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5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - day 184

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2013, 13:00
by FatDog
Bit of a time warp thingy going on here, as this steps back to earlier than more recent posts - but I've not the energy to re-write history, so please accept my apologies in advance if it causes confusion :)

Tuesday, low-carb day one-hundred and eighty-four, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.8lbs); 0.2lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

What can I say?

******* WOOF! WOOF!! WOOF!!! *******

Okay, I'll calm down (eventually, still going at 100bpm an hour later) - I know that's a post-repair day weight, *but* it shows that I can get there and, with any luck, by Hogmanay it'll be my new maintenance weight.

And, to boot, those tape measurements are deffo reduced (the "tight" waist reading saw 24.9 inches and I can shimmy the tape over my hips at 34.25 inches!) but I might wait until after the festive season to record them: low-carb winter solstice pies can wreak havoc upon one's figure.

And, as if by magic, the first of my Celia Brooks' "reward books", "5:2 Vegetarian"' fell through the letter box this morning (huh, who said the weight loss alone was reward enough, eh? bloomin' bookoholics, any excuse!). I've not had a chance to have a proper look - but the recipes are not low-carb, e.g. 24g carbs in a 157 calorie serving. Bother. Though it's good in some respects as it means there's still space for a FatDog's offerings. Presumably they did some market research and decided that 5:2 / low-carb / vegetarian was *too* niche (CB's other book out on 4th January is another low-carb vegetarian one). If so, I don't care: I think there are enough folk wanting to give it a go that it's worth the effort to get the information out there, even if it's not "profitable".

Better get a move on. Have decided that we're having "Steaming Kraut" for Christmas dinner ("Terre a Terre", p139-140) which means that I need to get out to the shops and acquire fresh herbs, weird mushrooms, veggie suet and sherry vinegar (just for example). And I need cream - if I leave it too late I suspect it will have sold out - oh, and vino; don't forget the vino. Then I need to cook up the two krauts, the spiced cranberries, the mushroom ragout and the suet pudding pastry - yes folks, lots of it can be prepared the day ahead so that one's only going half-batty with panic on the day itself. Busy. Bless the OH, he's game for me feeding him pancake pizza for dinner (was going to just buy ready-made pizza but decided that it really wasn't worth the carb blow-out). That's the day sorted, now I must really get on with it...

Cobblers. It's started to rain now, and I was just about to head out to get the supplies in! Rain wouldn't usually bother me but, as it's blowing a half gale out there at the same time, I suspect it might be particularly unpleasant.

Well, I wasn't rained upon too heavily, which was a real blessing - but boy, oh boy is it manic out there. MIRACULOUSLY (lots of these miracle things at this time of year, it seems) I managed to get *every single thing* on my shopping list except for the vegetarian suet (but did find the co-ops veggie dumpling mix which I've purchased as a standby in case the OH draws a blank at tescoids), and the porcini (in the two delis that I visited they'd "just sold the last of them half an hour ago" - darn, knew I should have been out there at nine).

I am now both very puggled and very broke. I'm afraid tomorrow's dinner might have to be my present to the OH and VBF - essentially that's a month's food allowance blown in a day! I'm definitely growing my own herbs next year (noooo, not the naughty stuff) - that was over a tenner on 100g each of rosemary, sage, thyme, chive and curly parsley. Ouch! And I hope not to have to purchase sherry, cider or red wine vinegar again for a wee while either. Or mustards (just Maille, not posh stuff; and I'm thoroughly miffed with the co-op charging 29p more than Sainsers per pot - I'd take it back but I've not the energy). Still, these are all things that I've really wanted to get for a while but haven't because they were "too indulgent"; well, the one time of the year one's allowed to indulge and break the rules / bank is now, so here's to it! :)

So, next up - once I've recovered mysel a little - is some cooking! Getting a bit nervous now - glad for the dutch courage in a glass of red... None if it is particularly complex - there just seems to be rather a lot of it! That and the substitutions, gulp.

