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Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 02:56
by chinchin

Just realised that the challenge is finished. There is no way I'm going to meet my challenge goal. I am 650gm off.
However I weigh and measure less after this challenge than the last one. So YAY!

Congratulations to everyone who joined in this Christmas Challenge. Well done for the effort, commitment and keeping each other company. :victory:

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 08:33
by Gill
#38 reporting in with a half pound gain. I still have 2.5lb to go and as I average under a half a pound a week I know I wont make it. So total loss for challenge so far 3.5lb, bit disappointing, but better than nothing. May declare 133 to be my goal weight (rather than interim) next week and go into maintenance for the new year.

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 08:34
by Golarne
Well done to the goal scorers! :victory: And to everyone else for giving it a shot.
This challenge has meant that I've started the festive season at a lower weight than I would have. Thank you!
#94 here
13th Dec 58.4kg (up 400g) Down 1.6 kg in total. Fasted only Mon, then festive/birthday meals, so could be worse!

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 09:10
by mas54321
#96 here

I go by my saturday morning weight only, regardless of if i saw a lower weight in the week -eg this week i saw a great midweek result, but after the past two days of really heavy drinking/xmas party, it's showing a bit heavier this morning!

Anyway as of today
This week -1.5kg
which brings me down to 2digit kilos, my end of year target met, and 5kg below my xmas challenge weight. I've lost 18kg since 30th September, and 25kg since april (first start date) .... Here's to a better 2015 with everything else

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 09:43
by SSure
Member 26 - I'm 106lbs so well within my 105-110lbs range and in my comfort zone within that by trend. :)

I'm pleased to be maintaining.

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 12:06
by carieoates
Number 40 here, I've bounced up to 12.3....better than I thought it would be. Fingers crossed for next weeks weigh in. I may leave my final one til Xmas eve. Is that ok? @Juliana.Rivers

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 14:37
by Lizbean
@chinchin I think there is one week left or a bit longer if you want to go up to Xmas eve like carieoates .......
@greenmonster good luck :clover: look forward to hearing your progress. Well done everyone - @mas54321 that's great news, congrats to you :star:
No 29 lost 0.2lbs :lol: 0.8lbs to go and only one Xmas lunch this week. Juliana, I record what the scales say on a Friday morning.
Big cheer for everyone, we are in the home straight :clap: clap: clap: :clap: clap: clap:

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 17:50
by Tammae
I need to lose 2 lbs to make my goal. I could have it by now... but I got off plan over two weeks in November and gained 7 lbs!!! Today I am back where I should be so if I can lose 2 lbs next week I will make goal.

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2014, 23:34
by chinchin
Lizbean wrote: @chinchin I think there is one week left or a bit longer if you want to go up to Xmas eve like carieoates .......
@greenmonster good luck :clover: look forward to hearing your progress. Well done everyone - @mas54321 that's great news, congrats to you :star:
No 29 lost 0.2lbs :lol: 0.8lbs to go and only one Xmas lunch this week. Juliana, I record what the scales say on a Friday morning.
Big cheer for everyone, we are in the home straight :clap: clap: clap: :clap: clap: clap:

@Lizbean, thank you! I thought there were two weeks to go, but something I read made me think we had finished.
I may still meet my challenge goal then. :clover: :grin:

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 14:38
by Madcatlady
Hi #10 here I'm not reporting my current weight as due to working away and a Xmas dinner on Friday, it's not great BUT since last check-in I have actually seen 13.13 on the scales, 1lb under my revised target and 1 stone 3 from the beginning of the challenge so that will do me for now! Just need to get rid of as many pesky pounds gained this week as possible before Xmas.............

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 16:46
by Isis
No 3 reporting in. Well done everyone who has successfully completed their Christmas Challenge :like: :star: :star: I will not be one of you! I have lost another pound this week so I am working back to my pre-Japan weight but unfortunately I have no hope of even getting below 12 stone let alone 11 stone 8lbs! So I will have to keep plodding on to get there & eventually to my end goal weight of 10 stone next year. I am rather depressed that my tracker seems to have accurately predicted that I am unlikely to get there until October 2015 because of my slow averaged weight loss with holiday gains slowing things up. However I was always in here for the long haul & will now follow this WOE forever :smile: Thank you for organising the challenge Juliana :like: :heart:

Re: Week 10 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 2 WEEKS TO GO!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:12
by Juliana.Rivers
greenmonster wrote: Hello, number 95 here. I'm afraid I'm going to be dropping out of the challenge for 2 main reasons, well 3 really.

1. We have decided that in the new year we will be trying for a Little Monster, and being in my mid 30s, I want to make sure my body is as well nourished as possible to maximise chances.

2. I have also decided to train for a half marathon in May. Obviously should I conceive during training (well not technically DURING, that would be some feat!), I will consult the docs to see if it's ok to carry on, but I really want to give it a go. I know many folks train and fast but I know I will function better if properly fed all the time - it's going to be an intense few months, esp as I hope to be working more hours too!

3. I wasn't really losing any weight and, quite frankly, I don't need to or even massively want to any more. I have a good healthy bmi, I do lots of activity and I get hungry! I felt dreadful when I fasted on Mondays (the only one I was really doing properly) and I just realised I was punishing myself for a few vanity pounds- not to mention pigging out on feed days as my body was just tired and hungry. I have gone back to eating healthy real full fat scratch cooked food 90% of the time and you know what? I feel great and have gained 1lb in 2 weeks which, with quite a few meals out recently, seems not that shabby.

Sorry to bow out, I don't like to quit, but it seems pointless for me to carry on. Thanks to Juliana.Rivers for keeping us all motivated and, you never know, I may be wanting to fast again come baby-weight-shifting time. It worked for me when I was feeling a little tubby before, so maybe again. I'll keep popping on here to see how you're all doing but can't promise I won't be eating while I do so... :wink:

No problem @greenmonsterand you have some very good reasons. Sometimes, I think some people do indeed loose just 1 or 2 kilos too many or even more so it's good you have a good awareness of what your body needs. All the best for the marathon!

Re: Week 10 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 2 WEEKS TO GO!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:16
by Juliana.Rivers
chinchin wrote: # 12 checking in.

Last Week: 80.2
This Week: 78.8
Down: 1.4
Actual Loss: 500gm

I was surprised and pleased to discover the 900gm I held at last week's weigh-in is gone plus 500gm.
Loss so far: 2.1kg

:clover: to all! It's been exciting to see all the losses! Even more exciting to see how we all tally up at the end
of the challenge.
My challenge loss is: 2.75, so I still have 650gm to lose; in two weeks. Will I do it?
Hope so!

Yes of course you can chinchin Well done so far

Re: Week 10 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 2 WEEKS TO GO!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:17
by Juliana.Rivers
Brand-ie wrote: NO 5 checking in with a 1lb lose. Yay Plus I have gone jogging this week as well again. :grin:
So I am only 1.25lb off target. Even if I don't make it I think it's been great.

@Brand-ie.. it sure is.

Re: Week 11 of 12 week CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE - 1 WEEK TO GO!!

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:22
by Juliana.Rivers
bofa45 wrote: #43 checking in. Down to 82.5 kg this morning. Just under 13 stone so I've achieved what I set out to do before Christmas! :)
Will continue after the festivities to shift another 10 lbs.
Sure there will be a New Year challenge started!
One more week to final check in so trying for 2 good fasts this week coming. Good luck to everyone still on the wagon before Christmas. X

Well done @bofa45and CONGRATULATIONS. You are the 7th member to reach their goal.