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Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 06:43
by faith
Start Weight: 247.5 lbs
Goal Weight: 227.5 lbs

Thanks :)

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 06:58
by Patchworkperson
And we're off & running!!

#65 aiming to loose 14lbs.

Looking forward to hearing how we all do,

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:08
by Meg's mom
#67. Start weight 10 stone 13
Target to lose 7lb

Good luck everybody!

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:19
by SSure
Member 26
Start weight: 107.4lbs
Target: stay within 105-110lbs.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:25
by juliebulie10
Happy 1st October everyone! :)

JB #48
Start weight: 196.6lbs
Goal weight: 172.6lbs

Fasting today!!...... then will fast Mon/Weds/Friday, low carb on food days with a 'cheat meal' on Thursday teatime :) that's the plan anyhow!! I'm sure life will throw some curve balls but I will plan as best I can to stick on track!

We have school holidays from Thursday for 1 week and we are going to Jordan (3rd-11th) and so I already have my 2 challenges! staying in hotels and fasting for 3 of the days AND I won't be near my scales to weigh in!! (I have been known to pack my scales on trips befpre!! LOL) I really am planning to still fast, but for my evening meal I will enjoy a simple protein/salad (if available!) as usually I do liquid only fasts, but seeing as 'I'm on holiday' I don't want to feel left out of the family meal times :) :)

GOOD LUCK to everyone on the Christmas Challenge!! YYeee--hhaaaaaaaa!!

JB x

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:45
by nursebean
Pinch, punch first of the month!

Well I weighed myself this morning (have decided to weigh myself on the first of each month...and not before...or after! Anyway, it was quite a shock (well not that much a shock I suppose, really, when I think of all the naughty things I've bean eating). Anyway the results are in:

11 stone 10 :shock: (WHAT a naughty Bean!)
Goal for Christmas: 11 Stone
10 Pound loss

Can Bean do it? Tune in later to find out...


Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 08:02
by barbarita
No 17 checking in: I weigh Mondays.
Start weight for challenge 29/09 122 lbs = top of my maintenance band and at target.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 08:13
by Mavesse
May I please join in?
Goal: To lose 13 pounds, taking me from 162 to 149
Method: 5:2, and keeping calories to 1200 on non-fast days
Extra: No alcohol for the duration of the challenge, 8 cups water each day, tracking on My Fitness Pal

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 08:46
by River Song
So back on the 5:2 wagon after a 3 month break.

Starting weight: 83.5 kg
Goal by Christmas: 79 kg

Fasting Mondays and Wednesdays, with Fridays where possible, and no alcohol except Saturdays and Sundays.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 09:28
by sarah293
No47 reporting for the first day of the challenge. Ok so this is my first day back on the 5:2, I did quite well when i first started in January and i stayed on it for a good three months or more and then it all fell by the way :confused: I am so glad Moogie has started to send news letters out as this as given me the encouragement to get back on board! So i first found that I needed to replace the batteries in my scales, I have to say i am more than a little shocked when I hoped on and found that I have not only undone all the work I did earlyer in the year but have also gained an extra 7
lb too it is offical I am now at the heavyist I have ever been :cry: so I have had my head in the preverbal bucket but now I need to channel all this into positive action and once again take control of myself! so for this challenge I want to loose a stone (14lb) I want to keep things realistic and for this to become a perment way of life! I will also get back and start exercising again. So this is my first fast day in a long while, here's to the hunger pangs. Good luck everybody :like:

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 09:34
by CaSuffit
Hello Everyone, After a long period away from the fasting WOL am now ready to try again and a goal to aim for seemes like a plan. So goal weight is 10st 10lbs.
Will be doing 5:2 and 16:8 on other work days. At weekends will be mindful and avoid cake and bread and too much wine
Good luck Everybody :-D :like:

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 09:40
by greenmonster
Hello, can I come in on this too - have been dallying with getting back into fasting for ages, so could do with a couple of months of focussed thinking to get things back in order again.

Current weight: 9st 9lb
Goal: 9st 0lb

Method: Am thinking standard 500 cal fast on Mondays, Tuesdays eat as normal and then weds-fri do a 16:8 type thing. And weekends, we'll play by ear. I know you're not supposed to mix it up but I'll see what works for me - I don't like doing lots of exercise on an empty tank and I do do quite a it of exercise these days. And I'm Going Sober for October too. Not total self-denial on food though, that's a short ticket to failure for me, so I won't be cutting out sugar or chocolate or things like that - that's why I was attracted to 5:2 in the first place!

Exercise: aiming for burning 500cals 5 times a week. This will likely entail 1 Body Attack class, 2 gym sessions and a couple of days where I walk quite a lot (I walk to and from work which is an hour in total, so a couple of days where I do that then march about on my lunch hour should get me there). Hopefully doable as it's pretty much what I'm doing at the moment. I'm not exact on the calorie burn as I don't have a fitbit or heart monitor but it's a rough estimate.

Good luck all! :like: :grin:

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 10:04
by swisscal
Hi No. 61 here.

My start weight is 76.4 kilos and I'm hoping to be 5k lighter by the end of this challenge and if I get to 70k that will be even better. I'm doing 4.3 for the first two weeks as the following week I'm visiting my son in London and then meeting up with friends in Barcelona at the weekend. Eeek! I haven't tried 4.3 before so I'm hoping I might lose a bit more than the usual 300-500 grams to make up for things if I don't manage to do a couple of fasts during my week in London.

Good luck to everyone! :clover: :like:

Carole x

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 10:29
by Juliana.Rivers
thanks for updates.. have updated some for post 1..
welcome all the new entries!!!!

ive managed day 1 fast really well im happy to report. start weight is a whopping 72.9kg which is scary ..

i will get it down to 70.0 is my mantra

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge thread. WEIGH IN THRE

PostPosted: 01 Oct 2014, 10:51
by Debs
Weighed this morning, 61.7kg, 9 stone 7. Aiming to start with 60kg, last year's goal! If I get to that, will be looking to under 9 stone, but I'm not getting too excited given my record!!

I would also like to see my over high cholesterol continue to drop.