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Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2017, 21:14
by Tracieknits
Sassy1 wrote: Hi @Tracieknits

Good to see you back - I had been wondering when you would return from Paris.

Best wishes for sticking with your plan and for curbing the sugar addiction! It really is a hard one to beat, isn't it? It seems to me that the only people who are successful with this longer term are those who weren't great fans of sweet things to start with. We don't often hear of people who love all things sweet being able to cut these right back permanently - though of course there would be some.

Any new insights or thoughts you have on how to curb the sugar monster will be appreciated! (My solstice plans in this regard worked for a few days and then I just fell back into the usual bad habits.)

Good luck! :clover:

PROTEIN AND FAT!! That's what battles a sugar craving. I find that I can significantly curb a sugar addiction in about two weeks of diligent work.

Step one: when I'm craving something sweet, I eat protein and fat - a piece of cheese, a handful of nuts or perhaps a hard boiled egg with a bit of mayonnaise (or even properly deviled, if I have the inclination).

step 2: Limit *all* carbs Not more than one serving per meal, not more than two servings per day. Today, for example, I had sushi for lunch at a place that uses the bare minimum of rice in their sushi rolls. Tonight, I will have a salad with a lot of veggies, chicken and feta, and a handful of croutons. I may have a square of dark chocolate with a decaf espresso for dessert if I've behaved.

Step 3: carbs must be consumed with significant amounts of protein and fat. I can put croutons on a salad. I can have a piece of bread if it's covered in butter, cheese, peanut butter or avocado. I can have a bit of rice or potatoes if I'm (1) having ONE portion and (2) eating at least as much protein and/or fat with it. Eating carbs on their own really seems to make the carb and sugar cravings worse, at least for me.

So the bad habits will come back. For me, this is where daily weighing comes in to play. If I weigh daily, I behave far better than if I don't weigh daily. I find daily weighing to be crucial to both weight loss and weight maintenance. You can't let yourself get crazy about the scale - weird fluctuations happen due to hormones, salt and other things. But you need to persevere.

I have found that I"m really losing my taste for sweet. It's slow, and it's gradual, but I'm slowing finding more and more things to be far too sweet, and I'm really appreciating more things that are less sweet. I definitely found that in Paris, when I threw out a perfectly good Paris Brest because it was just too sweet for me. (I did manage to eat two others that weren't deemed overly sugary! LOL - I ate dessert most days I was there, I think I only skipped it one day).

A long time ago, I was a huge sugar addict. Nothing was ever too sweet for me, too much was never enough. Over the past five years, that has changed. I'm no longer a complete addict. I have much more control, and at times don't even feel all that interested (when I'm controlling my carbs, the sugar monster has no hold on me). After the initial 40 pounds came off, I never went back to absolutely mad for sugar. I suspect that something in my biochemistry changed. Perhaps I started becoming less insulin resistant.

I suspect that given a few more years time, I may come to the point where it's nowhere near the struggle it is now. With work and practice, my body chemistry may change to the point where desserts just aren't that big of a deal. It's already so much easier than it used to be. If you had told me five years ago that I could go a few days without any chocolate at all and not actually realize I was avoiding it, I'd have said you were nuts. But last summer, I did that several times -- suddenly realizing it had been 3 or 4 days without any chocolate at all.

I think it's possible to change. Not easy, and not fast, but possible.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2017, 11:09
by cblasz
Welcome back @Tracieknits! I'm so happy you are back and had a wonderful time in Paris and that you are going to join our challenge!!

Thank you for your tips on the sugar/carb reduction as well. That is something I am working on also!

Good luck with your goal!

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2017, 13:24
by cblasz
Hello Solstice Challengers!
How is everyone doing so far? Despite a busy and stressful week last week I think I did pretty well. I did not give in to cravings of comfort food! But, the scale will tell tomorrow.

I'm a little concerned because next week is Teacher Appreciation Week and to thank us, our parent association and principal are providing lots of food. Breakfast one day, a candy "bar" one day, and lunches 2 days, which of course will have desserts to go with them. I don't mean to be ungrateful, but these are not really treats as torture. I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way. Some other teachers commented that it was all food. But, I will do my best. I will take part in one lunch I think and try to eat the low carb options and resist everything else.

I look forward to hearing from everyone else and I'll check back in tomorrow with my actual weight.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 01 May 2017, 11:14
by Tracieknits
Well now I feel better when I try to tell the PTA that I think their ideas for teacher appreciation day are pretty bad! Of course my ideas are more expensive (I think pay raises are a great way to show appreciation). But what do I know? I'm a tax and spend liberal who values education ;-)

I'm geared up for my first full week back on track. I did very well since Wednesday and I'm down 4.6 pounds >.< LOL I'm sure some of that was water because I was on an airplane on Monday of last week. I have 10.4 pounds to go to reach my solstice challenge weight.

Plan: reasonably light day today - definitely not more than my 30 weight watchers points, but I'm going to try to bank at least 5. It will be not as easy because I'm going out for sushi for lunch with my husband (14 points!) but I'm pretty sure I can keep dinner below 10 points. We're having grilled chicken breasts and big salads for dinner.

Tuesday - light day/fast day. I have cod fillets and broccoli to roast for dinner. I'll probably do a bit of deli turkey smeared with hummus and rolled up with baby lettuce for lunch. aiming for 10 to 15 points (500 to 750 calories, ish)

Wednesday - weigh in day at ww. We usually eat the points I didn't eat on Monday and Tuesday.

