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Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2015, 20:17
by CandiceMarie
Dont worry will soon come off ...if you quickly nip in the bud,it doesnt have time to settle. And some of it is without a doubt retained water..
I would LOVE to visit Nashville!
Lost one pound this week..seventeen anda half pounds down since i began thus challenge on 5 June,even with some cheating, and very little exercise,so i am v pleased so far! X

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2015, 21:41
by SammyIAm
That's incredible, @candicemarie!!! I wish I had that kind of luck. I work out for 45 minutes 3-5 times a week and I can barely make the scale budge! Nashville was soooo much fun. I hope you get the chance to visit. Even if you absolutely hate country music, you will still love Nashville. So much live music everywhere! :grin:

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2015, 22:05
by CandiceMarie
I love live music @sammyiam..theres a very big music scene where i live in Liverpool
When i was younger i didnt like country music but i can appreciate a lot of it now
I love Merle Haggard,Hank Williams, most fave country song is Waiting for aTrain by Jimmy Rodgers
I'd like to visit the Grand Old Opry!
Ps i think i can lose a lot quickly just coz i have a lot to lose..having said that i didnt lose an ounce for the first five weeks i fasted!
And i regain as quickly as i drop weight..
Dont lose heart,just take every day as a fresh opportunity to do yr best x

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2015, 10:29
by WarriorPrincess
Hi all, after a serious derailment of the weight-loss plan I've finally got back on track - & in fact lost a whole 1/2 pound more(!) Weigh-in today at 11.3.5, and not even after a diet day. Previous low was 11.4 on 10th July. Not exactly impressive but I'm very close to a personal milestone now, which is exciting. And, amazingly, after years of dressing to hid the Michelin-middle, I've lost 3.5 inches off the spare tyre and it's even begun to resemble a waist. Wonders will never cease!

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2015, 10:32
by WarriorPrincess
Just seen your avatar for the first time @CandiceMarie - Love it!

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2015, 11:23
by Margotsylvia
I said yesterday that I'd report if the weight would go further down.
I was 52.1 kg this morning :smile:
Then I had breakfast. The relatives will arrive tonight. Still some floors to wash and things to arrange before they come!!! I love having guests. Fruitcake on the menu tonight!
Cannot wait :grin:
So the result is that I have been severely window fasting (21,5/3,5) for 23 days and have actually lost (only?) 1kg 900g. I guess it is because my weight is pretty normal anyway, because I am in maintenance.
:clover: Good luck to all August Callengers!

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2015, 17:33
by CandiceMarie
@warriorprincess well done on that vanishing waist! And on nearing a personal milestone!

@margotsylvia you sound like such a lovely hostess! And i think that one kg plus is very good going when youve little to lose anyway xx Imagexx

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 11:31
by nursebean
Another pound gone, making a total of 9 pounds lost so far! Slowly but surely I'll get there! Hope you guys are doing well too xx
Candy, I see you've changed your Avatar. Very inspirational!!
Bean xx

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 13:46
by CandiceMarie
You're getting there @nursebean Beano! Almost a string bean... You can't have very far to go now x keep up the good work! X

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 15:28
by carieoates
I've been away ..... Not just away but dinner bed and breakfast in a gorgeous coastal hotel away. Always a weight putter onner for me.
Will get back to it next week.

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 16:49
by CandiceMarie
Caro@carieoates wondered where you were...that sounds fabulous! We must grab these fun opportunities when they present themselves! X

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 20:05
by SammyIAm
I am down 1 more pound today. So that's 4 pounds I've lost of the mini vacation weight. 3.8 pounds to go! I really hope at least half of that is water weight, but only time will tell.

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2015, 21:51
by MaryAnn
65.5kg. I might actually make it back into my maintenance window before the challenge is over. But for now, bring on the celebration weekend!

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2015, 07:49
by Lizbean
Reporting in at 125.4lbs :smile: yeh, I'm safely within my wiggle room maintaining challenge. Treat of the week was Mexican dinner last night to celebrate DD's birthday. I thought had chosen wisely, simple sizzling beef skillet with salad but boy you should have seen my face when it arrived ... doused in an oily thick flour sauce. Never mind, I have a second chance with a brunch today.
@CandiceMarie @nursebean go girls! I'm tickled pink for you :like:
@WarriorPrincess great to hear you are back on track and determined and delighted, what's the personal milestone?
@MaryAnn happy celebrations :drink: @Margotsylvia happy family time to you :smile:
@SammyIam onwards you go, chasing down those pesky pounds, they are waiting for you :wink: :clover: Welcome back @Carieoates
How's everyone else doing? Two weeks to go ......

Re: Super summer challenge: extended to end of August

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2015, 08:05
by Azureblue
:frown: I'm rubbish. 76.3kg this morning. Several disasters this week haven't helped (dead boiler and car). Fed up.
Really pleased for @CandiceMarie and your super weight loss, you're a star. Hugs all round folks :0)