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Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 08:42
by Juliana.Rivers
chinchin wrote: # 12 checking in.

Last weigh in: 80.4
This week: 80.2
200 gm/7.0548oz loss

At last I have some downward movement happening. I have been on a plateau for some weeks, hopefully it's time for a decent weight loss. Thanks @Juliana.Rivers, for organising this challenge,what an enormous amount of work to keep us all up to date. Much appreciated!

your welcome @chinchin. it is a bit of work but im loving it and its certainly motivating me on that downward scale path even stronger than last year. i think its cause we are 1 year wiser in here for the ones that participated last year in the Christmas challenge

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 09:55
by Isis
Stayed the same this week despite 4:3ing but not being able to exercise much at the moment is having an effect & awaiting blood test results because my GP thinks I have an irritated nerve in my leg & maybe B12 deficient.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 10:36
by carieoates
Hello number 40 checking in with another pound loss. Back to Mrs average :victory:
12.6.2. This is back to my all time low, and any weight I lose now is new weight and the lowest I've been for 18yrs, which happens to coincide with the "production" of our first born.
Better go and change my signature now.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 12:34
by juliebulie10
Hi... just want to say how much I'm enjoying this positivity and encouragement of this thread... knowing I signed up to this is really REALLY helping me stay motivated and proving to myself that I CAN do anything I put my mind to and that I want BAD ENOUGH!!

Keep going everyone! Onwards and downwards!

JB x

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 12:35
by SSure
Member #26 106.2lbs which is maintaining nicely within my range of 105-110lbs so I'm pleased.

Managed my One Minute Meditation every day which meets my additional challenge. :)

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 14:02
by Skippy
Hi all
Member 86 checking in. After a slow first 10 days or so things have suddenly moved very quickly -you were right to advise patience! New weight 105.8 so down 2.6 kg from last week ( 3.2kg since Oct 1st start) which I assume is something to do with water and glycogen storage last week that has been lost this time. I've been good but not that good!! Finding 4:3 easier than 5:2 and now moving more which seems to be helping to. I think it also helps that I'm new to this and have such a lot to lose. I know this success is unlikely to be repeated!

Great to hear everyone's reports and successes - inspiring and helpful to have community support. Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 15:57
by swan51
Hello Juliana, #20 checking in.
Happy (relieved, actually) to report another .6 lbs gone this week. It was kind of tricky because on Tuesday I went to a cooking class that my hubby and I had signed up for a while ago and the food was yummy. Then on Thursday I had a picnic lunch with my DIL and 5 month old granddaughter and had sandwiches (a no-no for me), so I consider myself lucky to have lost anything! So, here we are:
Oct 18 Current weight: 155.8 Total lost: 2.3 lbs

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 16:36
by Lizbean
Hi Juliana, no 29 checking in. Slightly up on last week by 0.6 lb. As I am only 1.6 pound to goal (and have been for yonks) I'm going to post my weight from time to time and of course when I get to goal, which surely must be before Xmas :wink: save you posting. So yes, I'm here - some great loses this week, congrats to all and if it's a slow journey at the moment just keep on going, like moi and others. :clover:
@Isis hope the Doc gets to the bottom of it soon and zaps that irritated nerve and feel better soon. Do let us now how you get on.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 19:55
by Gill
#38 checking in and going backwards this week. The pound I got excited about last week has returned, but I know it is going back to the gym weights that has done it, so no panicking yet. Will press on for better news next week, with fingers crossed. I know my body so much better since starting this and have learnt now that the scales don't always tell the full story.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 21:08
by CandiceMarie
Lowest weight in 18 yrs @Carieoates That is fabulously fantastic..well done you! X

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2014, 22:26
by WarriorPrincess
Can I still join in? I need all the support I can get - I'm starting tomorrow, with a 500cal day & a goal of 9lbs in 9 weeks. Anyone can do anything for 63 days ... right?

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 00:23
by Tanmc
Hi would like to join challenge!!
Starting weight is 57 kg
Goal weight is 52 kg.
have decided to fast on Monday and Thursdays. on non fast days really need to watch quantities and have decided no cakes, bread and only occasional dark chocolate. I used to be a nut freak I have not had any nuts for over two months so I can commit but he problem is it fluctuates!!!
Good luck to all.

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 01:09
by MaryAnn
I'm very happy this morning to have dropped 1.2kg from my starting weight of 68kg. I suspect it's mostly water weight as I recover from last Monday's half marathon. But I'll take anything in the right direction.

Edit to add my number: #106 I think!

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 02:09
by Juliana.Rivers
carieoates wrote: Hello number 40 checking in with another pound loss. Back to Mrs average :victory:
12.6.2. This is back to my all time low, and any weight I lose now is new weight and the lowest I've been for 18yrs, which happens to coincide with the "production" of our first born.
Better go and change my signature now.

Well done @carieoates. i can see your 11.11 goal in reach!

Re: OFFICIAL 2014 Christmas Challenge weigh ins here 108 mem

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2014, 02:12
by Juliana.Rivers
WarriorPrincess wrote: Can I still join in? I need all the support I can get - I'm starting tomorrow, with a 500cal day & a goal of 9lbs in 9 weeks. Anyone can do anything for 63 days ... right?

You certainly can @Warriorprincess ie, join the challenge group and lose a whole 9 lbs in 9 weeks. go for it!