Ooof. Brief interlude to "fix dinner" at about 10pm (ouch) and that's me away to bed now at 2.30am on Christmas morning (four bits of the "Steaming Kraut" done, two to go plus cauliflower mash). Puggled. Beat. Done. But jolly chuffed. Not sure that the seasonings in the krauts are "strong" enough, we'll see how they "mature" over-night.

........ Calories 1449.67 Carbs 41.27 Fat 79.44 Protein 43.12 Fibre 9.48

And a Happy Crimble to one and all xxx FatDog.

5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - days 185 and 186

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2013, 23:44
by FatDog
Wednesday, low-carb day one-hundred and eighty-five, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 109.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.75lbs); 0.4lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

And a very Happy Christmas from the V&P vary-fairy!

Today's reading is most gratifying. I'm rather embarrassed to confess, but I was a smidgen disappointed yesterday as I'd half expected a 109.x on the scales - what with it being post-repair day and a goodish one at that - but didn't like to say owt for sounding like an ingrate! I was so moved by all your kind words and good wishes - thank-you all again!

Yesterday ended up being a fairly low calorie day as I didn't have time to eat much - haven't done the numbers yet but doubt I was over 1200 calories even with several glasses of vino (done now and considerably higher than I thought at 1450, but that's fine - two coffees with cream and vino account for half the calories; the "beware the liquid calories" cannot be overstated). No doubt I'll make up for the very wee calorie deficit today. I'm not counting anything today. Mind you, I've not worked up the steaming kraut recipe yet, but somehow I don't think that it can be too carby (except the honey and the port...). Oh dear. I'll just have to remember Ferriss's wisdom - it'll all be fine again in a few days...

Thank gawd I made four of the six parts of dinner yesterday as, in spite of my starting pretty early, I was hard pressed to get things done. In the midst of the VBF wonderfully tackling some furniture and rug re-arrangements, visitors arriving, nuts burning, plate smashing (*not* guilty), multiple "look at this / me" scenes (friends and relatives, don't you love them), dinner finally emerged. I added the rest of the orange and extra allspice to the mulled cabbage, but otherwise followed the recipes to the T except, of course, for the sugar and an accidental use of dill leaf instead of dill seed.

The "pickled" kraut seemed too much - i.e. pickle-like - for most folk (I loved it, even though it bites), the mulled cabbage went down well, the mushroom ragout dumplings were brilliant (though I say it myself, others did too), I could have eaten *all* the cranberries (admittedly over time, as they're very tart / sweet), maybe the "broccoli confetti" could have done with being chopped to confetti size (time, dear friends, time was pressing) but it tasted great, and the cauliflower mash was a dream (well, 200ml extra thick cream and a goodly dollop of wholegrain mustard does make for deliciousness). Knackering to do, but oh so worth it - though I suspect that that sort of culinary adventure won't happen more than four times a year, if that...

Dummy numbers because the day was ad libitum... Fud wasn't remotely excessive for what is, usually, a dietary disaster time of year: a couple of creamy coffees, a lump of cheese, portion of nuts, dinner, chocolate, FatDog cranachan, a couple of ports and waaaay too much wine.

........ Calories 2000 Carbs 100 Fat 133 Protein 100 Fibre 20

I will post the "Steaming Kraut" dinner recipes once I've worked them up! With six parts plus the mashed cauliflower it might take me a wee while past the random-visitors stage to get to it properly. Our lawyer-turned-film-maker friend took a couple of photos of our dinner (with his mobile - so quality won't be high) and, although not the foodie presentation of the Terre a Terre offering, methinks it looked rather special and t'would be good to share.


Thursday, low-carb day one-hundred and eighty-six, feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 109.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~106.75lbs); 0lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

Gosh. Wasn't expecting / hoping for that - though I think that, conventionally, it's often the day after the day after that over-indulgences / carbocalypses show up on the scales. But thanks anyway V&P vary-fairy. FatDog beams, and slinks around feeling slinky and everso pleased.

