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Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:26
by debsie
Well, yesterday was me jumping back on the fasting wol. I was so pleased as I did so well and I was so chuffed with myself. Today however I really mucked it all up. I've eaten non stop from 0900 to 2000. :cry: I did plan to have an eating window of 6 hours today, didn't happen, I have noticed I am no longer hungry for breakfast but this morning I was ravenous. Fasting again tomorrow.

Good Points -

Reaffirmed that eating breakfast just starts a rage of comfort eating
I chose not to have the scone and clotted cream at the cafe, I had half an ice cream instead of a whole, I stopped eating by 8pm.

Bad - I ate too much

Plan - don't be too strict on non fast days until I've been in a bit longer. Re-weight in one month.


Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:50
by CandiceMarie
We've all done that Debs i bet
I for one have done it many times :lol:
The upside is,youve regrouped,learnt from it,and can move on did a few positive things ( the scone/ the icecream) AND yesterday was a successful fast.
Well done! X

Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:53
by imcountingufoz
We all have little blips, don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow is another day xxx

Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014, 19:56
by Sue.Q
We all get these dramas @debsie Small conciliation at least you stopped at 8pm, you've also learned two lessons
#1 eating breakfast wakes up the hunger monster.
#2 you don't actually want or even need breakfast because you wake up not hungry, put all of this behind you learn from this and do another day when you can
with new determination
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014, 20:01
by barbarita
So right, @debsie, concentrate on the fasting first, don't try and impose any more rules on yourself until the fasting is rock solid, then introduce any other restrictions you think you need very gradually, let each one become a habit before moving on to the next.

Rock solid by the way means with the very rare slip-up, which is how we prove we are human :lol:


Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:27
by debsie
Thank you for all your positive comments. Overall I have had a good week. 2 successful fasts and the scales are showing weight loss, even though I wasn't going to weigh myself for a month but I had to know and it did spur me on. I was gonna fast today but I am seriously hungover from my birthday night out, My eyes are STILL blurred up and I can't really see the words. So I managed to not eat til 2pm which was good and I haven't been too bad today. I thought fasting might help the body repair from the drinking but it didn't work like that and eating did make me feel better. It's my birthday tomorrow so won't be fasting then but I think it'll be a good week,.

Re: Debsie's dramas

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2014, 03:36
by Sassy1
Hi @debsie :)

Happy birthday! I know there is a birthday strand for you, but I thought I would put my wishes in your thread cos I wasn't sure who you were before. :(

I have had a number of days like yours while on this journey, tho more commonly it is just the evenings where I overindulge. But I have still lost a lot of weight on this WOL by sticking to the basic structure of 5:2. I found that making sure the fast days did not exceed 500 cals seemed to be a key factor to ensure I stuck with this WOE.

Make sure you praise yourself when you stick to whatever eating plan you have, and try to remember how good that felt whenever you feel tempted to eat when you don't need to. And also how good it feels the day after a successful fast.

All the best! :D

(NB I am attempting to cure my night-time overindulgences by making it my solstice challenge to eat mindfully ALL the time (help!) so that I can maintain using 6:1 rather than having to do 5:2 or even 4:3... Need to add this to my signature..)