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Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 15:56
by Hazelnut20
Hello all!

Here to report that thank goodness, I lost 2.2lbs last week.....bringing the total to 21lbs in 5 weeks! Yep, bye bye a stone and a half.....yippeeeeeee!

So, the losses have gone steadily downwards since week one, but taken together, they are jolly good. Must try to up the exercise this week as its been non-existent for weeks! Maybe that will help move things along...

Will be back later...but have friends round for a birthday tea (theirs not mine!) so must get on!

Cheery bye for now xxx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 16:28
by ADFnFuel
One kg per week is excellent progress!! :like: I had the book on my wish list for a while then deleted it. Might put it back to satisfy a curiosity about BSD maintenance.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 16:49
by johns
woohoo @hazelnut20 :) go you!!!!

fantastic loss again. you must be delighted :) I know you weren't expecting much but this is brilliant. imagine where you will be at the end of your 8 week trial?

does this mean you have dropped a dress size in the 5 weeks you have been on this?

am definately going to join you. will give in & download the book tonight. been to a couple of supermarkets & whsmith & not been able to find it so kindle here I come. have talked myself into this as I need to find something that will work with me running 5 times a week (although you would hope that I could eat what I wanted after all that exercise). not really good fasting on a run day, especially if Ive run more than 5 miles :) like today as Ive been reading about the importance of protein to repair muscles.

no grand-daughter yet :( so should have time to digest the book tonight :)

well done again Pernelle. hope you have a treat ready to celebrate ~ something new to wear perhaps?? xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 17:59
by Tracieknits
Fantastic job!! Congratulations!!! :-)

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 19:41
by justdee
:victory: Aww well done Pernelle @Hazelnut20, I'm so pleased for you, that's a brilliant loss. Whoop whoop!!! 21 lbs in 5 weeks. Keep at it, this WOE was made for you.
The weeks are flying by. Wishing you a very easy and speedy week 6. :clover: :clover:

Thank you @Azureblue. I know you're right. I don't even know why I had a wobble this morning, I know this can happen. I just didn't think it would happen so soon. I'll try to stay off the scale until the end of the week. It's funny how something like a number on a scale can stop you thinking rationally. Today I've had a few thoughts of 'may be this isn't for me', but I know it's my body/brain trying to make me gain the weight back.

Looks like we'll be getting a new member of the BSD club. Really happy you want to give it a go, @johns. We'll be here waiting, when you're ready to join us. :smile:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 20:56
by barbarita
Pleased for your loss this week @hazelnut20 but I am also convinced that if the scales had not moved you would have grit your teeth and carried on regardless :victory:

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2016, 23:36
by Hazelnut20
Thanks so much everyone!

I really appreciate everyone's support. You chaps are the only ones who totally understand all the highs and lows and just what the daily temptations are. On top of that, you all somehow have much more faith in me than I do myself - and that is lovely to know and read about! @barbarita - your comment was so lovely - thank you!

We'd love to have you join us, @johns - can't wait! Hope you enjoy reading the book and can get a non-meat plan together that will work well for you. I've already mentioned that I detest eggs, but I do think that anyone who likes them will be well away on meal ideas for the BSD. In answer to your question, I must have dropped a dress size by now, but although I am thrilled and feel so much better about myself, I don't really want to buy any significant new clothes for a while....because I am still quite large in all honesty. One of the most distressing aspects of my over-eating was that in the end, my belly stuck out further than my bust - not a pretty profile! To my utter delight, the proper order of things has been restored over the past 5 weeks and I no longer look 6 months pregnant. Obviously, I'm not remotely in flat stomach territory yet...but I can live with myself much better now...and that's a great feeling.

Sorry to hear you've had a little wobble @justdee - the mind games strike again, eh? Strangely enough, when you posted your daily weights for week 1, I found myself thinking perhaps I should also weigh myself daily, just out of interest. I then realised that it would do me no good at all, because I would definitely get disheartened on the days that the scales weren't playing ball. We'd all like to lose day in day out - but that's just not realistic. Why then, do we step on the scales expecting it anyway? It's all a bit mindless really...

I think wobbles are to be expected along the way. As I've said, we would do well to remember that we are in a marathon...not a sprint. A sprint would be preferable...but not realistic! We all know that we are capable of completing a fast day, no problem...but standing up to the voices that tell us to jack it all in during a low moment...well that's a different matter. We're back to the value of this forum - anyone can express despair and be swiftly scooped up by others who know exactly how that feels,,,and have come out the other side.

So, JD, it would be a terrible waste for your trailblazing not to continue - particularly as we have the exciting prospect of another BSD member on the horizon! We can overcome whatever our heads dictate....

Thanks once again everyone xxx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 02:05
by bordergirl
I have been AWOL for awhile, and I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed binge-reading your posts :bugeyes: , @Hazelnut and @justdee and @johns! It is exciting to read about your successes and challenges and determination, Pernelle and Dee, and I am breathlessly awaiting the next installments and, of course, the arrival of the new baby, johns! :wink: Although I haven't been formally 5:2ing for the last month or so--lots going on--I have internalized fast-like eating enough that I am still within spitting distance of my lowest low. :cool: But, I want to download the BSD book on my kindle to read more about how it all works with blood sugar. :?:
I totally agree about the pernicious effects of processed carbs--I don't feel well or do well when I eat them in any quantity. My daughter feels the same. Stay strong, ladies! You've got this! In the meantime, keep those brilliant posts coming! Pernelle, you remind me of @ballerina who had us all rolling on the floor with her stories of her adventures in Provence with "hubs" and being as hungry as a "scabby sp? dog" and oodles more. Great writers, the both of you! Chris

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 06:40
by Hazelnut20
Thanks so much @bordergirl - it's lovely to hear from you and so nice to know that you are enjoying this thread. Was going to include "ramblings" somewhere in the above....which so applies to anything I write...but felt it might appear rude & as if meant the lovely @justdee & @johns too!

