...

So, good folk, I need your help, which would you suggest that I do?

No HFW cabbage again - OH didn't get the celery, and was back rather too late for me to start cooking at 19:30hrs anyway. Down in the dumps so didn't have the oomph to cook: salad, gram flour pancakes and cheese had to do for me. Took pity on the OH who seemed a little lost and cooked him fried eggs, beans and cheesy toast - lucky thing.

Think I'm going to post extra early, partly to put a hold on any further calorific temptations, but also to catch some UKian readers to hopefully help me with my quandry before they off to bed!

........ Calories 584.75 Carbs 22.25 Fat 41.41 Protein 37.00 Fibre 16.28

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:08
by Ballerina
"The Steaming Kraut recipe is *really* tempting me, but will require some dedicated cooking both tomorrow and on the day, and might well be beyond my exceedingly limited capabilities. Still want to do it though. "...........................................

You have summed up my feelings toward my Austrian MIL perfectly, thank you :lol: :lol: :lol:

JOKE, JOKE, honestly :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:15
by callyanna
Not familiar with all the recipes you suggested FatDog but must admit
@breadandwine's haggis sounds really tempting.
And of course many congrats to you on being near as dammit at your target. The scales must have been waiting for your day 100!
:victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:16
by Betsysgr8
Ah @Ballerina, the "steaming Kraut" only been at your house for a couple of hours, :razz: how long will she be staying? :shock:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:21
by Ballerina
Til she's built the garden wall again, Berlin has nothing on us, believe me.

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 22:46
by Ballerina
Sorry, the reference about the wall was actually from the chatter thread. We lost out garden wall in the storms today but all is well no casualties, just the wall can't believe such a little cat could wreak such havoc just by jumping on a wall, but, there you go, just like the wall :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Steaming Krauts...

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2013, 23:22
by FatDog
B*stard - it's just eaten my post!

I don't think I've a pot large enough to steam an Austrian MIL in @Ballerina, but if she's any good at cooking please send her up here and I can use her as a kitchen slave for the next two days. Sorry about your garden wall, hope the MIL is a good builder too - she can fix that after cooking...

Have slight concerns doing the Kraut, as OH's first-wife-mother-of-only-son might be attending, and might take offence: she's German. I suppose I could hide the cookery book and lie about the recipe name...

Trouble with all the recipes is that they require some sort of adaptation or another (low-carb, availability / cost of ingredients etc.) and I've not a scoobie whether any of them (other than FatDog's nut balls (good thing I'm a girl)) would work. This would be fine usually, but I really don't want to make an erse of Christmas dinner.

Now look here you lot - I'm completely incapable of deciding what to do, so definitely need your wise input.

Yours despairingly, FatDog.

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 06:46
by gillymary
Carbanade of chestnuts, Christmas mushroom pie and Fat Dog nut balls sounds good to me. Agree with the French tarragon being wonderful

I would buy your book I await it eagerly

Congratulations you are ssssssssooooooooooooo close to goal :victory: :victory: :victory:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 06:52
by rawkaren
Hey FatDog. Congrats on getting below 50kg! Merry Christmas and hope you conjure up something nice to eat :victory: :victory: :victory:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 07:59
by loversghost
Can I just say how much I enjoy reading this thread - and all your recipes and useful advice. Congrats on getting below 50kg and Happy Christmas! I look forward to more of the recipes next year :-)

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - day 183

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 14:11
by Betsysgr8
FatDog wrote:
So my list thus far, in no particular order, isn't as extensive as I expected it to be:
* Terre a Terre's "Steaming Kraut: mushroom ragout steamed puddings with broccoli and hazelnut confetti, spiced cranberries and two cabbages - one mulled, the other practically pickled" - not a trivial undertaking...
* Crank's Bible's "Christmas mushroom pie" - mushrooms, spinach, tarragon (that's me hooked), cream, ground almonds...
* @Breadandwine's "haggis en croute" idea - though I might cheat and use MacSween's veggie haggis inside, as I couldn't do better than theirs...
* FatDog's "nut balls" as per last year
* Leiths Vegetarian Bible's "Carbonade of chestnuts" (I really rather like the look of this)
* CBB's "Chestnut, spinach and mushroom filo torte with tomato and ginger coulis" (New Vegetarian)
* Cotter's "Lucy's sausages" - chestnuts, tofu, herbs and cheese - at the VBF's request (for the love of food)

The Steaming Kraut recipe is *really* tempting me, but will require some dedicated cooking both tomorrow and on the day, and might well be beyond my exceedingly limited capabilities. Still want to do it though. The carbonade sounds delicious. The cheat's version of haggis en croute would be a brilliant cop-out. Ooooh, tarragon - can't resist tarragon. And anything chestnutty gets the FatDog's fleas ticking...

So, good folk, I need your help, which would you suggest that I do?

I love, love, love mushrooms, so I'm really intrigued by the Christmas mushroom pie and CBB's "Chestnut, spinach and mushroom filo torte with tomato and ginger coulis" (New Vegetarian). So those are my votes, please let us know what you decide to have for Christmas dinner. :)

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 14:19
by rawkaren
Deffo the Christmas Mushroom Pie. Large portion please.

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 15:20
by rawkaren
izzy wrote: Another thumbs up for the Christmas Mushroom Pie. But make sure whatever you decide upon, it's as stress free for you as possible. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that, much as your guests will love whatever you cook for them, it will be the warm welcome and the great company they will savour the most.

Many, many congratulations on reaching your goal FatDog. Enjoy your Christmas, and bestest wishes for a happy, healthy new year. :heart:

Spot on @izzy

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 16:08
by Azureblue
I used to make a mushroom and cashew nut pie for Xmas, and pour cashew nut cream over the Xmas pudding. So delicious.

And the winner is...

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2013, 23:56
by FatDog
... aaawww, bother! Thank you all so much for your input. Sadly I only got to see the "votes" for Christmas Pie when I arrived home from getting the messages for... "Steaming Kraut: mushroom ragout steamed puddings with broccoli and hazelnut confetti, spiced cranberries and two cabbages - one mulled, the other practically pickled". Well, nothing like a challenge, eh?

And I've done the two cabbages and spice cranberries, and hope to do the ragout before bed (it's only ten to midnight, after all).

My feet are sore. But I'll get there :) Sleep tight all, and Happy Christmas to you folk in the Antipodes xxx FatDog