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Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 05:04
by Mawdie
Past half way and lost 3 kilos. I am very pleased and determined to reach goal weight

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 05:35
by faith
Unfortunately I have had health scare and waiting test results. I haven't gained any weight but have not lost. I am starting fasting again next week and looking forward to it :victory:

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 05:39
by Juliana.Rivers
faith wrote: Unfortunately I have had health scare and waiting test results. I haven't gained any weight but have not lost. I am starting fasting again next week and looking forward to it :victory:

I am sorry to hear that @faithabout the health scare. Hope all is well.

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 05:40
by Juliana.Rivers
Mawdie wrote: Past half way and lost 3 kilos. I am very pleased and determined to reach goal weight

Excellent news @Mawdie! only 2kg to go. Go for it!

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 07:15
by chinchin
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
chinchin wrote: #12 Checking in.

Last Week: 79.5
This Week: 79.4
Down: 100gm
Halfway to the end of the challenge and halfway to my goal. :)
I am also seeing results on the tape measure:
2.5 cm off my waist
3 cm off my hips - since November 15th

well done on both the weight and the inches! @chinchin earlier you said
Method: I'm regularly doing 5:2, sometimes adding a 1000 calorie day between fast days

are you still doing this? Please share your successful method in case any of us can benefit. How do you do your fast days?

Hi @Juliana.Rivers, I'm still doing 5:2 and the occasional 1000 calorie day. That extra '1000 cal' day isn't a regular thing. I have lowered my TDEE as well, by 300 cals. Also I'm grain free 99% of the time and on fast days do my best to avoid carbs, even in veggies. I eat red meat, white meat and fish, but very small amounts on fast days. I try to limit red meat to a minimum all the time, just enough to keep up my iron levels. I always, without exception weigh more when I eat red meat.
I believe I would lose weight a little faster if I could limit my meals to one on a fast day. I don't eat anything until 11:00am, a very light lunch sometimes after 1:00pm and dinner. I have had weeks where I lost nothing or yo-yo'd over a kilo or so. At this point in time my body is choosing to throw off a bit of fat; slowly...not going to argue with that. Oh and interestingly during those periods of plateau I have still noticed a very slight downward trend on my tracker. 5:2/IF = :victory:

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 07:54
by Nicky_94
Member 19 here, still weighing 63.8, which is just within my maintenance range, so I'm OK with that. Next week I'm going to try hard to fit in 2 fasts on Monday and Wednesday as we are taking my daughter to Disneyland at the end of the week which will involve more eating than normal. Work has been mad so have not fitted in exercise, the no sugar is not going perfectly but it's at least better than a month ago!

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 08:11
by Golarne
#94 here and happy!
22nd Nov 57.9kg (lost 1kg) Down 2.1kg in total. :smile:
I've had a good week, which is a good job as we had a big meal with wine last night and another one tonight. Much reduced snacks between meals is making a difference on 'normal' days. Although I'm active, I'm failing at exercise though, so that's my goal for the week coming.

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 08:50
by Gill
Hi #38 checking in, this is a slow route down, but I found another half a pound to lose somewhere this week. Now I have a 3 pound loss for the challenge and am half way to goal weight loss. The tracker says I wont make it before the end and I tend to agree, but I will keep with the same goal. These last few pounds are clinging on until the very end.

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 10:35
by juliebulie10
Hello #48 here checking in....

I missed last week as I had to shift around my fast days again to suit social events and was really hoping to see another loss on the scales as this is week 7 but NO :( a 2.2lb (1kg) GAIN!! GGrrrrr........

I think I must have slipped into a very easy cruise on food days of just enjoying what ever I wanted and yes, this has included lots more carbs than I would have ever eaten over the last couple of years. For example, at the beach last weekend I had a Fajita Wrap AND chips!! I would never have chosen this but I would have enjoyed (genuinely) a greek salad or tuna salad or something... but since I'm fasting again, my mind seems to think that it is ok for me to have these kinds of foods again.... well, looking at the scales it would seem that my body disagrees!!......... back to the low carbs on food days, liquid fast on fast days and just Friday for a cheat meal NOT a cheat weekend and every food day thereafter!!...

I'm really not TOO annoyed with this gain, I know why it is, and I will make changes... I am in this for the long haul and is is lifestyle change..... I will keep losing, even if its at a slower pace... yes, to get to goal for Christmas would be WONDERFUL, but its not the be-all-and-end-all.... wow me!!

JB x

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 11:28
by Lizbean
:curse: Here we are 22 Nov and weigh in records a 2.2lbs UP :shock: . I am going in the wrong direction ....... I know the reason is due to ridiculously busy and stressful few weeks at work resulting in me losing my way over the last week. I fasted Sunday instead of Monday, then missed the fast on Thursday. It's time to draw a line under that and get back into my routine. Now 3.79lbs away from goal. I'm off to give myself a de-stressing session, plan the week ahead and immerse myself in all things 52.
@Juliebulie10 - me too 2.2lbs up, hope it comes off as quickly as it arrived! Let's see.

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 14:16
by Madcatlady
# 10 checking in

Not quite sure what to report - I briefly saw 14.4 but then some heavy eating due to socialising has pushed me back up and despite fasting for 2 days, scales say 14.6 this morning (although I am overdue a trip to the loo) so if nobody objects I think it is fairest to say I am the same as last week at 14.5 and will hopefully be able to properly report in at 14.4 next week!

Hope that makes sense!

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 23:17
by Alexandra
Slimmer wrote: I too have been suffering with various aches and pains and have been taking Naproxen and paracetamol. Shoulder pain wakes me at night and I have made a GP appointment for next week. It has just occurred to me that since my pain increased my weight loss has stalled and the will to fast has disappeared!

I find it nearly impossible to fast when I am in so much pain. Like you I get woke several times during the night with pain that is if I manage to fall asleep in the first place. Good luck with your doctor. Hope they move quicker wherever you are.

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2014, 09:58
by WarriorPrincess
Xmas Challenge member 109 - week 5 out of 9 for me. 12st 3 this morning - 1/2 pound gained and the first real downer. It was going wonderfully till Friday. The morning after 500cal Thursday I was under 12st 1 - quite brilliant. But 2 old friends had birthdays last week & we had a little celebration on Friday evening ... & it was obviously OK to eat & drink whatever I liked as I was doing so well. Then yesterday I found some chocolate biscuits my son had unaccountably left in a bag in the fridge when he went back to uni weeks back. They weren't even nice! Fastday today and next Sat for me, carefully planned calories this week & the gym mid-week. Now's the time to trust the process & behave myself!

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2014, 12:07
by PeonyBlue
Hiya all - a belated check in from member no 45 (I's been too long for my poor memory for numbers!)

Anyway, hopped on the scales this morning and I'm 71.6 kg - nicely in my target for maintenance. Over the last few weeks I've occasionally crept into the 73kg range, but an odd fast or two has kept me on track. Pretty happy really :smile:

Sorry I haven't had a chance yet to read other posts - hang in there all, and may the fast be with you!

Re: P A S T H A L F W A Y Week 7 posts CHRISTMAS CHALL

PostPosted: 23 Nov 2014, 14:24
by carieoates
Number 40 here
I didn't show a loss at weigh-in but since I've dropped a pound so 12.3.
I'm ati happy that the weight is coming off as I lose then maintain lose.loss, maintain. As long as I don't gain its all still a downward trend.