Ooh, yes, I remember @ballerina's tales of life! I really miss the forum of old, when there was always so much to read & I often wonder how everyone is getting on. Great to hear that all is well with you and so nice that you are successfully keeping the weight off. That's something I've never managed...I'm OK when losing it but hopeless at keeping it off. It would be great to master that particular skill....

All the best to you...

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 09:41
by Tracieknits
Well I've been up since 3:30 this morning - had to take DH to the airport for a business trip. He gets home on Thursday after a red-eye flight and I didn't want him driving home on no sleep like that.

I just wanted to chime in with my two cents on daily weighing: I absolutely do my best with weight loss and maintenance when I weigh daily. You do need to understand that bodies fluctuate within a range (the bigger you are, the bigger the range is). But I find that if the scales aren't agreeable, it helps me stay on track that day, drink more water and herbal tea/tisane, and be less naughty. 9 times out of 10, I know exactly why the scale has gone up - perhaps a salty meal, or that time of the month or an overindulgence. Seeing the number helps motivate me. Similarly, when I see a loss, it's inspiring.

Now I know it's not for everyone, because some people get too wrapped up in the number. But for me, it's very helpful.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 10:06
by Merlin
I agree with Traceyknits, daily weighing is what has kept my weight in check.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 13:00
by Hazelnut20
Perhaps I'll have a go at daily weighing then @tracieknits & @merlin - so as to get to know how my body works. I'd never really thought of it as being a useful tool, but I can see from what you've both said that it could prove very helpful. I suspect I haven't fully accepted that weight fluctuates so much from day to day. Take today, I (unusually) weighed myself today....the day after an official weigh-in. Was hoping for some kind of reward for avoiding the bread, roast potatoes, sausages and chocolate birthday cake yesterday......yep, I'm all in favour of quick fixes....but no....I've stayed the same. Half a pound would've been nice....

Suppose I were to weigh in tomorrow & see that I'd lost a pound....that would average out as half a pound a why get despondent? Is that what you're getting at when you say it can be helpful? I've not looked at it like that, but it could be a great tool. I'll have a go this week and next....& see if any patterns emerge! Many thanks xx

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 13:16
by Tracieknits
well a half pound a day would mean what, a 1750 calorie deficit? That's a lot!! If you're eating about 800 calories a day, that would mean a TDEE of 2550, which is pretty high.

I'm not saying it can't happen, as it has with me. But definitely keep in mind that some of the weight fluctuation is just water. And don't let the number define you or get in your head too much :-)

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 14:23
by justdee
Stayed the same again this morning. It is what it is. I know I'm losing fat if not weight, I must be. I'm only eating 800cals and I'm at work for 5.5hrs a day, all the time on my feet, most of the time running back and forth. There's no way I'm not losing. Not sure what the calorie deficit is on that but I know it's a good one. In a funny sort of way I'm alright with scale not moving for a few days, I know it will move by the end of the week. It's also good for it to be recorded on this thread, so people who read it will know this can happen, but all will be fine in the end.

I was thinking of having a day off at the end of this week. I want to take DD out for a nice meal, we don't eat out much (last time was end of Feb) and we need to celebrate getting summer job. Then I realized I don't need to take the day off, if I want to go out for a meal I can. No need for a "day off", that's like a free pass to eat and drink everything in sight. No not this time, no "day off", no free pass, just a lovely guilt free meal out with my lovely daughter. If I go over what I would normally stick to, so be it. I will be going easy on the carbs though, I don't want a tummy ache. Anyway that will be at the end of week 2, I've a few days to get through before that. Ohh, I've just realized I'm talking as if I will be doing week 3. I think I'm already preparing myself for it.

Re: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2016, 22:45
by Hazelnut20
That's what I'm talking about!! Early on, I didn't like to dare hope that you would lengthen your BSD trial and stay with me a while longer....but round about the middle of Week 1 I thought "Yep - she's made of stern stuff! She's completely in the BSD zone..." Hurrah, @justdee - so much has changed and is still changing for you! Reading all the positivity in your posts literally warms my heart because I can so relate to it! Where once we might have become despondent, we are now becoming philosophical! We're not looking for the elusive quick fix - we're signing up for the long game. You're the boss of you! If you want to take your lovely daughter out for a celebratory dinner, you certainly can! You don't need to ask permission from anyone...or strike any bargains. Life is most definitely for living...and importantly...for enjoying! Grab those moments whenever you can...for they are so precious. Getting a summer job merits some celebrating. Getting your particular summer job...even more so, for it has you on your feet for hours, rushing round here & there (gotta be a good thing!) and being surrounded by food (you remember, that thing that used to hold such power over us)..that demon-no-more! It's win-win-win all the way....and I couldn't be happier for you!