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Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 4 kg lost so f

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 01:52
by Juliana.Rivers
Maggiee wrote: Hello everybody

It's a gorgeous fine sunny day here downunder in Melbs.
Member No. 2 - reporting in

Started 91.7 - NOW 88.1 - newest low in years!! Woo Hoo :like:

Another fast today, doing three a week now - still being mindful of carbs and sugar.


Well done @Maggie nothing like a "New Low" I remember them.

keep going strong. !

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 4 kg lost so f

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 01:54
by Juliana.Rivers
CandiceMarie wrote: Just jumped across from the spring into fall challenge to report three amd a half pound down so far x

Well done @CandiceMarie I will update the group tally and post 1 on the weekend.

hope many more jump across

Re: CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGE. 27 are in so far. PLEASE

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 01:56
by Juliana.Rivers
barbarita wrote: Number 4 here with results for Chunk 3, this one seems to have flown by.

Average deviation from goal = +2.56 lbs :unlike:
No of days at < 10000 steps = 0 :like:
Only dairy products consumed at home = butter, cream cheese, brie. :like:

We're a third of the way through now, only 54 days to go.

well done @barbarita.

OMG YOU just scared me.. that means only 50 plus days to get ready for Christmas. eek.

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 4 kg lost so f

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 08:44
by Loulou51
Hello Supa Challengers. It is half term here and I started the week really well, fasting while driving to visit my parents and I hit a nice low weight. However the rest of the week I've not been so well behaved and I am up a little to 9st 1lb. Never mind back to work next and back to proper fasting.

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 4 kg lost so f

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 19:10
by CandiceMarie
Thatsfab news @maggieee and i love yr signature and yr photo's have such a lovely lovely smile and you look like the kind warmhearted and goodhumoured person we could all do with as a shoulder to lean on! X :like:

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 4 kg lost so f

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2015, 21:18
by Maggiee
Crumbs....@CandiceMarie - thank you :oops: :oops:

This photo was taken recently, it has taken me ages to put up one of me that I am ok with. Not so long ago, I needed a shoulder to cry on, but with some help, a lot of self-talking, eating well, exercising, great friends as well as online friends, I am feeling the best I have in years. I am in a good place at the moment, and loving it. :smile:

once again, thank you. xx :heart:

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 30 Oct 2015, 15:33
by smallerrose
Member 20 checking in! Down 2.8 pounds total. 8.2 to go before xmas!

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 30 Oct 2015, 19:22
by raggy
Number 33 checking in: I've had two good fasts this week and am currently down 2lbs, which is the kick start that I needed after months of not committing to this.
Will be attending a Halloween party tomorrow and so my plan is to fast again on Sunday.
I think the best way for me to stick to my fast is to not eat until Dinnertime.
Hope you are all doing well this week and have a fab weekend everyone :like:

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2015, 11:00
by CandiceMarie
@maggiee thats great news! :like: :like: :like: so happy for you xx
Well done everyone for losses big,small or maintaining..xx chin up to non losers,next week will be better xx

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2015, 21:36
by Madcatlady
I had a couple of days off this week - wasn't too naughty but 3lb crept back on - not fair is it!

Anyway - back on it yesterday so hopefully will lose those again soon!

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2015, 07:12
by Callanthe
Member 27 reporting:
I'm at the same as last week, 91,1 kg, after the whoosh I'm happy with it.

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2015, 09:51
by 19kg to lose!
Number 15 reporting in for Sunday 1st November and weigh in Number 4:
Sorry team .... half-term 'babysitting' .... too much food and not enough exercise.
7 day steps 51306 :frown:
0 x Body Pump :frown:
0 x Swim :frown:
Gain of 300g this week (but still 1.0kg loss total since start)
I'm actually surprised it is not worse.

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2015, 12:13
by Juliana.Rivers
smallerrose wrote: Member 20 checking in! Down 2.8 pounds total. 8.2 to go before xmas!

well done to you @smallerrose Great effort. Keep going strong

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2015, 14:43
by tkinsley
Member 32 reporting in. I'm stalled at 152.6 after my last fast on Friday. Very frustrating. I'm not losing any inches, either.... not sure what's going on. My activity has been slightly lower than usual, with my daily step average under 9000, so I'll boost that up this week. Also, I am done with my post competition week off, so it's back to the heavy lifting 3x/week.

My "normal" days seem to be increasing in calories somewhat. I'm eating to hit a number, rather than to hunger, but I just really don't get hungry except on fast days, so I'm not sure how to work around that. Today is a fast day, so I guess I'll reassess tomorrow morning after I weigh and measure (and report in). I assumed I'd be around 150 by now. Nothing to be done but keep on keeping on, though. I'm not interested in dieting 7 days per week.

Re: JOIN 33 CHRISTMAS 2015 SUPA CHALLENGERS - 11 kg lost so

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2015, 18:25
by Cyclonet
Number 21 checking in.

I'm maintaining my weight and fasting twice a week as planned but need to work of my eating window on non fasting days. I originally set it as 4 hours but I'm thinking 6 hours is more realistic.