Thursday - light day/fast day - aiming for 15-20 points

Friday - I may have alcohol again! I'll be allowed to use some of my ww weeklies. I'll share 1/2 bottle of wine with hubby.

Saturday - going to an Indian wedding with a friend. There will be a big dinner, but no wine. So I should be able to keep it somewhat under control

Sunday - a family brunch. Then in the evening, a birthday party/cocktail party for a friend. It's going to be a difficult weekend...

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 01 May 2017, 11:37
by CandiceMarie
Welcome back @tracieknits! Great to see you and well done on a very good start!X

@cblasz hope the scales are kind to you today x
Feel for you re teachers appreciation ' treats' ..its a difficult situation thats going on for several days!x wdnt it be nice if they thought of non food treats instead?
you have a plan in place so that will help i hope x

Only read last two,posts,too tired to read more but wll return
Good luck fellow Challengees!
I' m 3 lb down now of my 6 lb target x

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 01 May 2017, 11:44
by Tracieknits
Happy to see you @CandiceMarie!!

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 01 May 2017, 16:37
by cblasz
Tracieknits wrote: Well now I feel better when I try to tell the PTA that I think their ideas for teacher appreciation day are pretty bad! Of course my ideas are more expensive (I think pay raises are a great way to show appreciation). But what do I know? I'm a tax and spend liberal who values education ;-)

I like your thinking @Tracieknits! Everyone complains that the U.S. is behind in the world, but then they don't want to invest in education! But for all the money they spend on food, they could get us each a small gift card to one of the places we spend money on our classroom or Starbucks or something like that. There are beautiful muffins in the lunchroom, but they must be 1000 calories and 100g of carbs alone! So far, I have avoided that!

Anyway, I'm very happy to say that the scale was down 2 lbs. today!!! So, I have extra incentive not to ruin that.

It's going to be another busy, stressful week, but I'm going to do my best to stick to my plan!

@CandiceMarie Great job so far!! and you too @Tracieknits!!

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 01 May 2017, 21:27
by Fat_Teacher
Week 2 Results

End of Week 2 on my trip to the Winter Solstice and the weight is in: 105.7kg.
That means I have lost an incredible 0 kg ... hang on a sec while I convert it from the metric ... I have lost an incredible 0 lbs since last week. Talk about nothing lost, nothing gained!

I know I've actually lost weight this week because my average is down for the week That's why I hate weekly weigh ins. So I'm not put off. Still very happy.

Yesterday was the first day that someone asked, "Have you lost weight?" Nice.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 10:43
by cblasz
Hi @Fat_Teacher - thanks for checking in! I'm glad you didn't let your lack of weight loss discourage you. Hopefully it will lead to an even bigger loss next week! :grin:

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 12:40
by Fat_Teacher
Yeah, thanks @Cblasz, all good. I lost a lot last week so I'm fine with it. Well done on losing those two pounds. Are you sure one of them wasn't mine?!? Ha.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 14:10
by Tracieknits
@Fat_Teacher - I assume you're talking about fitbit weekly average weights? Why not use the average as your weekly weigh in? That's what I have done. Or, I go with the lowest weight in the past 7 days

That's a great feeling when someone notices, isn't it :-)

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 20:09
by MaryAnn
I fell off the rails for awhile there, but seem to be getting back into it finally. I'm not really sure what is wrong with me, but I'm hoping the end of a long, stressful semester will lead to healthier choices for food and exercise. I've been running twice since my last lecture (last Thursday) and been to the gym once. I only skipped one day of exercise and that's because of my back trouble which occasionally flares up. Anyway... I might wait for another week to report a weight. I don't expect to lose much or reach my goal, but if I get back on track that will be a good start...

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 22:49
by Tracieknits
MaryAnn wrote: I fell off the rails for awhile there, but seem to be getting back into it finally. I'm not really sure what is wrong with me, but I'm hoping the end of a long, stressful semester will lead to healthier choices for food and exercise. I've been running twice since my last lecture (last Thursday) and been to the gym once. I only skipped one day of exercise and that's because of my back trouble which occasionally flares up. Anyway... I might wait for another week to report a weight. I don't expect to lose much or reach my goal, but if I get back on track that will be a good start...

Glad to see you back!
We all go off the rails sometimes. The important thing is to stop, take a look around and then get back on program -- any program! :-)

I hope your back is kinder to you this week.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 02 May 2017, 22:49
by Fat_Teacher
Yes, @Tracieknits, I used to just do the math of adding each day's weight and dividing by seven. However the Fitbit tracker saves me the morning calculator ritual on the 7th day. Plus I get to see my average change for month and year. My Fitbit stopped recharging in 2014 so I no longer track my steps, just my weight. I have my daily weigh ins back to NYE 2011.
I guess I use three weights:
My 'real' weight based upon my average for the week.
My daily weight - I use this for working out which radio station I have to listen to in the car.
My weekly weight - My Tuesday weight for the Solstice Challenge.
It's all good. I know I'm losing.

Re: June Solstice Challenge

PostPosted: 03 May 2017, 10:37
by cblasz
@fat_teacher - There's also an app called Libra, where you enter your weight in every day (if you want) and it will calculate the averages for you and such. You might like it. I think my fitbit gave me a rash, so I haven't worn it on my arm in a while, but I put in my pocket when possible!