No counting again today - but very modest intake. Given how rubbish I was at estimating Tuesday's intake (before actually doing the accounts) I doubt I'll do very well with today's estimate either, but I'd guestimate that it's likely less than 1500. Tea, coffee, remnants of yesterday's dinner (excepting the mushroom dumpling, which went to a welcome but unexpected guest - I had a veggie sausage), one port, a couple of glasses of vino and two squares of chocolate.

I might thieve an oatcake or two from the OH to have some butter and cheese / fruit spread with (no energy to do linseed crackers). Darn it no. I'll do some minute linseed bread, but the FatDog version with oatbran and soya flour etc. Ooooh. Bread made - texture not as wowzer as last time, but I did double the quantity so that might have affected the rise? It *is* yummy though - two slices (approx 168 calories and 6.7g carbs) plus butter and fruit spread on top: FatDog bready heaven. The bready smell of it keeps wafting towards me from the end of the table and I'm having a hard time resisting a second (very greedy) helping of it. Think I'll seek out some nice rocket and wee vine tomatoes tomorrow and have that with a few slices of my bread, slathered with cream cheese, for my repair day dinner. After two days of (over) indulgence I'm rather looking forward to my repair day - so is my tummy.

Rather went and blotted my copy-book by having a goodly slice of "Jamaica Ginger Cake" - our freegan friend left it by earlier and I resisted it (actually, I was not even tempted) for hours. Not sure what caused the downfall. But it's all good - today was meant to be, after all, an ad libitum day!

More dummy numbers as it was a further ad libitum day...

........ Calories 2000 Carbs 100 Fat 133 Protein 100 Fibre 20

a pictorial taster of our crimble dinner...

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2013, 01:09
by FatDog
Haven't a scoobie whether this will work... testing 1, 2, 3...



Another go - VBF suggested photobucket, so here we go...

YAY! Final edit Hmmm... if you 'view image' you might get a better idea, I'll try to reduce the image size.

And I realise now that this picture was taken *before* the mushroom ragout gravy went over everything, so it does look a little dry - it wasn't, I promise.

Eeek! Images...

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2013, 01:14
by FatDog
whimper.... and it's vanished!!! it were there, honest! It was so *big* that just a wee bit at the side was showing, one needed to "view image" to see the whole. But now it has all gorn, and just the word image is left... No comprendo...

... not sure why it appears to be so humongous but if you've the energy to click on the picture and "view image" you'll see our crimble dinner, in all its glory (minus the mushroom gravy, hadn't added that when the picture was taken)...
xxx FatDog

p.s. I'm a database expert, not a social media one - please forgive my hopelessness xxx

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2013, 01:42
by hilaryjane
Dear Fat Dog
I have followed your musings for about six months and they have been inspirational that I now do more veggie than meat. Your recipes are truly good (particularly the linseed crackers)
As I am really a technophobe and am not able to to do all the wondrous things that everyone else seems to manage, I hope that my vote for you goes under those people who have made you think and improve what you do

5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - day 187

PostPosted: 28 Dec 2013, 13:12
by FatDog
Friday, low-carb day one-hundred and eighty-seven, repair day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~107.25lbs); 0.8lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

Have closed wed-thu log, so recording this here - my face is going into a nasty tight / stingy / itchy / lurgy annoyance (it's not major, just nippy) after my eating that darned Jamaica Ginger cake... Who knows why, but I'd take a flying guess that it's a reaction to the mega sugar load (more carb in one slice than I normally have on a whole repair day) and / or the wheat... very rude words. Shan't try that again. BLEEEUCH.

Well, there's the rebound - though the digital increase is significantly more than the analogue, so I'm not going to get too fashed. But it's a further reason not to eat Jamaica Ginger cake.

Having had three whole non-repair days on the trot, I'm finding the hungry monsters are plaguing me a little today. Which is daft, because I didn't eat anything until very late afternoon / early evening for those days anyway (nor any other day, usually, for that matter). Must be head-stuff: stop being unreasonable head. get. a. grip.

