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Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2015, 09:27
by JayeGirl
Azureblue wrote: Sometimes @JayeGirl however good you've been the scales are grumpy, but inside you changes are happening. DON'T STOP NOW!!
Keep fasting and mindfully low carbing and standing and moving and smiling for AT LEAST another month, measure your body everywhere, keep a record of it. I promise it will change :0)

Hi Azure and thanks. I absolutely won't be quiting, I'm in this for as long as it works, or at least I don't gain while I know I'm doing everything right. I'm not brand new to fasting. I did it before for 6 mths when I was working, I just wasn't as strict then. I've been back at it for for 20 weeks with a 50lb weight loss. It's hard after holidays and when the scales don't refelct your hard work though. It's also the first time I haven't actually lost after a fast. I'm wondering if it was because it was a high carb meal even though it was within my cals. I didn't want to cook so had egg on low GI bread, a banana with peanut butter. Although I always have 150/180 cals of carbs with my fast dinner.
Always, another lowcal day yesterday with no change and fasting again today so fingers....and toes crossed. I'm doing 3:4 these days too so that should help.

Here's hoping Saturday's weigh in is good to me lol.

Good luck all. :clover:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2015, 10:36
by Azureblue
So half way through this challenge and I am but 800g down on my start weight - 75.2 from 76kg.
Hey ho on we go, up and downing, up and downing :0)

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2015, 11:53
by CandiceMarie
AB@azureblue if its any consolation,this is the first challenge i' m actually rising to since the one at Christmas 2013 :confused:
Failed miserably at all the others...PLUS i weigh lots more than you and wd be v pleased with myself if i got into the 70 kgs! :like: xx

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2015, 21:12
by WarriorPrincess
Challenges are fab!!!
In October 2014 I began the Xmas Challenge at 12st 7.5lbs.
Today (after yesterday's fast!) I am 11st 6.75 .... so I'VE DROPPED A WHOLE STONE!!!
... achieving my first Super Summer Challenge target.
I am a very happy bunny.
- and on track to 11st 4, my second SSC target.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2015, 22:33
by CandiceMarie
Well done @warriorprincess! Thats one stone AND one pound down :like:
Best of luck with phase two x
Halfway thru thus challenge,ive lost seven and a half of the eight pounds i pledged to lose on the Super Summer Challenge
Very pleased..will reset my goal when i lose that elusive half pound over the next week! X

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2015, 08:31
by PennyForthem
You lot are fab, the way everyone motivates each other! Keep it up!
After a weekend of fab food and company, I've been re-educating my appetite and am now back at 10st.
Funny, I was able to eat for 2 days almost how I used to eat, without too much of a care (though I passed on the rice with the Indian meal!), but once those 2 days had gone, I was more than happy to return to this w.o.e.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 06:06
by turtlegirl
Eeek! 71.6 kg today, that's 500g more than last week... but I guess that's just the way it goes...
Was going to put in another Fastday today, but then reminded myself that this is not some kind of crash diet :grin:
I'm also going to the climbing wall this evening and I need to cycle there and back .. might need some energy :razz:
Yesterday I had a bit much to eat (new Gambian takeawy opening round the corner from work and then an unexpected dinner out with friends...), so I'll be a bit more restained today (there go the fried plantains....)
Good luck to all the Summer Challengers ... somehow the challenge I set myself - 68 kilos by the end of July - seems a bit ambitious now, but we'll just have to see...

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 06:38
by carieoates
Well done esp warrior princess. That's a great achievement. I have to confess that I've not done well as yet. But my eating habits have never been better, so for that I am chuffed. Carbs are a weekend treat, decent protein and salad or veg, whole fat yoghurt. I will get to goal, but at the moment I'm more interested in training.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 09:43
by Azureblue
May I just mention that the scales said 74.1kg this morning (11st 8lb) after a week of wonderful hot hot weather and very little appetite as a result.
Though you know what me and weekends are like :0@
All shall be well.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 11:21
by Margotsylvia
I posted a somewhat long winded report already, but it has disappeared to the cyber monster....
My weight 52.1 kg.
I am pleased with this, because it is within my maintenance range for this summer challenge.
Especially good since one third of the guests this summer have been and gone. :smile:
I am trying to survive now this heat wave we have in Northern Europe! :razz:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 13:43
by barbarita
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:
26/06/2015. Week 4. 121 lbs :frown:
03/07/2015. Week 5. 122 lbs :frown: :frown:

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 13:54
by SammyIAm
I am down yet another pound! I am only 3.4 pounds away from my (renewed) goal for this challenge. I think I can do it! :)
Start: 156.6
Week1: 154.4
Week 2: 153.8
Week 3: 152.8
Week4: 151.4
Week5: 150.4

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 14:55
by Brand-ie
1lb up but body is going through a shape change. 3 runs this week though even in the heat so not quite as disheartened as I could be.

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 16:16
by Azureblue
Big hugs to @barbarita and @Brand-ie, all shall be well. Press on regardless xx

Re: Your super summer challenge

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2015, 16:36
by JayeGirl
Wrote a post but it didn't appear!

I'm here to confess my sins!

Yesterday after 10 days I was back down to my pre holiday weight of 217lbs! I was so pleased. Then I got a text... Do you want to go to the the Races.... Well of course I do! Had a fabulous day which involved no wins, but a whole bottle of Prosecco and over 4 hrs I ate a 10 inch pizza to boot! I can't lie, it tasted fantastic, even cold lol. Of course today I was back up to 219lbs. Annoying but having thought about it the reality is I am not going to not do fun things that include eating things I normally wouldn't and having a drink.

Today I am fasting, so far successfully on coffee and water. Tomorrow though I am out again, although I will eat and drink within my TDEE.

Nice to see how well some of you are doing and to those of us pkaying snakes and ladders.... At least we know we can get the weight back off.