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Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 10:07
by barbarita
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 10:41
by CandiceMarie
@turtlegirl isnt that nearly half an inch off yr waist? Not to be sniffed at!
And if youre gettin muscly, you mightnt lose...xx
@brand-ie you are doing fab with all that jogging! X
@maryann sounds like youre being good,so i' m sure you'll see results next week! X

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 10:51
by Margotsylvia
This is my Friday report for the super summer challenge

51.8kg :smile:

I am very happy about that. The first lot of guests and cakes is arriving next week, so we'll see what next Friday brings...
My aim was to remain about 52.3 kg through all these summer visitors :grin:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 12:26
by nursebean
This is Bean's weekly weigh-in. Today I am mostly weighing...
12½ stone (that's another 1½ pound off!!) Total so far 3 and a half pounds!!
Now I'm on holiday for two weeks with my darling sister and two little boys!! I'll try and be good because I don't want to put it all back on again, now do I!!

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 12:44
by CandiceMarie
Yay Beano @nursebean! ** bump fists *
Well done! you've lost that weight for yr hols AND avoided whatever weight you may have put on if you hadn't
got your mojo back! XX v pleased! And we are weight loss twins this week - both lost the same amount! X
Happy holibobs!

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 13:51
by SammyIAm
Good morning! I am down exactly 1 more pound this week, so that is 3.8 pounds overall these past 3 weeks. Though I stayed well-hydrated, yesterday was a fast day for me so I'm going to take this loss with a grain of salt. I'll weigh again tomorrow to see what my real weight is.

Update 6-20-15: Weight is the same today! ::happy dance::

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 14:03
by turtlegirl
Thank you for being so encouraging to us all @CandiceMarie :like: :heart:
Well, as a rather extreme pear I really don't want my waist to shrink any more... :grin:
I'm actually thinking of throwing the scales out again (not really, I just bought them...) and just going by what things feel like... that's what I did for the first 5 weeks of my 5:2 experience...

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 17:11
by CandiceMarie
@turtlegirl i wdnt worry about being a pear with a tiny waist,i bet you look very feminine!
I did a questionnaire on here once ' Find Your Body Shape' and have never really recovered from the results i got... I was reeling from the news I' m a spoon or a bell shape! I didnt even know such shapes existed when it came to the human form.. :lol: i' m surprised i' m let loose on the streets! :razz:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2015, 23:55
by Lizbean
I'm a tired teddy, enjoyed reading - back tomorrow :cool:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2015, 10:14
by CandiceMarie
Rest up @lizbean..i am too...feel grotty but am on catsitting duties so ive got a nice little pal with me x

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2015, 07:03
by WarriorPrincess
Three quarters of a pound down this week, 1.5lbs in 3 weeks (or 1.75lbs in 2 - sounds a lot more impressive if I ignore the unfortunate Wk 1 gain!)
Anyway, 11st 8 is better than 11st 9.5, which is where I came in. My OH just pointed out I'd have been delighted 3 weeks ago if I'd weighed in at 11st 8! I'm not though - went to the gym twice last week, ran my best Parkrun 5k time for 3 years, counted my calories & behaved ...
Ah well, slow & steady ....

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2015, 07:28
by PennyForthem
Sorry I haven't been around much - busy, then away at the weekend. Out for a fab traditional (and excellent) Sunday lunch yesterday, complete with lighter than light profiteroles.
Stepped, with some trepidation, on the scales this morning.... surprised to see 9 12 (and 3/4!). Another weekend of socialising, eating (and maybe a few drinkies) looms, so I've got a little wiggle room now.
Some very encouraging weight losses for you.... keep going! Enjoy that holiday @nursebean

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2015, 22:24
by Pilchards
Third Friday weigh in for the Super Summer Challenge. ( Yes I know it is Tuesday but I never quite got round to it!)
SW 73.3 kg
Week 1 - 0.5 kg
Week 2 - 0.7 kg
Week 3 -0.0 kg
CW 72.1 kg
Loss so far 1.2 kg
Goal at end of July 68.0 kg
Happy with no loss this week as I know that I was over on my fast days and didn't do as much exercise as usual due to the weather. Determined to get in to the 71's next week.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2015, 14:05
by JayeGirl
Hi Guys,

Hope everyone is doing great on the Summer challange. I have missed 11/12 days worth of chatter so I'm just going to pick up from here and not read back.

My holiday was fantastic! I had dessert every single day lol and several ice creams and beers in the day! But 7 breakfasts and all my dinners were healthy. I had pancakes with syrup 3 mornings....YUM! I did drink every flipping day!!! Obviously as I get older I'm getting better at this lol. I usually drink once a week! I'm pleased to say on return I was only 7lbs heavier, I did also gain a 1lb the day before I left! It was a fast day, We went out to dinner (steak n salad 500 cals) and found our local was closed for a refurb lol. So went to the next one along, it only did Carvery! So ended up at the chinese with a 1/4 portion of fried rice with 1/2 portion of Beef satah and.... 3 glasses of Prosecco lol. So 8lbs in all. I know it's a huge chunk but honestly I thought it would have been more like 18lbs!!!! At the very least a stone. All considering I am really happy with that weight gain lol.

I weighed in at 225lbs Monday morning! I fasted yesterday and today I've lost 3lbs :smile: so back under 16 stone. (Ecstatic about that lol) and weighing 222lbs. I was 217lbs pre holiday. I will leave a proper weigh in until Saturday as I'll fast wed/fri. If I'm lucky I'll be recording a loss again like my first week in the challange... Complicated stuff hey lol.

I've a Jawbone Up24 arriving Saturday. Of course it won't help with actual weight loss but it will help me to keep on getting fitter and more mobile.

Good luck all and happy fasting. X

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2015, 16:36
by Hazelnut20
What's a Jawbone Up24????????? Am curious.......