Grumph. Finally gave in to the fairly insistent "you need to eat something" messages, coming from I know not where, at about 3pm. But I do feel better now after a couple of very skinny slices of my bread and a lump of stilton cheese. It *is* Friday, and would usually be a half-repair, but I'd like to do better than that, given that Wednesday's repair (quite reasonably) didn't happen. Not sure how to make it to the end of the day: ideally one would have lots of veggies and nowt else but I don't think that I've the strength of will for that! Will make up a monster soup for the OH out of his Christmas eve bargain veggies and some store-cupboard brown lentils. That should keep the wolf from the door.

I've yet to work up the Christmas dinner recipe - finding the idea of doing that nearly as daunting as cooking it!

Well, that's blown it: a second portion of FatDog bread with my home-made soup and it's not really much of a repair day at all. It were miserable and grumbly enough, pretty ineffectual as far as reduced calories goes and a bloomin' disaster on the carb front. Such is life. I'm trying to see the funny side of it, but failing miserably at that too.

Decide - repair day completely cancelled (phew, I'll have a vino and some almonds thank-you) - Monday *will* be good. But then, I'm thinking that maybe I could just take a holiday on this - just generally relax a bit; that's one monster mile-stone that I've just hit? Not mad over-carb/calorie-ing or anything, just chilling until after the festive season - restart on the 'wise path' second week in January? Hmm. Food for thought there, or is it the devil on my shoulder?

We've not really had any of the usual Crimble indulgences out - mince pies, crisps, chocolates, they none of them live here any more - so temptation has been rather limited (tho' someone came round with Cadbury's imitation of Ferrero Rocher, and that was *very* hard to resist, the latter being my *bestest, favourite sweet*). Plenty cheese and nuts about - but they're always about as essential low-carb veggie fare, and always measured.

The faux Ferrero is a Crispello - and I've just had one, and it was *revoltingly sweet*. What a waste of calories and carbs (55kcal, 5.1g carb)! Don't ever be tempted guys. More BLEURCH...

Unless I go completely bats, I've still a calorie deficit on the week of nearly a 1000. Not so awful, I guess, given the time of year.

........ Calories 1664.42 Carbs 88.72 Fat 86.56 Protein 61.49 Fibre 35.62

I wasn't going to post the soup recipe as it's hardly haute cuisine - it was good mind, and on a feed day would have been irresistible with coconut milk - but I think it an excellent example of how not to make a low-carb veggie soup for 5:2. In brief, carrots are *not* your friends on a low-carb repair day (nor peas, swede, tatties, leeks and onions for that matter). Admittedly, I still have my reservations about the carb figures for dried lentils, but them's what I've been working with so will stick with for now.

Christmas eve's veggie bargains soup
carrot, swede, leek, potato & onion mix, co-op, 40c/C7.5/F0.3/P1.2/Fi2.1/100g
......... 1200g 480.00 90.00 3.60 14.40 25.20
carrots, butternut squash, peas & beans, co-op, 50c/C7.6/F0.5/P2.0/Fi3.2/100g
......... 250g 125.00 19.00 1.25 5.00 8.00
sprout, broccoli & carrot mix, co-op, 40c/C5.5/F0.7/P1.8/Fi3.0/100g
......... 700g 280.00 38.50 4.90 12.60 21.00
lentils, brown, 332c/C44.9/F1.0/P28.4/Fi14.2/100g
......... 100g dry weight 332.00 44.90 1.00 28.40 14.20
garlic, fine chopped, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 8g 11.92 2.64 0.04 0.50 0.17
ginger, fine chopped, 90c/C17.8/F0.8/P1.8/Fi2.0/100g
......... 15g 13.50 2.67 0.12 0.27 0.30
olive oil, 824c/C0.0/F91.6/P0.0/Fi0.0/100ml
......... 15ml 123.60 0.00 13.74 0.00 0.00
soy sauce, low salt, amoy, 52c/C9.2/F0/P3.9/Fi0/100ml
......... 10ml 5.20 0.92 0.00 0.39 0.00
chilli flakes
......... two good pinches 0.00
......... 2ml 0.00
fennel seed, whole
......... 2ml 0.00
cumin seed, whole
......... 10ml 0.00
turmeric, dried ground
......... 10ml 0.00
coriander seed, fresh ground
......... 10ml 0.00
paprika, dried ground
......... 2ml 0.00
s&p 0.00
water, boiling
......... to near cover 0.00
total for Christmas eve's veggie bargains soup 1371.22 198.63 24.65 61.56 68.87
FatDog's 4/17 portion of Christmas eve's veggie bargains soup 322.64 46.74 5.80 14.49 16.20

Method: 1. chop the veggies into delicate bite size chunks as needed (e.g. halve the sprouts), set the broccoli to one side (peas too, if you've the energy); 2. split out the leeks and onions - heat the oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot and then gently fry these until softening; 3. add the garlic (why do I *always* try to spell that with a 'k'?), ginger and, a few moments later, the spices and stir-about until nicely fragrant; 4. now bung in the rest of the veggies and hot water to cover (you could use stock, but why with this quantity of veggies?); 5. bring to the boil and simmer covered for an age, until all the root veggies are softened and the lentils are done (I left it on at low peep for well over an hour, with an odd stir to make sure it wasn't sticking); 6. take just under half the soup and blitz it, then add it back in - this is the time to add the broccoli, and peas, and bring back to heat: salt, as desired, but you will need salt.

I meant to add tamarind but forgot... Personally I'd double all the spices and the garlic, and add cardamom, but the OH would have had apoplexy, and thems were his veggies... A tiny quantity of finely chopped dried fruit (e.g. apricot or date) and cashew nuts would have made this very rich and delicious indeed, but commensurately more unsuitable for repair days.

Whilst I'm at it: full fat soft cheese makes a wonderful substitute for butter on my oat bran, linseed and soya loaf. The Meridian fruit spread is pretty good but not as low-carb as one might hope, so anyone with the skinny on which brands of fruit spread (UKian) are *really* low-carb will have my eternal gratitude.

5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian - days 188 and 189

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 13:52
by FatDog
Saturday, day one-hundred and eighty-eight, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.2lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.25lbs); 0.8lbs gain
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

Boing. And that's the rest of the rebound - well, I hope there's not more to come after that!

Report for the end of week 35 on 4.5 : 2.5 - 0.8lb gain this week (total loss 34.8lbs); still more measured but unrecorded shrinkage. Oh, and I hit my target this week, and and even went below (109.6lbs) but boinged back up, of course. I'm reasonably happy with this as maintenance - especially with Christmas and St. Stephen's day dinners intervening!

Adapted HFW's stuffed cabbage leaves for dinner. I was disappointed but the OH reckoned they were delicious. Weird thing was that each part *was* delicious (sauce, stuffing and cabbage), it's just the whole was lacking a certain something. I used mozzerella on the top, rather than sour cream, and maybe that "blandified" things - a sprinkle of chilli flakes or some spice might fix it.


Baaaah and humbug!!!

I was showing off the lovely easy yummyness of low-carb microwave idiot-proof cookery. And clearly demonstrated that I was sub-idiot. Damn.

Too much salt in my almond-thingies, and a bit burnt (again) - though the burnt bits are rather nicely caramelised, rather than incinerated. Shall post the recipe anyway - essentially a glorification of previous but with a few tweaks - as, if one doesn't do salt (or burn it), it'll be yumptious. The major cruelty is that the darned thing still *smells* absolutely and utterly delicious (oh, oh, oh, so yumptiously so) in spite of tasting *utterly and horribly dire*. Neither my visiting victim taster or myself could really reconcile the complete dissonance between *olfactory-heaven* and *taste-bud-hell*. Salt. Salt. Salt. OH didn't think it was "that bad" (genuinely - he has no sense of smell), but I still think I should seriously start worrying about the OH - he can taste salt, surely? As I said - BAAAAAH & HUMBUG. Sob :(

..... no numbers yet as I've not worked up the recipes, but the excess vino will certainly blow things out...


Sunday, day one-hundred and eighty-nine, weekend feed day

Weigh-in at start of day wt. 110.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.25lbs); 0.4lbs loss
... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches

I've been studiously hiding from my logs all day (and giving myself grief every second for doing so) - I was *so* utterly ashamed at yesterday's over-indulgence. Spent half a wakeful night beating myself up about that, and anything else that I could think of (e.g. abandoned PhD, not being a good enough person, etc., etc.) - if the self-flagellation had been physical, I'd have been given a zero chance of survival in A&E. And it's suddenly dawned on me (just now, past seven in the evening) that I shouldn't be beating myself up *at all*. One falls off the wagon? So get back on again, when (and if, even) you feel like it. There's enough sh*te flying around without one throwing it at oneself and rubbing it in. Dear Gawd! Talk about revelation!

Now I can get on with what little remains of the day without cringing and having to hide from myself in shame. Jolly dee - a fully restored FatDog. Will try to get the recipes written up later (was hiding from them too, as they're in the same spreadsheet as my log - for the same reason I haven't even recorded my weight!), meantimes: what's for dins? Has to be cream and mushroom based (excess of former in the fridge and remains / bargains of the latter) - maybe pancakes-as-pasta, with a modded version of one of my earlier recipes: Pilz-Stroganoff, or hazelnut-fennel seed-tarragon sauce, or simple mushroom sauce? Will need to get moving on it or we won't be eating until midnight; and, on that basis, I think I'll go with the simplest option...

Simplest option it was, but it still took an age. And the portions looked tiny - though I think that it was calorifically dense. We made up for it with frozen fruit and extra thick cream for pudding.

Another day without accounts (yet) as I've not worked up the recipes.

I'm posting now in the hopes that the glaring recipeless gaps will move me to work up the recipes, sooner rather than later :)

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 15:31
by callyanna
@FatDog, you have absolutely no need to even THINK about beating yourself up! :oops: You have come so far and done so well :victory: so one (or more!), falls off the wagon ain't gonna hurt! Just remember , you have reached your target, you can ease up a bit in maintenance, so hopefully lightbulb moment and just carry on ! xx :wink: :razz:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 15:57
by Ballerina

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 16:00
by rawkaren
It's Christmas FatDog. Enjoy yourself. Save 2014 for maintenance. Happy New Year :heart: :heart: :heart:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2013, 19:15
by Ballerina
lol @ballerina[/quote]...........................

It had to be said Izzy, it just HAD to be said, the girl was chasing her tail like a whirling dervish and I was worried about what she would do when she caught it. Almost called for Janeg and her wet fish solution, such a shame to see a lovely wee girl go nuts :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2014, 19:12
by Azureblue
Fatdog Fatdog have you survived Hogmanay? Concerned :0.

Happy New Year from FatDog in Edinburgh

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2014, 21:30
by FatDog
... to all you wonderful people


all the very best, FatDog

will be back logging once the visitors diminish... xxx

Re: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2014, 21:31
by Silverdarling
I think it's @Fatdog and @Manderley for that exclusive Club - currently just Them Two - of Fasters who can't or don't know when enough if enough! :shock: :wink: one of them is worrying away about how much lemon juice to put on her chicken breast ... And the other is worrying about everything else :bugeyes: :confused: :wink:

How we all wish we were in your (presumably smaller) shoes!!!!!!

Re: Happy New Year from FatDog in Edinburgh

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2014, 21:36
by Silverdarling
FatDog wrote:
will be back logging once the visitors diminish... xxx

Ooooh have you got them on 5:2ing then??? :lol: :lol: :lol: